(Alex Hartov) (11/01/89)
Greetings all. I'm posting this in an attempt to understand what makes a stack of mine bomb. I have several stacks that I created in which I keep bibliographies on different topics. Recently, I tried to create a stack that would be made up of the contents of all the individual topic bibliographies. I do this by looking up in each origin stacks for a field which contains an abbreviation (e.g. [Hart-89]) of the reference and then see if I can find it in the complete destination stack. This, it seems to me, is a straightforward script and it didn't take long to write it. The problem I have is that it bombs after a while for no good reason. My setup is: Mac Plus, system F-6.03 (French version), Finder. I suspect it has something to do with running out of memory when creating too many cards. The error messages I get on the Bomb are: ID 2 or ID 10. Any ideas? Thanks. Alex Hartov,