[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Is there a Hebrew System , beta fine, for HC 2.0

thom@garnet.berkeley.edu (Thom Gillespie) (06/07/91)

Please let there be one. I hate, hate, hate working with HC 1.2 anything.
I hate little dinky windows. Anyone know where the beta system for
Arabic is? Can I swap character sets with Hebrew. Please something
which writes from right to left. Please, please, please. Thank you and
thanks to your grand children and your grand children's children in

--Thom Gillespie

George_Wade@mindlink.bc.ca (George Wade) (06/12/91)

Looking at the Mac Product Registry, Redgate Publications, 1991,
Jan-March:Ecological Linguistics, POBox 15156, Washington, D.C.,20003;
2)Linguists software,POBox 580, Edmonds, Washington,98020; Tel: 206-775-1130
3)Davka Corp., 7074N. Western Avenue, Chicago, Il.,60645; Tel: 312-465-4070.
They sell Win Text & other stuff.
The trick is to get - is it Arabic System v 6.0.7? to be compatible with H talk
v 2.x. You may have to call Apple, Get the fax number for Apple Europe; Then
get them to give you the names of several dealers who would be willing to mail
a system to you. This last suggestion is in case the latest Arabic system
available in the US. is 6.0.4 or something equally goofy.
Good luck.