[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Typing Something into HyperCard

mhowitt@pro-angmar.UUCP (Matt Howitt) (06/11/90)

My friend Martin and I were wondering:
Can you get HyperCard to execute a command key equivalent, for instance Cmd-A.
 We tried doing this:
type "A" with the command key down

and other varients, but had no luck!  Any ideas?  Thanks...


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salamon@sun.udel.edu (Andrew Salamon) (06/11/90)

In article <381.mac.hypercard@pro-angmar> mhowitt@pro-angmar.UUCP (Matt Howitt) writes:
>My friend Martin and I were wondering:
>Can you get HyperCard to execute a command key equivalent, for instance Cmd-A.
> We tried doing this:
>type "A" with the command key down
>and other varients, but had no luck!  Any ideas?  Thanks...

If you have Macro-maker or any other macro program, try writing a macro
that types the combination you want, then putting a doMenu command in
your script.

Ca ne fait rien.
Magic in my Mind                     |   /Andrew/
Music in my Heart                    |   soi-disant Bleydion op Rhys
Laughter in my Soul                  |   salamon@sun.acs.udel.edu
And...A Sword in my Fist (sigh)      | 

dlugose@uncecs.edu (Dan Dlugose) (06/11/90)

In article <381.mac.hypercard@pro-angmar> mhowitt@pro-angmar.UUCP (Matt Howitt) writes:
>Can you get HyperCard to execute a command key equivalent, for instance Cmd-A.
    Type "A" with commandkey
Dan Dlugose
Internet: dlugose@uncecs.edu
UNC Educational Computing Service
Box 12035, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2035