schoenli@ittral.UUCP (Dick Schoenling) (05/02/85)
I recently got a very good deal on a CP/M 68k system (Dimension 68000 by MicroCraft in Dallas). In order to make it more useful than it is already I need some sort of file transfer program such as Xmodem, Kermit, or whatever else is out there. I've already found a source for Xmodem, but I would also like to get a copy of Kermit and compare its performance to Xmodem to see which will be more reliable on my system. Does anyone in netland have a copy(I'm assuming its public) of Kermit for CP/M 68k or at least written in some generic flavor of C(By generic I mean without all the VAXen path names or sys calls)? If you can't mail it, please post it(or vice versa). I'd also like to hear any(first hand experienced) opinions about the system or MicroCraft. Thanks in Advance, Dick Schoenling decvax!{ittvax,mcnc,ncsu,burl}!ittral!schoenli