[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Hypercard/Supercard

JJK106@psuvm.psu.edu (jeff kochosky) (03/09/90)

Is there any way to transfer Hypercard stacks to Supercard to convert them to
stand-alone applications?  Is there any way to do it without transferring to
Supercard?  Inquiring minds want to know...
o                       o "If you miss the train I'm on, you will know that   o
*     Jeff Kochosky     *  I am gone... you can hear the whistle blow a       *
o (JJK106@PSUVM.BITNET) o  hundred miles..."                                  o
*                       *      - "Five Hundred Miles" by The Hooters/PP&M     *
*    Disclaimer:  These aren't my opinions... someone else left them here.    *

JJK106@psuvm.psu.edu (jeff kochosky) (03/11/90)

In article <90068.100211JJK106@psuvm.psu.edu>, I said:
>Is there any way to transfer Hypercard stacks to Supercard to convert them to
>stand-alone applications?  Is there any way to do it without transferring to
>Supercard?  Inquiring minds want to know...

I have been receiving receiving mail saying in effect, "Don't post to both of
these groups in the same note... Those of us who don't read comp.mac.hypercard
really don't care what you have to say."  This note is for those people.

If you would bother to look at the actual contents of the note, you would
would notice that it says:
>Is there any way to do it without transferring to Supercard?
This translates into "Is it possible to hack a Hypercard file into an
application?"  This question is valid in comp.sys.mac, which is why I posted it
there.  Thank you for your time, and your bandwidth.
o                       o "If you miss the train I'm on, you will know that   o
*     Jeff Kochosky     *  I am gone... you can hear the whistle blow a       *
o (JJK106@PSUVM.BITNET) o  hundred miles..."                                  o
*                       *      - "Five Hundred Miles" by The Hooters/PP&M     *
*    Disclaimer:  These aren't my opinions... someone else left them here.    *