[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Voice databases using Hypercard

stefan@hercule.cs.concordia.ca (BUCHHOLZ stefan) (04/08/90)

>From: harmo@cc.helsinki.fi (Timo Harmo, Fac. of Soc.Sci, U of Helsinki)

>Does anybody know of systems for voice-databases connected to hypercard (or
>something similar). 

	I will be doing very much the same thing.  I am using Cando, 
superbase profeesional, and AREXX on an Amiga2500/30. Are you using Mac II's?
Hmm... If you do get answers, I would be VERY curious to see how you do this
on any Mac.

>What we woud need is a database of several hours of speech-samples that could
>be accessed from the corresponding texts (litterations of the samples).

	Sounds like a jucgle of incompatibilities, sound, images and animation
files are standard on the Amiga.  I know this doesn't help you, but if you 
have access to Amigas, use them...

>I think it woud require voice-compression, saving them in files in a worm-drive
>(?), some simple dbms, and an interface (xcmnds) to hypercard.
>If there isn't anything like that for hypercard, do you know any newsgroups 
>where I could ask about other ways of doing this kind of databases
>(comp.databases.voice, sci.speech.analysis :-)
 -Timo Harmo

Try Comp.sys.amiga, **.**.multimedia.  Cando is exactly like hypercard, only
it is on a computer which offers standard image, animation and sound files.

Stefan Buchholz * Concordia University Computer Science * a.k.a Stefy LePew
stefan@doyle.cs.concordia.ca  > MITE AVsita Multimedia lab system support <<