maxwell@babel.DEC (05/30/85)
A couple of months ago, I requested information from this news group's readers about Zilog's Z800 uP. I received several replies (thank you all), but none contained any information I didn't already know, or requested information as well. Yesterday, however, my copy of net.micro contained an article by a guy who wasn't too complimentary towards Zilog and their "Real Soon Now" Z800 (and Z80000*) chips. In his opening he'd quoted a passage from someone else's message that seems to have contained information "straight from Zilog".... I've missed the original, quoted, message. Since yesterday's message was sent to both net.arch and net.micro, perhaps it showed up in net.arch (which I don't currently receive. If anyone has a copy of the original, please forward it to me. I'm still interested in the Z800, by the way. According to the 'latest' information, via Zilog's distributor in the Boston area, the Z800 will be sampled Q1'86. It's getting hard to hold my breath.... -+- Sid Maxwell, DEC @ Spit Brook, Nashua NH