[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Bringing windows to the front

hallettJ@gemed (Jeff Hallett x4-5163) (04/09/90)

Howdy folks.

I am wondering if it is possible to bring a window to  the front via a
script attached to  a  button in  another  window.  Using the  palette
window isn't a viable alternative due to its appearance.

Any help you can give me is appreciated.


	     Jeffrey A. Hallett, PET Software Engineering
      GE Medical Systems, W641, PO Box 414, Milwaukee, WI  53201
	    (414) 548-5163 : EMAIL -  hallettJ@gemed.ge.com
		 "Don't applaude; just throw money."

harkcom@potato.pa.Yokogawa.CO.JP (Alton Harkcom) (04/10/90)

your question needs to be more specific, but maybe this will help...

on mouseUp
   goto card id nnnn
end mouseUp
  /\---/\     Alton Harkcom        |<Disclaimer>
 / __  __\    1-13-26-A505 Honcho  |   The opinions and ideas expressed
 | <-> <->\   Higashimurayama-shi  |in this document are my personal
 \    ,,  /   Tokyo, 189   Japan   |opinions and have nutin ta do wid
  \_ (--)/    T:0422-52-5589       |nobody else. Got it!?!?
    \\\//              harkcom@pa.yokogawa.co.jp

ALC@psuvm.psu.edu (04/13/90)

Windows? Do mean using Supercard... As we well know, Hypercard has
no windows...

taylorj@yvax.byu.edu (04/13/90)

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question, but all you have to do is put

  open window "windowName"

into the script of the button.

Jim Taylor
Microcomputer Support for Curriculum
Brigham Young University