bts@unc.UUCP (Bruce Smith) (10/27/83)
From: unc!bts (Bruce Smith) Newsgroups: Title: The New LIST-OF-LISTS Article-I.D.: unc.6026 Posted: Tue Oct 18 22:21:12 1983 Received: Tue Oct 18 22:21:12 1983 =========================================================================== CHANGES SINCE LAST UPDATE-NOTICE (28 Aug 83): AMETHYST-USERS Host and archive location changed. APOLLO New mailing list. Arms-D Description updated; Archive location added; Coordinators changed. HUMAN-NETS Archive files moved off-net. INFO-APPLE Host changed; Moderator name/address added; Request for archive location added. INFO-MICRO Host changed; Coordinators changed. INFO-MODEMXX Newly added to this list, with a notice of host and archive location change. INFO-MUSIC Host changed. NORTHSTAR-USERS Newly added to this list, with a notice of host and archive location change. TELECOM Host changed, now dependent on network; Archive files moved. WORKS Archive files moved off-net. [OFFICE-3]<ALMSA>INTEREST-GROUPS.TXT Last Updated: 17 Oct 83 -------------------- PLEASE SEND CORRECTIONS, ADDITIONS, UPDATES, ETC. TO ZELLICH@OFFICE-3. -------------------- SUMMARY OF MAILING-LISTS IN THIS FILE: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | AILIST | INFO-ATARI | PHYSICS | | AMETHYST-USERS | INFO-BITGRAPH | POLI-SCI | | APOLLO | INFO-CPM | PROLOG/PROLOG-HACKERS | | ARMS-D | INFO-GRAPHICS | ProtocolS | | ARPANET-BBOARDS | INFO-IBMPC | RAILROAD | | Astronomy Events | INFO-KERMIT | SCTV | | AVIATION | INFO-LAW | SELF-ORGANIZATION | | BANKING | INFO-MICRO | SF-CONS-LIST | | CHESS | INFO-MODEMXX | SF-LOVERS | | CLUSTER | INFO-MUSIC | SKY-FANS | | COMICS-LOVERS | INFO-PCNET | SPACE | | CUBE-LOVERS | INFO-PRINTERS | SUN-SPOTS | | Dolphin-Users | INFO-RSTS | TCP-IP (2 lists, plus | | EDITOR-PEOPLE | INFO-TERMS |TCP-IP-TOPS20,-UNIX,-VMS) | ENERGY | INFO-UNIX | TELECOM | | EXTENDED-ADDRESSING | INFO-VAX | TELETEXT | | FORTH | INFO-VLSI | TEXHAX | | FRANZ-FRIENDS | INFO-ZX | TOPS-20 | | H19-PEOPLE | LASER-LOVERS | UNIX-CPM | | HEADER-PEOPLE | LIST-OF-LISTS | UNIX-EMACS | | HOME-SAT | LOCAL-NETS | UNIX-TeX | | HUMAN-NETS | <MICRO>MAILING-LIST.TXT| UNIX-WIZARDS | | ICON-GROUP | MsgGroup | V2LNI-PEOPLE | | INFO-ADA | NESFA | VIDEODISC | | INFO-APPLE | NORTHSTAR-USERS | WorkS [tations] | | INFO-AUDIO | PHILOSOPHY-OF-SCIENCE | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AILIST@SRI-AI AIList is a major list for discussion of artificial intelligence and related topics: Expert Systems AI Applications Knowledge Representation Knowledge Acquisition Problem Solving Hierarchical Inference Machine Learning Pattern Recognition AI Techniques Data Analysis Techniques Cognitive Psychology Human Perception Vision Analysis Speech Analysis Language Understanding Natural Languages AI Languages AI Environments Automatic Programming AI Systems Support Theorem Proving Logic Programming Robotics Automated Design Planning and Search Cybernetics Game Theory Computer Science Data Abstraction Library Science Statistical Techniques Information Theory AI Hardware Information Display Contributions may be anything from tutorials to rampant speculation. In particular, the following are sought: Abstracts Reviews Lab Descriptions Research Overviews Work Planned or in Progress Half-Baked Ideas Conference Announcements Conference Reports Bibliographies History of AI Puzzles and Unsolved Problems Anecdotes, Jokes, and Poems Queries and Requests Address Changes (Bindings) All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to AIList-Request@SRI-AI. Coordinator: Dr. Kenneth I. Laws <Laws@SRI-AI> SRI International 333 Ravenswood Ave. Menlo Park, CA 94025 (415) 859-6467 AMETHYST-USERS@SIMTEL20 This list is intended for people who use Amethyst, a software package of CP/M-80 programs: MINCE (an ersatz EMACS) and SCRIBBLE (an ersatz SCRIBE). Archives are kept on SIMTEL20 in files: MICRO:<CPM.ARCHIVES>AMETHYST-ARCHIV.TXT (current archives) MICRO:<CPM.ARCHIVES>AMETHYST.ARCHIV.31013 (old archives) SIMTEL20 supports ANONYMOUS FTP (with any non-null password), and is currently up between 8:30am to 7:30pm Mountain Time, weekdays only. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to AMETHYST-USERS-REQUEST@SIMTEL20. Coordinator: Frank Wancho <FJW@MIT-MC> APOLLO@YALE Users of Apollo computers who are interested in sharing their experiences about Apollos. At least initially, the list will not be moderated or digested; if the volume is sufficient, this may change. Mail to the list will be archived in some public place that will be announced at a later date. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to Apollo-Request@YALE. Coordinator: Nathaniel Mishkin <Mishkin@YALE> ARMS-D@MIT-MC Arms-D is a forum for technical discussion of specific weapon systems and the arms race in general. Messages are collected, edited into digests and distributed as the volume of mail dictates (usually twice a week). Old digests are archived in BALL; ARMSD ARC and BALL; ARMSD ARC2. ARMSD ARC2 has the most recent submissions. These files may be FTP'ed from MIT-MC (no login required). All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to Arms-D-REQUEST@MIT-MC. Co-Moderators: John Larson <JLarson@PARC-MAXC> Dave Caulkins <Caulkins@USC-ECL> ARPANET-BBOARDS@MIT-MC Redistribution address for all known BBoards on the ARPANET. Due to past problems with messages deemed in bad taste by "the authorities", messages sent to this address are manually screened (generally, every couple of days) before being remailed to the BBoards. