[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Looking for shareware "Boolean search"

kfr@dip.eecs.umich.edu (K. Fritz Ruehr) (11/29/89)

  A friend of mine is in a Library and Info Sciences program and is building
a demonstration stack to show off the usefulness of Hypercard as a user inter-
face for bibliographic databases.  He is looking for a way to do "Boolean
searches" over keywords in a stack (i.e., Boolean combinations of keywords,
such as: "'hyper' and 'nifty' and not 'expensive'").  I can direct him to 
commercial products such as HyperKRS from Knowledge Set, but at $195 I'm sure
this is out of his price range.

  Sooo, ... Does anyone know of public domain or shareware offerings that will
give this capability in a stack?  I imagine that XCMDs or XFCNs would be the
best way to do this, but hand-coding in HyperTalk might be feasible.  Any help
would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

  --  Fritz Ruehr

krona@nada.kth.se (Kjell Krona) (12/06/89)

There is several ways to do this in HyperTalk. I will briefly
outline three of them:

1) Start with the HyperCard "find" on the words you want
to find. Then, do a string search to check if the words
you do NOT want to find are present; if so restart the
HyperCard find, else the search is over (you might want to
remember the card and continue the search until you found
all hits).

2) Start with the HyperCard "find" as above; after a hit,
remember the ID of the card, and do a HyperCard "find" on
the words that should NOT be present; if you get a hit,
check whether the ID of the card is the same; if not, or if
the "find" does not succed, the card you found originally was
correct. This is propably faster if the fields contains a
very large amount of text.

3) Do a HyperCard "find" on the words you want to find, and
repeat until you found all hits; then, do a HyperCard "find"
on the words you do NOT want to find, and record these hits
also. Finally, compare them; all cards in the first list
which do not occur in the second are the final hits.

I can not vote for the relativa efficency of the above methods.
Generally, if you want to do anything complicated to a long
text, it is better to recode this is Pascal or C; about a
year ago I made som XCMDs to compare two strings and find all
substrings that were equal. This was about 30 times faster than
in HyperTalk. For small amounts of text, however, the savings
are insignificant.

The techniques outlined above can be expanded to cover the
problem of having different terms i different fields: for
example, find "name = John" and "street =/= Fifth Avenue".
One way to do this is to store the "true" words in one
container, the "false" in another, and the field names
in a third. Then, repeat for the number of lines in the

This is merely a short outline of some possible methods.

	- kjell