ta-sav2@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Sean A Varah) (05/13/91)
I know we've all upgraded to 2.1 by now, but. . . I've got this CD annotating stack that I wrote last summer, and I recently fixed up with better Docs, interface, etc. I wrote it as an alternative to the Voyager stuff, which costs money. I also think my stack's a little more intuitive than their annotating stack. I WAS going to distribute it earlier in the year, but ran into licencing problems with Apple over the XCMDs, ie: I'd have to pay to distribute them. What I'd like to do is post the stack without the XCMDs, XFCNs to the major FTP sites, or to comp.binaries.mac, even though it only runs under 1.2.5 right now. (I no longer work at a place with a CD ROM, and have no way to test the stack under 2.1). Is there any interest in me posting this? If I get more than 10 replies I'll go ahead and post it, with full docs on how to install the XCMDs, which do come with every Apple CD Rom player. Please reply to ta-sav2@cunixa.columbia.edu Thanks, Sean Varah ****************************************************************************** Sean Varah, Columbia University, MA Program in Music Composition ta-sav2@cunixa.columbia.edu ******************************************************************************