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to ARPANET-BBOARDS-REQUEST@MIT-MC. Coordinator: Glenn S. Burke <GSB@MIT-MC> Astronomy Events <koolish@BBN-UNIX> As mailing list for astronomical events and meeting announcements (mostly in the Boston area). Items to be sent to the list are sent to koolish@BBN-UNIX for forwarding. An attempt is being made to keep it from becoming full of trivial messages, but new readers and valid input are welcome. Coordinator: Dick Koolish <koolish@BBN-UNIX> AVIATION@MIT-AI Open to all interested in general commercial or military aviation. Archieves are kept on MIT-MC in files: USERS6;PS AVARCi i=0,1,2 (in chronological order) All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to AVIATION-REQUEST@MIT-AI or PS@MIT-MC. Coordinator: Pete Seissler <PS@MIT-MC> BANKING@MIT-ML The Banking List is an interest group to discuss the banking industry as it is and as it could be, especially including but not limited to the impact of computer technology. Topics of interest might include EFT security, technical details of existing and future systems, rate structures, policies, and regulatory climates. The archive is contained in MIT-ML file COMMON;BANK ARCHIV. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to Banking-Request@MIT-ML. Coordinator: Neal Feinberg <Feinberg@MIT-OZ> CHESS@SRI-UNIX This newsgroup is shared with the UUCP-network. Contributions can be submitted by sending to CHESS@SRI-UNIX (and also the aliases CHESS@MIT-MC and CHESS@MIT-AI). All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to CHESS-REQUEST@SRI-UNIX (sending to CHESS-REQUEST on MC and AI forwards it correctly). Coordinator: mclure@SRI-UNIX CLUSTER@BRL Discussion of DARCOM Cluster Computers, and related issues. List membership is restricted to DARCOM employees and selected contractors. Coordinator: Foster Walker <FWalker@BRL> <FWalker@DARCOM-HQ> COMICS-LOVERS@SRI-NIC This list will attempt to cover all aspects of the comics, a subsection that has been sorely neglected by SF-LOVERS (No downplay on that list; it is merely that comics fans represent only a small faction on that list.) Initially, this list will be an immediate distribution list, although it may soon grow into a digest. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to COMICS-LOVERS-REQUEST@SRI-NIC. Coordinator: Henry W. Miller <Miller@SRI-NIC> CUBE-LOVERS@MIT-MC The Rubik's Cube mailing-list. Much of the information in the Scientific American article was presented in Cube-Lovers first; also many mathematical discussions have taken place as well as the development of a cube notation and various transformations used to solve it. Recently the discussion has moved towards puzzling in general. Messages are archived in the files MIT-MC:ALAN;CUBE MAIL(0 1 2 ...) with the most recent messages in MIT-MC:ALAN;CUBE MAIL All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to CUBE-LOVERS-REQUEST@MIT-MC. Coordinator: Alan Bawden <ALAN@MIT-MC> Dolphin-Users@SUMEX-AIM Network user group for Xerox 1100 workstations (Dolphins). It's purpose is to stimulate communication and sharing between computer science research groups that are using or are interested in these machines. It differs from the WORKS group in that it will focus on issues particular to Dolphins rather than on workstations in general. Xeros PARC and EOS people are included in the distribution list to facilitate communications about new developments, bugs, performance issues, etc. As with all network interest groups, however, this is \not/ to be used as a vendor advertising vehicle. Messages will be sent to the list as submitted. Depending on the volume of mail, content, etc., messages may be collected and digested in the future. Archive of messages is kept on SUMEX-AIM at <X-INFO>DOLPHIN-USERS.ARCHIVE All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to Dolphin-Requests@SUMEX-AIM. Coordinator: Christopher Schmidt <CSCHMIDT@SUMEX-AIM> EDITOR-PEOPLE@SU-SCORE (ARPANET) ucbvax!editor-people (USENET) Discussion of topics related to computerized text editing, display editors, and human factors in man/machine interaction. The theoretical discussion is catholic, but practical discussion focuses particularly on Tops-20 and Unix. The discussion also appears on the Unix USENET distributed bulletin board. An archive is on [SU-SCORE]PS:<ADMIN.JQJ>EDITORMAIL.TXT. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to EDITOR-PEOPLE-REQUEST@SU-SCORE. Coordinator: J.Q. Johnson <ADMIN.JQJ@SU-SCORE> ENERGY@MIT-MC Discussions on energy-related topics. Archives are kept in two sets of files on MIT-MC - MC:OAF;ENERGY ARC<001,002,003> contains the old material from the list, while newer material goes into the file MC:OAF;ENERGY RECENT. Coordinator: Oded Anoaf Feingold <OAF@MIT-MC> EXTENDED-ADDRESSING@SANDIA Discussion of any and all topics related to DEC-20 extended addressing. Membership is open to anyone. The archive is in the file DIST:EXTENDED-ADDRESSING.ARCHIVE@SANDIA. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to EXTENDED-ADDRESSING-REQUEST@SANDIA. Coordinator: Norm Samuelson <Samuelson@SANDIA> FORTH@SRI-CSL Discussion list for people interested in and/or using the FORTH language. The list is currently operating as a delayed distribution, non-digestified mailing list; once a day or so any accumulated messages are sent out (this may change in the future). Messages can be sent to the list by addressing them to FORTH@SRI-CSL or INFO-FORTH@SRI-CSL. An archive of messages is kept in the SRI-CSL file <BILLW>INFO-FORTH.TXT and also in MIT-MC file CPM;FORTH ARCHIV SRI-CSL supports the anonymous login convention, and no password is needed to transfer files from MIT-MC. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to FORTH-REQUEST@SRI-CSL or INFO-FORTH-REQUEST@SRI-CSL. Coordinator: William "Chops" Westfield <BillW@SRI-CSL> FRANZ-FRIENDS@BERKELEY Discusses the Franz Lisp language. A sub-list, FRANZ-COMPOSERS@BERKELEY, is composed of people who are in charge of maintaining Franz LISP. The sub-list is used for sending bug fixes. The archive of old messages is kept on MIT-MC, in the file: LSPMAI; FRANZL FORUM All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to FRANZ-FRIENDS-REQUEST@BERKELEY. Coordinator: John Foderaro <JKF@BERKELEY> H19-PEOPLE@MIT-MC Discussion of the construction, use, and modification of H19 terminals as well as H88/H89 computers. The archives of old messages are kept on MIT-MC, in the files: CRD;H19 MAIL CRD;H19 MAIL1 CRD;H19 MAIL2 etc. