mike@bucasa (11/05/87)
Distribution-File: ailist@sri-stripe.arpa vision@ads.arpa cvnet@yorkvm1 epsynet@uhupvm1 neuron@ti-csl.csnet !neuron self-org@mc.lcs.mit.edu arpanet-bboards@mc.lcs.mit.edu parsym@sumex-aim.stanford.edu physics@mc.lcs.mit.edu soft-eng@xx.lcs.mit.edu theorynet@yktvmz connectionists@c.cs.cmu.edu smtp%"info-futures@bu-cs.bu.edu" smtp%"mike@bucasb.bu.edu" NEURAL NETWORKS: A special issue of Applied Optics December 1, 1987 (vol. 26, no. 23) Guest editors: Gail A. Carpenter and Stephen Grossberg The Applied Optics special issue on neural networks brings together a selection of research articles concerning both biological models of brain and behavior and technological models for implementation in government and industrial applications. Many of the articles analyze problems about pattern recognition and image processing, notably those classes of problems for which adaptive, massively parallel, fault-tolerant solutions are needed, and for which neural networks provide solutions in the form of architectures that will run in real-time when realized in hardware. The articles are grouped into several topics: adaptive pattern recognition models, image processing models, robotics models, optical implementations, electronic implementations, and opto-electronic implementations. Each type of neural network model is typically specialized to solve a variety of problems. Models of back propagation, simulated annealing, competitive learning, adaptive resonance, and associative map formation are found in a number of articles. Each of the articles may thus be appreciated on several levels, from the development of general modeling ideas, through the mathematical and computational analysis of specialized model types, to the detailed explanation of biological data or the fabrication of hardware. The table of contents follows. Single copies of this special issue are available from the Optical Society of America, at $18/copy. Orders may be placed by returning the form below, or by calling (202) 223-8130 (ask for Jeana Macleod). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please send ____ copies of the Applied Optics special issue on neural networks (vol. 26, no. 23) to: NAME: __________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TELEPHONE(S):___________________________________________ TOTAL COST: $ ____________ $18/copy, including domestic or foreign surface postage (+ $10/copy for air mail outside U.S.) PAYMENT: _____ Check enclosed (payable to Optical Society of America, or OSA) or _____ Credit card: American Express ____ VISA ____ MasterCard ____ Account number __________________________________ Expiration date _________________________________ Signature (required) ____________________________ SEND TO: Optical Society of America Publications Department 1816 Jefferson Place NW Or call: (202) 223-8130 (Jeana Macleod) Washington, DC 20036 USA (credit cards) _______________________________________________________________________________ NEURAL NETWORKS: A special issue of Applied Optics December 1, 1987 (vol. 26, no. 23) Guest editors: Gail A. Carpenter and Stephen Grossberg TABLE OF CONTENTS ADAPTIVE PATTERN RECOGNITION MODELS Teuvo Kohonen. Adaptive, associative, and self-organizing functions in neural computing Gail A. Carpenter and Stephen Grossberg. ART 2: Self-organization of stable category recognition codes for analog input patterns Jean-Paul Banquet and Stephen Grossberg. Probing cognitive processes through the structure of event-related potentials during learning: An experimental and theoretical analysis Bart Kosko. Adaptive bidirectional associative memories T.W. Ryan, C.L. Winter, and C.J. Turner. Dynamic control of an artificial neural system: The Property Inheritance Network C. Lee Giles and Tom Maxwell. Learning and generalization in high order neural networks: An overview Robert Hecht-Nielsen. Counterpropagation networks Kunihiko Fukushima. A neural network model for selective attention in visual pattern recognition and associative recall IMAGE PROCESSING MODELS Michael H. Brill, Doreen W. Bergeron, and William W. Stoner. Retinal model with adaptive contrast sensitivity and resolution Daniel Kersten, Alice J. O'Toole, Margaret E. Sereno, David C. Knill, and James A. Anderson. Associative learning of scene parameters from images ROBOTICS MODELS Jacob Barhen, N. Toomarian, and V. Protopopescu. Optimization of the computational load of a hypercube supercomputer onboard a mobile robot Stephen Grossberg and Daniel S. Levine. Neural dynamics of attentionally modulated Pavlovian conditioning: Blocking, inter-stimulus interval, and secondary reinforcement OPTICAL IMPLEMENTATIONS Dana Z. Anderson and Diana M. Lininger. Dynamic optical interconnects: Volume holograms and optical two-port operators Arthur D. Fisher, W.L. Lippincott, and John N. Lee. Optical implementations of associative networks with versatile adaptive learning capabilities Clark C. Guest and Robert Te Kolste. Designs and devices for optical bidirectional associative memories Kelvin Wagner and Demetri Psaltis. Multilayer optical learning networks ELECTRONIC IMPLEMENTATIONS Larry D. Jackel, Hans P. Graf, and R.E. Howard. Electronic neural-network chips Larry D. Jackel, R.E. Howard, John S. Denker, W. Hubbard, and S.A. Solla. Building a hierarchy with neural networks: An example - image vector quantization A.P. Thakoor, A. Moopenn, John Lambe, and Satish K. Khanna. Electronic hardware implementations of neural networks OPTO-ELECTRONIC IMPLEMENTATIONS Nabil H. Farhat. Opto-electronic analogs of self-programming neural nets: Architectures and methodologies for implementing fast stochastic learning by simulated annealing Yuri Owechko. Opto-electronic resonator neural networks (Please Post this to Your Mailing List)