[comp.society.futures] : Keyboards

guido@COD.NOSC.MIL (Michele Carey Guido) (01/24/89)

This is  my third message too, please delete me from this mailing
list.  For some reason I keep getting messages.

michele guido

bzs@pinocchio.encore.com (Barry Shein) (01/24/89)

Thank you for bothering the entire list with this.

You sent a request to be dropped on Jan 17th and you were dropped on
or around then (certainly last week which ended on the 20th.)

Sometimes mail still waiting for you (held up by some communications
problem) continues to arrive for a few days after you are dropped.
This is probably what is causing your confusion, there is basically
nothing that can be done about it, just wait a few days and it will
stop (probably has already, you probably went through some old mail
and then sent this message in response to that.)

If the possibility of not stopping mail like a spigot the instant you
request to be dropped is not acceptable I strongly recommend you shut
off your network connection entirely, it is the only answer to your
problem, certainly more satisfactory than sheer rudeness.

	-Barry Shein