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to H19-PEOPLE-REQUEST@MIT-MC. Coordinator: Michael A. Patton <MAP@MIT-AI> HEADER-PEOPLE@MIT-MC Interest specifically in the format of message headers and related issues such as inter-network mail formats/standards, etc. Header-People messages are filed on MIT-MC:KSC;HEADER MINS [and MINS01, MINS02, etc.]. The ones more than 3 years old have been "reaped" but could be retrieved if anyone wants to see them. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to HEADER-PEOPLE-REQUEST@MIT-MC. Coordinator: David A. Moon <MOON@MIT-MC> HOME-SAT@MIT-AI Interest in home earth satellite receivers, etc., as well as all aspects of video technology. All past transactions of HOME-SAT mail may be found by FTPing or typing the file on MIT-AI called: GEOFF;HOMSAT RECORD Coordinators: Geoff@SRI-CSL and Jonathan Alan Solomon <JSol@USC-ECLB> HUMAN-NETS@RUTGERS Mailing list originally consisting of the combined memberships of INFO-PCNET, HOME-SAT, and TELETEXT mailing lists. Human-Nets has discussed many topics, all of them related in some way to the theme of a world-wide computer and telecommunications network usually called WorldNet. The topics have ranged very widely, from something like tutorials, to state of the art discussions, to rampant speculation about technology and its impact. The list is extremely large, making it necessary to batch messages sent to the list and distributing them once each day during off peak periods to avoid overloading the system. [For further information, see the 110-line "Welcome to Human-Nets" message in OFFICE-3 public file <ALMSA>HUMAN-NETS-WELCOME.TXT] The permanent archives contain all of the material distributed to the list. Due to size, this archive is broken down into several different files, stored in reverse temporal order. The files are currently stored on a non-ARPANET host at Rutgers, and must be requested from HUMAN-NETS-REQUEST@RUTGERS. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to HUMAN-NETS-REQUEST@RUTGERS. Moderator: Charles McGrew <MCGREW@RUTGERS> Icon-Group.Arizona@Rand-Relay Discussion of topics related to the Icon programming language (a high-level, general-purpose programming language that emphasizes string and structure processing). Such topics include: Programming Techniques, Theoretical Aspects, Icon in relation to other languages, Applications of Icon, Implementation Issues, Porting Icon, Bugs. Items sent to the list are immediately redistributed to all persons on the list. The list will be distributed via CSNET and as such will only be available to persons on ARPANET and CSNET; a Usenet gateway may be considered at some point in the future. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to Icon-Group-Request.Arizona@Rand-Relay. Questions about obtaining Icon should be sent to Icon-Project.Arizona@Rand-Relay. Coordinator: Bill Mitchell <whm.Arizona@Rand-Relay> INFO-ADA@MIT-MC DoD faces many of the same sorts of problems in their command and control systems as those being discussed in Human-Nets. One part of DoD's attempt to deal with these problems was to have a new programming language designed, Ada. Because it is a narrower topic than Human-Nets, this list has been set up to facilitate discussions of Ada. Anything dealing with Ada is fair game for discussion. Archives of messages can be found in INFOA.LST[C410MS40] on CMU-10A. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-ADA-REQUEST@MIT-MC. Coordinator: Mark Sherman <Sherman@CMU-10A> INFO-APPLE@BRL-VGR (or @BRL) APPLE user's mailing list. Archives are not currently available; BRL hosts are DOD machines and do not honor anonymous ftp. If anyone is able to provide a home for the archives, please contact the moderator. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-APPLE-REQUEST@BRL-VGR. Moderator: Howard Walter <howard@BRL-BMD> INFO-ATARI@SU-SCORE Atari user's mailing list. Archives are kept on SU-SCORE in file: MRC:<MRC>ATARI.TXT All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-ATARI-REQUEST@SU-SCORE. Coordinator: TANG@MIT-MC (or@MIT-OZ@MIT-MC) INFO-AUDIO@MIT-AI Audio design/construction discussion group. NOTE [8 MAY 83]: DUE TO LOSS OF MIT-AI, AND CONSEQUENT UNCERTAINTY OF THE LISTS FUTURE, INFO-AUDIO WILL BE DORMANT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-AUDIO-REQUEST@MIT-AI. Coordinator: Eliot <Elmo%Mit-OZ@Mit-MC> INFO-BITGRAPH@MIT-MC Information/discussion list for the BB&N BitGraph terminal. Archive file is at: MIT-MC:DCP;INFO BITGRF Coordinator: David C. Plummer <DCP@MIT-MC> INFO-CPM@MIT-MC Information and discussion on the CP/M microcomputer operating system. The archive of recent correspondence is on MIT-MC in the file: CPM;CPM ARCHIV All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-CPM-REQUEST@MIT-MC. Coordinator: Frank J. Wancho <FJW@MIT-MC> INFO-GRAPHICS@UTEXAS-20 Discussion of Graphics hardware, software, and any topic related to graphics. Basically a free-wheeling exchange of information, much like INFO-CPM. Archived messages are kept@SANDIA (\not/@UTEXAS-20) in file: DIST:INFO-GRAPHICS.ARCHIVE All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-GRAPHICS-REQUEST@UTEXAS-20. Coordinator: Steve Padgett <CC.Padgett@UTEXAS-20> INFO-IBMPC@USC-ISIB Info-IBMPC is a forum for discussion of the IBM Personal Computer and compatible micro-computers. Info-IBMPC provides a way for interested members of the ARPANET community to compare notes, ask questions, and share insights about these machines. Messages are collected into digests and distributed as the volume of mail dictates. Old digests are archived on USC-ISIB in: <INFO-IBMPC>DIGESTS-83 Q2-DIGESTS-83 Q1-DIGESTS-83 OLD-DIGESTS-82 A library of free software is maintained on USC-ISIB in <INFO-IBMPC>; a list of available programs is in <INFO-IBMPC>PROGRAM-LIBRARY.LIST. These files may be FTP'd from ISIB by logging in to FTP with username ANONYMOUS, password GUEST. To donate a program to the library, send a description of the program along with a copy of the source code to INFO-IBMPC-REQUEST@USC-ISIB. