(Stephen Jonke - Code 522) (06/07/90)
Help! Why can't I find an XCMD or XFNC that will return a list of all files AND folders in a given folder (indicated by full pathname)? In the Developer Stack their is an XFNC called FILES that will return all files in some folder, but won't list the folders in that folder! A co-worker discovered one that would do what I want but only on a floppy disk (WHY?) If anyone knows of a source of such an XCMD I would appreciate if you would email the info to me as soon as possible. Am I mistaken, or is this an obvious XCMD/FNC to have (or more correctly that Hypercard should have)? Steve J. -- "I carried it around with me for days, and days. Playing little games like not looking at it for a whole day and then looking at it to see if I still liked it -- I did!"