[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Hypercard 2.0v2 weirdness...

rhutchin@Bonnie.ICS.UCI.EDU (02/28/91)

I don't recall anyone touching on this, but I have been experiencing what is
best called "HyperCard" weirdness.  I'll list the system configurations
under which I have noticed this, and then some of the symptoms.

Mac II, 8 megs, plenty of hard drive space
System 6.07 and 7.0b4 (it happens under both)

Fields sometimes update the position of text within them (noticeable by
changing wraparounds) when the are selected and deselected but when the
size of the field has not changed.

Also, with the field tool chosen, when I try to opt-cmd click on a field
to bring up its script, I get the script of an invisible field instead.

Only under 7.0b4, it hangs once in awhile; I am more ready to attribute
that to the system software, which should be fixed in official release.

Anyone have any ideas about these, or maybe can explain why they occur
so they don't surprise me like they do?

Richard B. Hutchings
Dept of Info and Comp Sci, UC Irvine