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-IBMPC-REQUEST@USC-ISIB. Coordinator: Dick Gillmann <GILLMANN@USC-ISIB> INFO-KERMIT@COLUMBIA-20 KERMIT is a file transfer protocol for use primarily between micros and mainframes over TTY lines, and is implemented on a wide variety of both. The software package is available on the ARPAnet at COLUMBIA-20. The list is intended for people who maintain or install KERMIT at their sites, or who are (thinking about) working on a new implementation, or who have bugs and/or fixes to report, or are interested in discussing the protocol. An archive of all the messages will be available in the file PS:<KERMIT>MAIL.TXT, available via anonymous FTP from COLUMBIA-20 (ARPANET) or anonymous NFT from CUCS20 (CCNET). All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-KERMIT-REQUEST@COLUMBIA-20. NOTE: From CCNET (A DECnet network comprising Columbia, CMU, and CWRU) or BITnet (a network based on IBM RSCS communication comprising many universities with IBM systems or VAXes), send mail to INFO-KERMIT or INFO-KERMIT-REQUEST host at CUCS20 instead of COLUMBIA-20. Any message sent to INFO-KERMIT from any host will reach all participants, no matter which network they're on. Coordinator: Frank da Cruz <cc.fdc@COLUMBIA-20> INFO-LAW@SRI-CSL Interest in computers and law. Mail gets distributed after first being manually screened. Process may involve returning to author for clarification and/or other sanitization. Archived messages are kept at: newest messages: [SRI-CSL]<INFO-LAW>ARCHIVE.TXT older messages: [SRI-CSL]<INFO-LAW>ARCHIVE.001 oldest messages: [SRI-CSL]<INFO-LAW>ARCHIVE.002 The first two are TWENEX mail files, and the last is an ITS mail file. Statements of editorial policy, file pointers, etc., are in: [SRI-CSL]<INFO-LAW>INFO-LAW.MSS All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-LAW-REQUEST@SRI-CSL. Coordinator: Geoffrey S. Goodfellow <Geoff@SRI-CSL> INFO-MICRO@BRL-VGR Information/discussion list on the general interest topic of microcomputers. Questions/discussions on a particular Operating System, such as CP/M, should be addressed to the specific list if one already exists (such as INFO-CPM@MIT-MC (or @BRL) for this example). The archive of recent correspondence is on MIT-MC in the file: CPM;MICRO ARCHIV The archives of old correspondence (in ITS mail format) are available from OFFICE-10 (1/93) in the <MICRO> directory. OFFICE-10 honors the ANONYMOUS Login convention; it is requested that you FTP during non-prime-time hours to help keep the load down. The format of the filenames is: <MICRO>MICRO.ARCHIV;ymmdd The date is the date of the last message in each file which is the first physical message, since the messages were prepended as they arrived. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-MICRO-REQUEST@BRL-VGR. Coordinators: Frank J. Wancho <wancho@BRL> Ron Natalie <ron@BRL-VGR> INFO-MODEMXX@SIMTEL20 For discussion of modems. Archives are kept on SIMTEL20 in files: MICRO:<CPM.ARCHIVES>MODEMXX-ARCHIV.TXT (current archives) MICRO:<CPM.ARCHIVES>MODEMXX.ARCHIV.31013 (old archives) SIMTEL20 supports ANONYMOUS FTP (with any non-null password), and is currently up between 8:30am to 7:30pm Mountain Time, weekdays only. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-MODEMXX-REQUEST@SIMTEL20. Coordinator: Frank J. Wancho <WANCHO@SIMTEL20> INFO-MUSIC@BRL-VGR For discussion of music, both performed and written, live and recorded. This is a mail reflector, which may change depending on quantity and quality of traffic. Articles from the USENET will be forwarded to the list manually when appropriate. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to Info-Music-Request@BRL-VGR. Coordinator: Ron Natalie (ron@BRL-VGR) INFO-PCNET@MIT-MC INFO-PCNET is a general mailing list to keep interested people advised of major developments. NOTE: Due to NCP-->TCP switchover and lack of working TCP software@MIT-MC (KLH is working hard at it and might get it done in time, in which case this note will be inoperative), this mailing list will probably cease to exist temporarily starting Jan 01. Because of lack of working TCP software@SU-AI and other places, even if MIT-MC has TCP working, many of the active PCNET workers will be inactive until these other places get TCP working. PCNET is a volunteer effort creating a computer network for personal use. Although meant to be device independent, the current design is oriented to use through the telephone system, particularly by computers with automatic dialing and receipt of calls. PCNET will enable all computer users, whether part of a formal network organization or individual owners of personal computers, to communicate with each other effectively. PCNET is defining communication protocols that assure that transmissions are correct (retransmitting data that is lost or erroneous), and which allow multiple logical data streams so that several programs can share a single hardware communication link. PCNET has defined a worldwide addressing standard that permits automatic forwarding of messages and files without having to know the topology of the network. PCNET is currently finising software on several machines (8080, 6502, PDP-10) using several languages (Assembly language, LISP, C), and refining the documentation; volunteer communications programmers are needed to complete these tasks. Documentation is available on MIT-MC in the file: PCNET;INTRO > and also some info in: PCNET;VOLUN MSG [the file sent out to new members of the mailing list] David Harris is the organizational leader and is in charge of releasing documents to the public: David C. Harris <G.HARRIS@SU-SCORE> Palo Alto ABBS: (415) 493-7691 (300 baud - type a <CR>) Mailing-list maintainer: Robert Elton Maas <REM@MIT-MC> INFO-PRINTERS@MIT-MC Information on printers. Message log/archives are kept at: MIT-DMS:WJN;PRINTR MAIL PRINTR OMAIL PRINTR OMAIL1 PRINTR OMAIL2 etc... where the first one is most recent. The archives were only begun 17 Mar 82, so these files are fairly empty. