[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] problem with word wrapping in text fields

ireland@ac.dal.ca (03/23/90)

I'm writing a stack which has a scrolling text field that it used to store
long strings (up to 5000 characters).  I want to have 50 characters on each
line.  The problem is that I get word wrapping a different positions on 
different lines.  I am using a monospaced font (Monaco 12) and all of the
characters are letters of the alphabet.  I have read that HC has a bug which
causes lines which end in certain characters to wrap incorrectly, but I am
not using these characters.  My work around up til now have been to keep track
of the length of the string and insert spaces after every 50 characters.
Now I would like to be able to search the text with find chars and the spaces
prevent finding character sequences which are broken by the word wrapping.

I would greatly appreciate any help with this problem.  I should have mentioned
previously that most lines contain 50 chars, but an occasional one will have
51 characters.  I haven't been able to find a text field width which will 
always have 50 characters per line.

Thanks,    Keith