[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Power Tools script

tisu@quads.uchicago.edu (Seth Tisue) (02/23/91)

Beware of adding "Power Tools" to the message-passing hierarchy (using
"start using").  There is a glitch in the "doStacksMenu" handler which
can cause problems.  The handler tests to see if the stacks menu has
been created; if not, then it executes the statement "exit to HyperCard".
That means that the rest of whatever handler called "doStacksMenu"
will never get executed.

Solution?  What I've done is change "exit to HyperCard" to "pass
doStacksMenu", and then added a null handler to my home script:

  on doStacksMenu
  end doStacksMenu

(to prevent an error from being returned).

Also, the Power Tools stack script contains "openCard" and "idle" handlers.
They both use the "wrongstack()" function to make sure they only operate
if you're actually in the Power Tools stack, but if you're like me, you'd
rather not have valuable machine cycles eaten up every time openCard
or idle is sent.  The openCard handler simply serves to keep the Power Tools
palette on the screen whenever you're in the stack, which I don't want it
to do anyway, so there's no problem commenting this out.  The idle handler's
only purpose is to assist the text exporting (or is it importing?) feature
(new in 2.0v2, by the way), so it's ok to comment it out except when you`re
using that feature.

Hope this helps someone out; I had a bit of trouble tracking down that
"doStacksMenu" bug.

---- Seth Tisue                     USMail: c/o Plaster Cramp Press  
---- (tisu@midway.uchicago.edu)                       P.O. Box 5975
"Please to be restful.  It is only a few           Chicago IL 60680
crazies who have from the crazy place outbroken."    --------------