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-PRINTERS-REQUEST@MIT-MC. Coordinator: Robert Elton Maas <REM@MIT-MC> INFO-RSTS@MIT-OZ Question/discussion forum for topics related to the RSTS/E operating system for the PDP-11. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-RSTS-REQUEST@MIT-OZ. Coordinator: Erik S. Townsend <TOWNSE@MIT-MC> INFO-TERMS@MIT-MC Information on terminals. Message log/archives are kept on MIT-MC at: COMMON;TERMS MAIL Current section of archives COMMON;TERMS O2MAIL Next most recent section... COMMON;TERMS O1MAIL ... COMMON;TERMS 1 ...oldest section All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-TERMS-REQUEST@MIT-MC. Coordinator: Jonathan Alan Solomon <JSol@MIT-OZ> INFO-UNIX@BRL or @BRL-VGR INFO-UNIX is intended for Question/Answer discussion, where "novice" system administrators can pose questions. Also, much of the discussion of UNIX on small (micro) computers may be moved from INFO-MICRO, INFO-CPM, etc., into INFO-UNIX. Hopefully, enough people who know some answers will subscribe so that the list serves a purpose; some overlap is expected with the UNIX-WIZARDS list. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-UNIX-REQUEST@BRL (or@BRL-VGR). Moderator: Mike Muuss <mike@BRL-VGR> INFO-VAX@SRI-CSL INFO-VAX is a discussion of VAX-11/780's and 750's. Typically the material is question-and-answer, where someone wants information on some program or bug/feature. Both UNIX and VAX/VMS operating systems are discussed. Archived messages are kept at SANDIA in the files: DIST:INFO-VAX.ARCHIVE.1 DIST:INFO-VAX.ARCHIVE.2 All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-VAX-REQUEST@SRI-CSL. Coordinator: Geoff Goodfellow <Geoff@SRI-CSL> INFO-VLSI@SANDIA Mailing-list for the exchange of information on all aspects of integrated circuit (IC) design. Archived messages are kept at SANDIA in the file: DIST:INFO-VLSI.ARCHIVE All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-VLSI-REQUEST@SANDIA. Coordinator: Norm Samuelson <Samuelson@SANDIA> INFO-ZX@CMU-20C Discussion of subjects relating to the Timex/Sinclair 1000/ZX80/ZX81. This will be an immediate distribution list as long as the volume of traffic doesn't bother other CMUC users. Users may submit programs for others to share by FTPing them into [CMU-20C]PS:<ZX.PROG> using user anonymous. This will probably not be too useful until modems for the Sinclair are readily available. Messages will be archived on CMU-20C in file: PS:<ZX>ZX.MESSAGES All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-ZX-REQUEST@CMU-20C. Coordinator: Aaron Wohl <WOHL@CMU-20C> LASER-LOVERS@WASHINGTON Direct redistribution mailing list devoted to discussions on laser printers; formerly hosted at LBL, the list has been moved to site Washington. Discussions of new and upcoming printers as well as information sharing about experiences with existing printers are welcome. Archives are kept in WASHINGTON file PS:<MAILING-LISTS>LASER-LOVERS.ARC All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to LASER-LOVERS-REQUEST@WASHINGTON. Coordinator: Richard Furuta <Furuta@WASHINGTON> LIST-OF-LISTS Mailing-list for "List of lists" update notices. There is a master list of ARPANET mailing-lists/digests/discussion groups (~800 lines or ~29,000 characters) on OFFICE-3 in file: <ALMSA>INTEREST-GROUPS.TXT For ARPANET users, OFFICE-3 supports the net-standard ANONYMOUS login within FTP, with any password. To keep people up to date on the large number of such lists, there is a mailing-list for list-of-lists \update notices/. Copies of the list itself are not sent to the world at large, but for those ARPANET users who seriously intend to FTP the updated versions when updated, a brief notice will be sent when a new version is available. For those liaisons at internet sites who maintain or redistribute copies for their own networks (DECNet, Xerox, etc.) and can't reach the master by ARPANET FTP, the complete new file will be sent if necessary. File copies will not normally be sent to individual users, either ARPANET or internet. To get on the list (or to submit updates to existing mailing-lists or add new ones), send requests to: Rich Zellich <ZELLICH@OFFICE-3> LOCAL-NETS@MIT-MC Sharing experience with local networking projects between sites currently involved in or soon to attempt such projects; basically a very praxis-oriented discussion about networking -20's, VAXen, and -11's. Subjects include DECnet, Ethernet, Chaosnet as well as simple tty line links; both hardware and software aspects. NOTE: A/O 10 Feb 82, this list is fairly dead, though still open for business. Messages are archived in MIT-MC:CPR;LCLNET MAIL Coordinator: Harold G. Ancell <HGA@MIT-MC> [SRI-KL]<MICRO>MAILING-LIST.TXT.* Interest in microcomputers, micro languages, operating systems, etc. The focus of the mailing list is really on microprocessor development tools such as cross-assemblers and PROM downloaders, but includes the idea of libraries of useful microprocessor software. Community files are maintained in MICRO@SRI-KL. Coordinator: Dave Fylstra <Fylstra@SRI-KL> MsgGroup@BRL (or @MIT-ML) Interest in electronic mail, message formats, message systems, and the sociological implications of the above. Archives are kept at USC-ECLC in files <MSGGROUP>MSGGROUP.