[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Persuasion CLUT changes?

morris@ucunix.san.uc.edu (Ted Morris) (06/06/91)


Environment:  Mac IIxes, IIcis with 5-8M real memory, 8M virtual on 5M
machines, System 6.0.5, HyperCard 1.2.5, Persuasion 2.0, Multifinder
running.  Problem machines have A.M.E., and HyperCard replacing Finder.
Non-problem machines have no A.M.E. and HyperCard application other
machines use as Finder can be called and invoked in usual fashion.

Problem:  On the problem machines, Persuasion, upon exiting, turns the
normal blue (the way we like it) background color of the desktop to a
sickly green.  I assume it's changing the CLUT.  We can restore the blue
in a variety of ways, like clicking-and-dragging on the HyperCard Finder
window and moving it around like a giant color-eraser around the whole
screen, turning all the green back to blue.  Invoking the magic sequence
to call A.M.E. (which blanks the screen and throws up its dialog boxes)
works too, probably by resetting the CLUT by brute force.

          On the non-problem machines, Persuasion, upon exiting, turns
the normal blue background color to green but it IMMEDIATELY flashes and
resets to blue (normal finder taking over?).

Hypothesis #1:  Persuasion is changing the CLUT inappropriately and shouldn't.
Question: how to fix so it doesn't do this?

Hypothesis #2:  Persuasion or the Finder know how to reset the CLUT back
to normal, but A.M.E. isn't granting Persuasion the right privileges to
allow it to do its thing.
Question: while I dig in the A.M.E. and Persuasion manuals, anyone have
first-hand info relating to either of these problems?

Thanks for any advice (except "stop using A.M.E."--it is a hassle but
does almost everything we want for these public access workstations, and
much more so than anything else we've looked at--albeit with some
penalty (-: ),


Theodore Allan Morris, U. Cincinnati, Med Ctr Info & Comm, Info Rsrch
& Dev, 231 Bethesda Av, ML#574, Cinti, OH  45267-0574, 513-558-6046V, 
NTS WB8VNV, AppleLink U1091 | No Good Deed Ever Goes Unpunished.