[net.micro] Anyone got the dope on Zilog's Z800?

maxwell@orphan.DEC (04/19/85)

For  the  last  couple  of  years,  I've  been  drooling  over  what  little
information I've been able to gather about Zilog's Z80 descendant

bobd@zaphod.UUCP (Bob Dalgleish) (04/23/85)

No dope:
	1) Zilog is currently working on both the Z80000 and the Z800
	2) The Z80000 is "important for Zilog's future placement in the
	   32 bit market".
	3) Consequently, the Z800 won't come out before the Z80000 sees
	   actual silicon.

I think Zilog is really getting prepared to blow it with this setup.
The Z800 is a real honey of a processor.  If it had been available four
years ago, I and other right thinking software people would not be
scared of having to program on iAPX86's.  It has the speed, it has the
instruction set, and it might have the engineering to take care of a lot
of the things the Z80 didn't have the horsepower to do.

However, the pressures of marketing and limited resources means they
are going to go with the biggy rather than the small one.  Ah well, what
can you do?!?
[The opinions expressed here are only loosely based on the facts]

Bob Dalgleish		...!alberta!sask!zaphod!bobd
(My company has disclaimed any knowledge of me and whatever I might say)