*, where * stands for a range of messages, in blocks of 100 (from 0001 thru 1100) or 50 (from 1101 on up (usually)) (MSGGROUP.0001-0100, MSGGROUP.0101-0200, MSGGROUP.1101-1150, etc.). As of 3 May 83, the last file was *.1901-2000. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to MsgGroup-Request@BRL (or @MIT-ML). Coordinator: EStefferud@USC-ECLC/MsgGroup@USC-ECLC NESFA@MIT-OZ (or MIT-MC or MIT-ML) The official digital discussion group of the New England Science Fiction Association; open to members of all classes of NESFA membership (subscribing, general, regular, inactive). All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to NESFA-REQUESTS@MIT-OZ (or MIT-MC or MIT-ML). Coordinator: James M. Turner <RG.JMTURN@MIT-MC>. NORTHSTAR-USERS@SIMTEL20 Discussion group for Northstar microcomputer users. Archives are kept on SIMTEL20 in files: MICRO:<CPM.ARCHIVES>NORTHSTAR-ARCHIV.TXT (current archives) MICRO:<CPM.ARCHIVES>NORTHSTAR.ARCHIV.31013 (old archives) SIMTEL20 supports ANONYMOUS FTP (with any non-null password), and is currently up between 8:30am to 7:30pm Mountain Time, weekdays only. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to NORTHSTAR-USERS-REQUEST@SIMTEL20. Coordinator: Frank J. Wancho <WANCHO@SIMTEL20> PHILOSOPHY-OF-SCIENCE@MIT-MC (or PHIL-SCI@MIT-MC) An immediate redistribution list discussing philosophy of science with emphasis on its relevance for Artificial Intelligence. The list is archived@MIT-OZ in the twenex mail file: OZ:SRC:<COMMON>PHILOSOPHY-OF-SCIENCE-ARCHIVES.TXT.1 All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to PHILOSOPHY-OF-SCIENCE-REQUEST@MIT-MC (or PHIL-SCI-REQUEST@MIT-MC). Coordinator: John Mallery <JCMa@MIT-MC> PHYSICS@SRI-UNIX (or @MIT-MC) Group for discussion of topics in physics, with some reasonable speculation allowed. Some archives are maintained on MIT-MC in file: COMMON;PHYS FILE. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to PHYSICS-REQUEST@SRI-UNIX (or @MIT-MC). Coordinator: Andrew Knutsen <knutsen@SRI-UNIX> POLI-SCI@MIT-AI POLI-SCI is a spinoff from the HUMAN-NETS discussion list. Shortly after the November (1980) election, HUMAN-NETS began to discuss the impact that electronic communications had on the election. As this discussion continued, it lost its narrow focus on electronic communications and began to consider the election in general, how elections are won and lost, and the nature of the electoral college. The growth of these discussions, and their spawning of related discussions, indicated that a separate discussion list was merited and POLI-SCI was installed. Since then POLI-SCI has begun to consider other topics including the history of the Carter and Nixon presidencies, the Iranian hostage crisis, etc. (with a little less dignity, the list might be characterized as a permanent distributed political bull session). Archived digest messages are stored at: MIT-AI:DUFFEY;_DATA_ POLISC All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to POLI-SCI-REQUEST@MIT-AI. Moderator: JoSH Hall <JoSH@RUTGERS> PROLOG[-HACKERS]@SU-SCORE Prolog and logic programming mailing lists. Some of the people answering the initial BBoard message stated that they would be interested in general Prolog and logic programming information, but not in the nitty-gritty details of Prolog systems and their bugs. Therefore, two mailing lists have been set up, PROLOG and PROLOG-HACKERS: PROLOG will provide a digest of articles of general interest; PROLOG-HACKERS will provide a direct mailing for the nasty stuff. Finally, PROLOG-REQUEST should be used for distribution requests. In a nutshell: Mail to for ------- --- PROLOG@SCORE sending articles of general interest PROLOG-HACKERS@SCORE sending articles of limited interest PROLOG-REQUEST@SCORE getting in and out of the mailing lists and other bureaucracy Please do not send the same message to PROLOG and PROLOG-HACKERS. Messages will be moved between lists if appropriate. At the moment [26 May 83], everyone that replied to the initial bboard announcement is in the PROLOG list. Those wanting to be in PROLOG-HACKERS as well, should send in a request. An archive of the USEnet prolog interest group interchange can be FTP'd from host SU-SCORE using standard anonymous login convention. The pathname is: PS:<PROLOG>UPIG.ARCHIVE Moderator: Chuck Restivo <RESTIVO@SU-SCORE.ARPA> ProtocolS@RUTGERS This list is designed to promote discussion of the various existing FTP protocols for async-ascii-serial-lines and any kind of computer/OS. The eventual goal is to devise (and implement) an all-purpose standard protocol for FTP. Message log/archives are kept at RUTGERS in files: PS:<PLEASANT.PROTOCOL>PROTOCOLS.OLD Pre-digest to 30 Mar 82 PS:<PLEASANT.PROTOCOL>PROTOCOLS.RECENT Digest 30 Mar 82 to present All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to ProtocolS-REQUEST@RUTGERS. Coordinator: Mel Pleasant <Pleasant@RUTGERS> RAILROAD@MIT-MC Information and discussion of transportation issues (inter and intra city) with emphasis on rail transportation. This group also discusses or announces items of interest to the so-called "railfan" community (I.e. excursion announcements, etc). Some model railroad discussion also takes place. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to RAILROAD-REQUEST@MIT-MC (ARPANET). Coordinator: Michael S. Maiten <MSM@MIT-MC> (ARPANET) !ucbvax!menlo70!sytek!msm (USENET) SCTV@SRI-UNIX (ARPANET) (or @MIT-AI or @MIT-MC) net.sctv (USENET) Mailing-list for SCTV fans. