jk4i+@andrew.cmu.edu (John McCall Kingsley, III) (12/12/90)
Hi, Does anyone know the paramters that are needed by the TNPict XCMD from the Apple Technical Notes Stack. I have been trying to use this XCMD, and it seems to work fine, but it takes several parameters, and I have been able to figure out some of them, but not all of them -- I am especially interested in finding out how to reduce the size of the image. I have typed in some random combinations and the file is reduced by 36%, but I cannot figure out how one might go about reducing it by some factor that I determine. Thanks. Jack Kingsley
fry@zariski.harvard.edu (David Fry) (12/12/90)
In article <QbNK1Me00WB4QTU0Nw@andrew.cmu.edu> jk4i+@andrew.cmu.edu (John McCall Kingsley, III) writes: >Hi, > >Does anyone know the paramters that are needed by the TNPict XCMD from the >Apple Technical Notes Stack. I have been trying to use this XCMD, and it >seems to work fine, but it takes several parameters, and I have been able >to figure out some of them, but not all of them -- I am especially interested >in finding out how to reduce the size of the image. I have typed in some >random combinations and the file is reduced by 36%, but I cannot figure out >how one might go about reducing it by some factor that I determine. > >Thanks. >Jack Kingsley I wrote TNPict several years ago, so I should comment. Below is a sloppy listing of the parameters that was written at that time as a note to myself. Unfortunately, you cannot determine the image reduction percentage; you can merely tell it to shrink the image to the size of the window. I should also note that TNPict has problems with HyperCard 2.0 and I don't have any firm plans now to fix it. Sorry. You can use the Picture XCMD for a replacement. David Fry fry@math.harvard.EDU Department of Mathematics fry@huma1.bitnet Harvard University ...!harvard!huma1!fry Cambridge, MA 02138 -----------------------------cut here-------------------------- About TNPict... TNPict is a HyperCard XCMD for displaying and printing picture files from within a script. It can natively open PICT and MacPaint files, as well as files with a 'PICT' resource of ID = 0 (StartUpScreens on a Macintosh II). In addition, there is a mechanism for opening virtually any file type; using this technique, TNPict can now open EPSF files. The syntax for TNPict is as follows: TNPict fileName,windows,bestColors,left,top,right,bottom, delay,leftpixel,toppixel Only the fileName parameter is required; the others are optional. % fileName should be a partial or complete pathname to the file to be displayed. If the pathname is partial, the XCMD will use the Documents card in the Home stack to attempt to find a file for opening. fileName can also be the name of a 'PICT' resource in the stack, in the Home stack, or in the HyperCard application itself. % windows specifies what type of window the picture should be presented in. If windows = 0, the window will be borderless, with no scroll bars, and can't be resized or moved. If windows = 1, a normal moveable document window will be used, with scroll bars, and zoom, grow and close boxes. If windows = 1, the user will also be presented with a Print button in the lower left corner of the window. If the option key is held down, the Print button turns into a Page Setup button. The default is windows = 0. (Special feature: if windows = 2, the file will be displayed, printed, and closed immediately, without user intervention.) % bestColors is used for displaying color files on a Mac II (it has no effect on computers without Color QuickDraw). If bestColors is non-zero, the color table used to make the image originally will be used to display it now, resulting in best possible quality at the possible expense of any pictures in the background. If bestColors = 0, the current color environment will be used for the picture. The default is bestColors = 0. % left,top,right, and bottom specify, in global screen coordinates, where the window should be positioned. If left=top=right=bottom=0 (the default), the window will use the entire main screen (the screen with the menubar). % delay is the length of time, in seconds, that the picture window should stay open before closing by itself. If delay = 0, the default, the window won't close until the user closes it. % leftpixel and toppixel are coordinates indicating where the image should be scrolled to. They are the top left pixel of the image in the window when it opens. If they are negative, the picture will be shifted down and to the right by that amount. If leftpixel=toppixel=0 (the default), TNPict will center the picture in the window. Once the window is open, the user can print and scroll around (if windows = 1). S/he can close the file by typing command-W or command-period, as well as clicking on the goaway box. The image can be printed by clicking the Print button; if an EPSF file was opened, it will be printed with PostScript. If a color file is being used on a Macintosh II with enough memory (how much memory depends on the actual file), the XCMD will print a halftone image on PostScript- equipped devices. Typing command-F will toggle between the "Reduce to Fit" window. In this mode, the picture is resized to fit entirely on the screen. Typing command-F again will return to the normal window. While in the reduced window, if you hold down the shift key, you'll see a rectangle indicating what portion of the file is visible in the normal window. By clicking while still holding the shift key, you can drag this rectangle around. When you type command-F and return to the normal view, the picture will be scrolled to this new position. (Special feature: if you add 10 to the windows parameter, you can force the XCMD to open the picture in the Reduce to Fit mode initially, rather than requiring the user to first type command-F. For example, "TNPict Bill,11" ) If there was trouble opening the file, TNPict returns one of four error messages (accessible with "the result" function): Error: File not found Error: Not enough memory Error: File could not be opened Error: User canceled operation (The last message is triggered when the user cancels the opening of a file, such as an EPSF file, with a command-period keystroke. So far, it is only used for EPSF files, but that could change.) If there was no error, the XCMD returns (again, via Rthe resultS function) the global screen rectangle of the window when closed by the user, in (left,top,right,bottom) format. This is useful if you wish to remember the position of a window the last time a user looked at a particular graphic, so you can reopen the window in the same place next time. Note: the 'STR#' resource named "TNPict" must be include in the stack with the XCMD.