[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] HC 2.1?

ron.bbs@shark.cs.fau.edu (Ron Bassett) (05/06/91)

I hear Hypercard v2.1 will have color and is supposed to be 
announced around the time System 7.0 is announced (which is
REAL SOON NOW!).  Can anyone give us any more details?


George.Bray@syd.dit.CSIRO.AU (George Bray) (05/08/91)

> Can anyone give us any more details?

PCWEEK says it will support AppleEvents, in text-only mode
whatever that means.

George Bray
CSIRO Division of Information Technology    >         Phone: +61 2 887 9307
PO Box 1599  North Ryde  2113  AUSTRALIA    >           Fax: +61 2 888 7787
Internet:   George.Bray@syd.dit.CSIRO.AU    >    CompuServe:      72711,253

bcarter@claven.idbsu.edu (Bruce Carter) (05/09/91)

In article <gFDi23w163w@shark.cs.fau.edu> ron.bbs@shark.cs.fau.edu (Ron
Bassett) writes:
>I hear Hypercard v2.1 will have color and is supposed to be 
>announced around the time System 7.0 is announced (which is
>REAL SOON NOW!).  Can anyone give us any more details?

As far as I have been able to find, HC2.1 consists only of some bug fixes and
support for AppleEvents.  There has been no mention of color.  I would think
the information would have snuck out by now unless Apple has a huge surprize
for us...

Bruce Carter                             Internet:     bcarter@claven.idbsu.edu
Courseware Development Coordinator                     duscarte@idbsu.idbsu.edu
Boise State University                   Bitnet/CREN:  DUSCARTE@IDBSU