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to SCTV-REQUEST@SRI-UNIX (or MIT-AI or MIT-MC). Coordinator: mclure@SRI-UNIX SELF-ORGANIZATION@MIT-MC (or SELF-ORG@MIT-MC) An immediate redistribution list discussing topics in self-organization. The list is archived@MIT-OZ in the twenex mail file OZ:SRC:<COMMON>SELF-ORGANIZATION-ARCHIVES.TXT.1 All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to SELF-ORGANIZATION-REQUEST@MIT-MC (or SELF-ORG-REQUEST@MIT-MC). Coordinator: John Mallery <JCMa@MIT-MC> SF-CONS-LIST Mailing-List for SF Conventions listing update notices. There is a master SF cons list (averaging ~900 lines or ~40,000 characters, including geographic cross-reference) on OFFICE-3 in file: <ZELLICH>CONS.TXT For ARPANET users, OFFICE-3 supports the net-standard ANONYMOUS login within FTP, with any password. In order to proliferate the list more quickly, there is a mailing list for cons-list \update notices/. Copies of the cons list itself are not sent to the world at large, but for those ARPANET users who seriously intend to FTP the updated versions every few weeks, a brief notice will be sent when a new version is available. For those liaisons at internet sites who maintain or redistribute copies for their own networks (DECNet, Xerox, etc.), the complete new file will be sent out if necessary. File copies will \not/ be sent to individual users, either ARPANET or internet. Update notices/file copies can be expected approximately once a month, generally shortly after the current LOCUS comes out. Besides LOCUS, other sources of cons are ANALOG, IA'sSFM, STARLOG, occasional flyers picked up@cons by local fen, and anything sent to the list maintainer. To get on the update-notices list (or to submit con updates), send requests to: Rich Zellich <ZELLICH@OFFICE-3> SF-LOVERS@RUTGERS Science Fiction lovers. SF-LOVERS has discussed many topics, all of them related in some way to the theme of science fiction or fantasy. The topics have ranged very widely from rewritten stories, bad SF movies, and SF conventions to reviews of STAR WARS and HEAVY METAL. The range of topics is quite wide and anyone is welcome to submit material on these or other topics of interest in this general area. The digest has a very large number of readers, and trivial messages are strongly discouraged due to the heavy load SF-LOVERS puts on the hosts CPU and disk space. Messages to SF-LOVERS@RUTGERS are batched and broadcast periodically. The complete SF-LOVERS archives are available on SRI-CSL. Each volume is contained in its own file, with the contents ordered chronologically. The first archive includes a number of messages from the early days before digests and there is much of "historical" interest. At the end of that volume is a long discussion which took place during the Star Wars series craze. <SFL>ARCHIVE.V1 860 2200759 <SFL>ARCHIVE.V2 771 1972324 <SFL>ARCHIVE.V3 741 1895294 <SFL>ARCHIVE.V4 705 1803432 <SFL>ARCHIVE.V5 323 824576 <SFL>ARCHIVE.V6 390 996707 <SFL>ARCHIVE.V7 ??? ?????? For those unfamiliar with Tenex/Tops-20, the first number is the number of Tenex disk pages, the second is the number of characters in the file, for checksumming purposes if you FTP the file. Volume 7 is the current volume so it is being incremented daily as new digests come out. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to SF-LOVERS-REQUEST@RUTGERS. Moderator: Fred Kiesche <SF-Lovers-Request@RUTGERS> SKY-FANS@MIT-XX Amateur observational astronomy mailing list. Coordinator: S. W. Galley <SWG@MIT-XX> SPACE@MIT-MC Discussions (daily digest) on space-related topics. Archives are kept on [S1-A]SPACE.LOG[SPA,OTA], which, unfortunately, does not allow FTP without login. Requests for back issues should be directed to SPACE-REQUEST@MIT-MC. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., also go to SPACE-REQUEST@MIT-MC. Aliases for the above net-addresses are: SPACE-ENTHUSIASTS AT MIT-MC SPACE-ENTHUSIASTS-REQUEST AT MIT-MC Coordinator: Owen T. (Ted) Anderson <OTA@SAIL> SUN-SPOTS.RICE@RAND-RELAY (ARPANET) Sun-Spots@Rice (CSNet) Newsgroup to discuss software and hardware issues relating to the Sun Workstation. This is an edited list, sent out about once a week. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., go to: Sun-Spots-Request.Rice@rand-relay (ARPANET) Sun-Spots-Request@Rice (CSNet) Moderator's note A/O 28 Jul 83: We don't have facilities yet to FTP archives, but we'll be happy to mail copies to people requesting them. Our ARPAnet connection through CSNet/TELENET is probably only 2 months away. Of course, there are no archives as yet anyway! Moderator: Mike Caplinger <mike.rice@RAND-RELAY> TCP-IP@MIT-AI (ARPANET) (or@BRL) !menlo70!hao!brl-bmd!tcp-ip (UUCP/USENET) A digest which discusses TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and IP (Internet Protocol), the "DoD Standard Networking Protocols for the Eighties". Submissions generally center around UNIX implementations, but ANY networking protocol or implementation discussions too specific for HUMAN-NETS is fair game here; the digest includes discussions of mail protocols and addressing in the InterNet environment, and a little about non-TCP/IP based networking. Archives are kept at the Rutgers host in: <TCP>MAIL.TXT All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to TCP-IP-REQUEST@MIT-AI [or@BRL] (ARPANET) or !menlo70!hao!brl-bmd!tcp-ip-request (UUCP/USENET). Coordinator: Mike Muuss <mike@BRL> TCP-IP@SRI-NIC The NIC has taken over the responsibility for the periodic update of the TCP-IP status (the latest update can be obtained via FTP by ANONYMOUS login from SRI-NIC file <PROTOCOLS>TCP-IP-STATUS.TXT). We are particularly interested in the addition and expansion of TCP services. In addition to this function, it is hoped that this distribution list can aid in the following areas: To act as an on-line exchange among TCP developers and maintainers. To announce new and expanded services in a timely manner. This is an open membership list, and any interested party with a legitimate need can be added. A few words of warning: Please do not use this open forum to discuss matters which should be construed as to be for limited distribution; use private messages, if need be. It is hoped that this forum will help the network reach transition by the required date. Should you have any questions, please send electronic mail to the Coordinator, or call (415) 859-5303. Also see mailing-lists TCP-IP-TOPS20, TCP-IP-UNIX, TCP-IP-VMS. