[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Need example of resident external windows in HC2.0

zee@fwi.uva.nl (Daniel M. van der Zee (I89)) (02/16/91)


I'm planning to upgrade a large stack to hypercard 2.0 and gradually integrate
some of the new features of 2.0 (especially concerning windows) into the stack.
I recently ftp-ed a description of the new possibilties for external commands 
in 2.0 and the new header files.
Now I would like to have some examples of external commands using those new
features to shorten my learning time. I'm specifically looking for source-code
handling resident windows displaying graphics or text.

If anyone knows how I can obtain such files I would like to hear it.

Thank you,
Daniel van der Zee
Student Computer Science
University Of Amsterdam
E-mail: zee@fwi.uva.nl