[comp.society.futures] Brand's book on the Media Lab

robertj@yale-zoo-suned..arpa (Rob Jellinghaus) (11/20/87)

I have received many requests for bibliographic information on Stewart
Brand's book about MIT's Media Lab, some of which I could not reply to
through mail.

Brand, Stewart, _The Media Lab: Inventing the Future at MIT_ (New York,
Viking, 1987).

Also, in my last posting mentioning this book, I mentioned one section
in which the director of the Lab tells an audience that Bell today has
the capability to deliver optical fiber to every house in America, with
a bandwidth of 500 gigabits per second.  I was wrong.  The figure is
actually half a gigabit per second.  (500 megabits/sec)  I was only off
by a factor of 1000.  This figure is given on page 68 of Brand's book.

I strongly recommend this book for anyone who reads this newsgroup.  I
gasped out loud several times while reading it.  And Brand's discussion
of the possible implications of this new technology is almost more
stimulating than the description of the new technology itself.

Does anyone else have any books they could recommend to this newsgroup?
I plan to get Drexler's _Engines of Creation_ as soon as I have time to
read it.  I just finished John Sculley's _Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple_
(New York, Harper & Row, 1987), which, while not terribly well-written,
has some interesting speculations about the impact these new technolo-
gies will have on America's economic and social future.  I'm also a Mac
freak, so it was interesting from that viewpoint as well.

Any fave books anyone else would care to mention?

Rob Jellinghaus                | "Lemme graze in your veldt,
jellinghaus@yale.edu.UUCP      |  Lemme trample your albino,
ROBERTJ@{yalecs,yalevm}.BITNET |  Lemme nibble on your buds,
!..!ihnp4!hsi!yale!jellinghaus |  I'm your... Love Rhino" -- Bloom County