[comp.sys.mac.hypercard] Problem pasting fields

clem@frenzy.sybase.com (David CLEMons) (06/17/91)

I just received HC 2.0v2 (yes, I know I'm behind ]-)). I was having a problem
with printing labels on the previous version, so I'm wondering if this update
will help, or perhaps 2.1.

The task is to copy a field of text from the first card onto all of the other
cards in the stack. There is only one field in each. It sounded simple enough,
but it's not working as I expected. I'm new to this, so bear with me.

The current script reads as follows:
  on mouseUp
	select text of field 1
	repeat for 100 times  -- number of remaining cards in stack
	  got to next card
	  click at loc of field 1
	  doMenu "Paste Text"
	end repeat
  end mouseUp

This almost works. It pastes text, but it's literally pasting "loc of field 1"
in each of the 100 fields, and it sets the location as the center of the field
when I'd prefer it be the first line. Instead of "click...doMenu" I tried to
just put text in the cards, but it beeps at me in error. How should I fix this?

All suggestions will be appreciated,
=David CLEMons

Henry.Halff@p911.f421.n109.z1.FidoNet.Org (Henry Halff) (06/19/91)

Thing 1.
Your script needs a doMenu "Copy Text" after the Select statement.
Thing 2.
Its easier to say
get text of field 1
repeat for 100 times
 put it into field 1
end repeat
and its even easier to set the Shared Text property of the field to

 * Origin: The Clone: Macintosh Things - 301-946-8677 (1:109/421.911)