[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] :Well then, what about a NEW MacInTalk ?

lasj@vax5.cit.cornell.edu (10/23/90)

Ok, I understand that that things will change, sound-wize, with 6.0.7...
What worries me is Macintalk... or the future lack of Macintalk.

I hope/wish that someone who knows could tell me that Apple is releasing a new
"Macin-whatever" that will do the same or better job for 6.0.7 and up systems.

Dream on ? (sigh..)

Larry Slack
Cornell University
In article <45767@apple.Apple.COM>, rodneys@Apple.COM (Rodney Somerstein) write

borton@garnet.berkeley.edu (Chris "Johann" Borton) (10/24/90)

In article <1990Oct23.123244.546@vax5.cit.cornell.edu> lasj@vax5.cit.cornell.edu writes:
>Ok, I understand that that things will change, sound-wize, with 6.0.7...
>What worries me is Macintalk... or the future lack of Macintalk.
>I hope/wish that someone who knows could tell me that Apple is releasing a new
>"Macin-whatever" that will do the same or better job for 6.0.7 and up systems.

At the Developer's Conference in May Apple promised a successor to
Macintalk.  With nifty advanced features, of course, like having the source
code to it :-).  

Reading between the lines of Apple's developer publications (Apple Direct in
this case), I get the idea that they had on target a [partial] system
release for spring that would include sound and video compression.  Viewed
in light of the current 7.0 situation, I doubt it'll be out in spring.  This
new Macintalk would be a logical part of this.

Disclaimer: I'm a fool grad student! :-)  All info here based on my own
	    interpretation of Apple's publications.

Chris Borton -*- UC Berkeley School of Education -*- borton@garnet.berkeley.edu

ewright@convex.com (Edward V. Wright) (10/24/90)

In <1990Oct24.093157.17559@agate.berkeley.edu> borton@garnet.berkeley.edu (Chris "Johann" Borton) writes:

>Reading between the lines of Apple's developer publications (Apple Direct in
>this case), I get the idea that they had on target a [partial] system
>release for spring that would include sound and video compression.  Viewed
>in light of the current 7.0 situation, I doubt it'll be out in spring.

Sound compression is already available in System 6.0.7.