[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Corrupt Hypercard Stack - Need Help!

robert@polari.UUCP (robert) (02/13/91)

 The following message was posted to the Tech Alliance BBS in Kent, WA
(206-251-0543). I know next to nothing about Hypercard. I was hoping
somebody on USENET would be able to suggest a solution to his problem.


< Msg#:16854 *Mac Hypercard*
< 01/18/91 18:17:02 (Read 52 Times)
< I have a corrupt Stack which, when I attempt to open it, gives me
< the following message: "Can't read card or background id 5757 at
< location 5112" in a modal dialogue box; when I click on the OK
< button, the stack closes, leaving me in Hypercard, but of course,
< not in my stack. Is this an error messsage of suff. severity that
< the stack is basically unrecoverable? or, is there a way to go in
< and "fix" the card so that it can be used? enough work went into
< creating this stack (many, many weeks of programming and
< subsequent data entry by many individuals) that it would be worth
< my time to fix it, if this can be done, even if the "fix" would
< require many hours of work on my part. However, I do not know
< where to begin. If you do, please leave me a message here, or
< call me at work (9:30-6 M..F at  764-2388). Since leaving this
< message I will also be busy learning more about Hypercard on my
< own.  I do not know a great deal about the structure of this
< stack except that it is a rather ambitious database containing a
< good deal of irreplaceable data derived from clinical treatment
< of patients here at work (I work at the Seattle VA Hosp). The
< actual event causing the corruption appears to be a power failure
< that occurred while a secretary was entering data some time last
< December. Why it was not brought to my attention before I don't
< know; perhaps the users were ashamed to admit that they have NO
< backup! I can extract text from it, using such tools as FEDIT
< etc., so they are not at a total loss, but would like it better
< if I could do more.  I will of course give full credit where
< credit is due; if you can help me, unless you wish otherwise I
< will certainly tell these poor souls who REALLY helped them.
< Thanks!
<                                         Tom Loomis
<                                 Computer Specialist, Seattle VAH
<                                 Gen'l Medical Research Cptr Lab
<                                 voice: (206) 764-2388

  Feel free to Email responses to me or post them if you feel they
  are of general interest. Also, if you are really feeling generous,
  you are welcome to call Tom directly at work. I know he still 
  hasn't solved this problem and would greatly appreciate any help
  offered. Thanx in advance.

|Robert Riebman                    |  robert@polari                     |
|Northwest Information Technology  | (...uw-beaver!sumax!polari!robert) |
|P.O. Box 3156                     |                                    |
|Redmond, WA     98073             |         "Hack and Enjoy"           |