[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] CopyFile problem in Developers Stack 1.2

mi@chyde.uwasa.fi (Matti Inkinen HKJ) (10/27/89)

Problem, Problem, Proble

I sent a couple of weeks ago an inquire of CopyFile XCFN problem but got
no answer. I'll try again.

Problem is that I would need a XCFN which copies contents of an old file
to a new. Developers Stack 1.2 have such XCFN, but the resurce is empty.
Now, do somebody have that XCFN !!!

If you know something about it, please e-mail me.

Thanks in advance

	*  Matti Inkinen		e-mail  mi@chyde.uwasa.fi     *
	*  University of Vaasa		 	inkinen@vakk.uwasa.fi *
	*  Finland			voice	358-(9)61-248302      *