[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] FTP help

salamon@sun.acs.udel.edu (Andrew Salamon) (01/11/90)

    I have:  Mac Plus
             Red Ryder 9.2
	     Stuffit 1.5.1
             Binhex 5.0
  I have an account on a sun running some unknown (to me) version of
unix.  I have FTPed some files from sumex-aim and I tried to transfer
them to a mac with Red Ryder's Receive file-ASCII function.  However
when I tried unencode the resulting files with stuffit and Binhex it
continually gave me errors like "No check-sum" from binhex and
"unexpected EOF" from stuffit.

Do you have any ideas about what the problem is?  Is there another
communications program (preferably PD/SW) that I should use instead?

Thanks, in advance, for any help anyone can provide on this problem.
       **  **                          |   /Andrew/
         /\       HAVE A NICE DAY!     |   self-styled Bleydion op Rhys
       \____/                          |   salamon@sun.acs.udel.edu

rieman@boulder.Colorado.EDU (John Rieman) (01/11/90)

In article <6646@sun.acs.udel.edu> salamon@vax1.acs.udel.EDU () writes:
> ... [ftp from sumex] ...
>when I tried unencode the resulting files with stuffit and Binhex it
>continually gave me errors like "No check-sum" from binhex and
>"unexpected EOF" from stuffit.

Two things.  First, strip any text off the top of the files.  Second, use a 
text editor to merge the subfiles of a given application into a single file 
with no empty lines between the sections.  Be sure to save as text.  Then run 
binhex followed by stuffit.

U. of Colorado

ianh@merlin.bhpmrl.oz (Ian Hoyle) (01/12/90)

From article <15525@boulder.Colorado.EDU>, by rieman@boulder.Colorado.EDU (John Rieman):
> Two things.  First, strip any text off the top of the files.  Second, use a 
> text editor to merge the subfiles of a given application into a single file 
> with no empty lines between the sections.  Be sure to save as text.  Then run 
> binhex followed by stuffit.

An easier method is to use the "United" shareware application which does
the header/trailer text stripping and file concatenation automagically :-)


                Ian Hoyle
     /\/\       Computer Systems Superintendent
    / / /\      BHP Melbourne Research Laboratories
   / / /  \     245 Wellington Rd, Mulgrave, 3170
  / / / /\ \    AUSTRALIA
  \ \/ / / /
   \  / / /     Phone   :  +61-3-560-7066
    \/\/\/      ACSnet  :  ianh@merlin.bhpmrl.oz.au
                Internet:  ianh%merlin.bhpmrl.oz.au@uunet.uu.net

tom@wcc.oz (Tom Evans) (01/17/90)

In article <1382@merlin.bhpmrl.oz>, ianh@merlin.bhpmrl.oz (Ian Hoyle) writes:
> From article <15525@boulder.Colorado.EDU>, by rieman@boulder.Colorado.EDU (John Rieman):
> > 
> > Two things.  First, strip any text off the top of the files.  Second, use a 
> An easier method is to use the "United" shareware application which does

I've only had about 30% success with United. It gives some message about
"autoflush" on some files and creates a very broken result. Any ideas?

Tom Evans  tom@wcc.oz.au        |
Webster Computer Corp P/L       | "The concept of my
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