[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Script Control of Polygon Tool

ford@sei.cmu.edu (Gary Ford) (08/29/90)

I have never been able to get the (irregular) polygon tool to draw under
script control.  Is this a known bug in HyperCard, or am I missing something
simple?  The other painting tools seem to work correctly.

The behavior of scripts indicates that the tool is being selected and
the drawing commands (I've tried "click at..." and "drag from ... to ..."
in various combinations) are being interpreted, but nothing shows up on
the card.

I would appreciate receiving an example of a script that succesfully
invokes the tool to draw an irregular polygon in the card picture layer.

Gary Ford
Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University

jdevoto@Apple.COM (Jeanne A. E. DeVoto) (08/31/90)

In article <8382@fy.sei.cmu.edu> ford@sei.cmu.edu (Gary Ford) writes:
>I have never been able to get the (irregular) polygon tool to draw under
>script control.  Is this a known bug in HyperCard, or am I missing something
>simple?  The other painting tools seem to work correctly.

This is a known limitation of HyperCard: you can't use the polygon tool
under script control. The workaround is to use the line tool to draw the
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