(Ken Wallewein) (03/08/91)
I have a stack which I use to keep notes. I would find it _extremely_ useful to be have outliner functionality: collapsing a paragraph to a single line for summary view, and expanding it for a detailed view. The text of a collapsed item should stay in the text field (logically if not physically), but hidden from view. The problem here is that I _don't_ want to hack up something that uses the current line and searches for a card to display, or something like that. It's too intrusive. Sticky buttons and windoids... I dunno; I haven't worked with them, but it sounds clunky. If I could get MindWrite to work with HyperCard text fields, I think I'd be in heaven :-). I'm desperate: does anybody know of any way to do this? -- /kenw Ken Wallewein A L B E R T A <-- replies (if mailed) here, please R E S E A R C H (403)297-2660 C O U N C I L