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to TCP-IP-REQUEST@SRI-NIC. Please do \not/ send such requests to TCP-IP@SRI-NIC, as this address is self forwarding to the entire list membership. Coordinator: Henry W. Miller <Miller@SRI-NIC> TCP-IP-TOPS20@SRI-NIC A list for TOPS10/TOPS20/TENEX hackers to exchange ideas, gripes, etc., about TCP/IP InterNet protocols and implementation. Also see mailing-lists TCP-IP, TCP-IP-UNIX, TCP-IP-VMS. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to TCP-IP-REQUEST@SRI-NIC. Coordinator: Henry W. Miller <Miller@SRI-NIC> TCP-IP-UNIX@SRI-NIC A list for UNIX hackers to exchange ideas, gripes, etc., about TCP/IP InterNet protocols and implementation. Also see mailing-lists TCP-IP, TCP-IP-TOPS20, TCP-IP-VMS. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to TCP-IP-REQUEST@SRI-NIC. Coordinator: Henry W. Miller <Miller@SRI-NIC> TCP-IP-VMS@SRI-NIC A list for VMS hackers to exchange ideas, gripes, etc., about TCP/IP InterNet protocols and implementation. Also see mailing-lists TCP-IP, TCP-IP-TOPS20, TCP-IP-UNIX. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to TCP-IP-REQUEST@SRI-NIC. Coordinator: Henry W. Miller <Miller@SRI-NIC> TELECOM@USC-ECLC (ARPANET) @USC-ECLB (MILNET) @USC-ECLC (CSNET) ...brl-bmd!telecom or ...ucbvax!TELECOM@USC-ECLC (USENET) A broad spectrum moderated-digest-format discussion on telecommunictions technology: the telephone system, modems, and other more technical aspects of telecommunications systems. This digest was spun off from HUMAN-NETS. Archived digest messages are kept at SRI-CSL and USC-ECLC in the files: SRI-CSL <TELECOM>VOLUME-2.TXT - 1 January 1982 and 31 December 1982 <TELECOM>VOLUME-1.TXT - 12 June 1981 and 31 December 1981 USC-ECLC PS:<JSOL.TELECOM>TELECOM.RECENT - 1 January 1983 to Present All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to TELECOM-REQUEST@USC-ECLB or @USC-ECLC, depending on your network. Moderator: Jon Solomon <JSol@USC-ECLC> TELETEXT@MIT-AI Interest in Teletext/Viewdata/Closed Captioning, "Digicasting", and related technologies. The archives are kept in MIT-AI:GEOFF;TELTXT RECORD. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to TELETEXT-REQUEST@MIT-AI. Coordinator: Lauren Weinstein <Lauren@UCLA-Security> TEXHAX@SU-AI TEXHAX is for people interested in TeX installation and maintanance. Notices of new versions/bug fixes are sent to this list, and discussion of various CPUs and printers that people are interested in using with TeX is encouraged. Archives are kept on SU-AI (SAIL) in the file: TEXHAX.MSG[TEX,SYS] Coordinator: David Fuchs <DRF@SU-AI> TOPS-20@SU-SCORE A limited membership mailing list (TOPS-20 programming staff and managers only) for serious discussions on TOPS-20 system issues, such as bug reports (including system security bugs, hence the limited membership), hints and folklore, software sharing, system management issues, and anything else the members of the group want to talk about. Coordinator: Mark Crispin <ADMIN.MRC@SU-SCORE> UNIX-CPM@UDEL Discussion on a comparison of UNIX vs. CP/M. NOTE: A/O 11 Jul 82, this list was discontinued (although the archives are still available). Archives may be found in the DARCOM-KA file: <MICRO>UNIX-CPM.MSG (a Tenex message file) Coordinator: Einar Stefferud <STEF@DARCOM-KA> UNIX-EMACS@CMU-CS-C Used for new release announcements and general discussions of Gosling's UNIX EMACS. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to Unix-Emacs-Request@CMU-CS-C. Coordinator: James Gosling <Gosling@CMUA> UNIX-TeX@WASHINGTON Discussion of matters involved in porting TeX82 to Unix. Messages sent to the list are directly redistributed without human intervention. Archives are kept on WASHINGTON in the file: ps:<mailing-lists>unix-tex.arc All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to UNIX-TeX-REQUEST@WASHINGTON. Coordinator: Richard Furuta <Furuta@WASHINGTON> UNIX-WIZARDS@BRL Distribution list for people maintaining machines running the Unix operating system. Archives are kept on SRI-CSL in the file: <UWIZ>ARCHIVE.TXT (Current years archives) <UWIZ>ARCHIVE-82.TXT <UWIZ>ARCHIVE-81.TXT They may be FTP'd with user name ANONYMOUS, password FOO. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to UNIX-WIZARDS-REQUEST@BRL. Coordinator: Mike Muuss <mike@BRL-VGR> V2LNI-PEOPLE@MIT-MC People using Pronet/V2LNI Ring networks. Coordinator: LWA@MIT-MC VIDEODISC@MIT-AI Videodisc discussion group. The permanent archive for this list is the MIT-AI file: GEOFF;VIDISC RECORD All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to VIDEODISC-REQUEST@MIT-AI. Coordinator: GEOFF@SRI-CSL WorkS@RUTGERS WorkS discusses personal work station computers, such as the APOLLO work station computer, the Three Rivers Corporation PERQ, or the recently announced Xerox STAR. WorkS provides a way for interested members of the ARPANET community to discuss what is wrong with these machines, compare notes on work in progress, and share useful insights about these kinds of systems. Mail may also be sent to WorkS@MIT-MC or WorkS@BRL. A special address has been established for descriptive/biographical infomation about list members, so we each know where the others are coming from: WorkS-Census@MIT-AI. Archived Digest messages are kept on non-ARPANET hosts at Rutgers, and must be requested from WorkS-Request@RUTGERs. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to WorkS-Request@RUTGERS or WorkS-Request@MIT-MC. Coordinator: Mel <Pleasant@RUTGERS> End of Interest-Groups List *************************** -------