mike@pyrite.SOM.CWRU.Edu (Michael Kerner) (06/13/91)
O.K., more 2.0v2 problems. First, if I double click on a small stack (say 9", then open something larger (say a custom stack of maybe 9"x12"), I get ye old scroll windoid minus the ability to resize to fit the larger stack on the screen all at the same time. I've tried looking in the manuals but no go. However, if I start up with home, everything works fine? What's up? Second problem. Try this one yourself. Make a background all one color (say gray). Now, do some drawing in the foreground. I did two things and both produced the same result. The first is drawing two sides of a rectangle with the line tool, and then using the paintbrush in the single pixel size color white to do the other two sides. Now use the lasso to encircle the picture, and copy it. If you leave the card, the white lines disappear. Why??? O.K., think it's a fluke? Try this: Put a button with an icon into the background. Now use the pencil to cover every other pixel in the button. Go to the background, delete the button, come back, and things don't look right. lasso and...wait a second...about half of the re-pixeled pixels are missing! Try painting the region in the background that is under the picture a different color - say white to see exactly what pixels are lit and no help. So now try using the paint can in the foreground to color all non-colored pixels and gee! There's even less to this than before!? What gives here? Yet another hour-and-a-half spent trying to get this project done down the tubes Mike. Mac Admin WSOM CSG CWRU mike@pyrite.som.cwru.edu