[net.micro] Survey Results

ksl@hou2e.UUCP (a hacker) (05/04/85)

Several people had asked questions:
1.	Will you post the results?
		YES, but the responce was enormous,
		it will take me a month to tally	
		the results (via vi)

		Thanks to everyone who responded.

2.	What do you need the survey answers for?
		BUSINESS mainly -- I need the
		information to write a document
		on it.

3.	What is EL?
		EL is electro-luminescent display
		It is VERY expensive, but very

These were the most asked questions received, I will answer
the rest in the posting of the results.

Thanks to everyone who responded!!


ksl@hou2e.UUCP (a hacker) (06/01/85)

The survey results are nearly complete.  Here are the results
as so far:
**	In survey results, there will be brief accompying	**
**	text which describes answers.  Any percentage above	**
**	10% was included.  If you want results under 10%	**
**	please mail me at hou2e!ksl.				**
**	Results to multiple choice and yes/no question are	**
**	all included regardless of percentage.			**

>If you do not own a computer, fill out portions of the survey that apply.
>You need not fill out all sections:  you may leave out questions which
>ask you which you "hate".
>1. List computer(s) you own below:  (e.g. IBM PC)
	This question raised a controversy:

	What kind of computer(s) do you mean?

I meant a micro-computer (assumed since it was posted onto net.micro),
but since many people didn't know that, I accepted all types.

Here are the averages:

**	Computer percentage means the percentage of all computers	**
**	that were of the type.  Person percentage means the percent	**
**	of people that owned that type.					**

Number	Computer			Computer %	Person %
======	========			==========	========
1.	Homebrew computer		8.235%		18.421%
2.	Apple ][+			7.059%		15.789%
3.	AT&T 6300			5.882%		13.158%
(tie)	Commodore 64
(tie)	VIC-20
1.	IBM Compatible			23.529%		52.632%
2.	Apple Compatible		11.765%		26.316%
3.	S-100				8.235%		18.421%
4.	OTHERS				44.706%		126.316%
[Can you beleive that?  126.316% of all people own a different
type of computer not compatible with many other computers]
1.	Apple				15.294%		34.211%
2.	Commodore			11.765%		26.316%
3.	Digital				7.059%		15.789%
4.	AT&T				5.882%		13.158%
(tie)	IBM

>2. What operating system do you favor?  (e.g. MS DOS, UNIX)

The favorite operating system was a blowout with:
1.	UNIX and variations		55%
2.	MS-DOS and PC-DOS		30%
3.	CP/M				10%

>For #'s 3 and 4, if you have one computer, or none, skip to #5.
>*3. What is your favorite computer that you own?		3._____________
>*4. What computer do you like the least that you own?		4._____________

I did not include the results to these two questions since the answer
would not seem to be fair.

>5. What computer would you like to own? (if you could afford it)

Here are the results (note that most people wanted to own expensive things):
1.	SUN Workstation 150		17.65%
(tie)	IBM PC/AT
(tie)	DEC MicroVAX (II)
4.	AT&T UNIX PC			11.76%

>6. If you had a choice of 2 computers, 1 portable, the other desktop;
>   w/ same price; which would you buy? (a) portable (b)desktop

One person asked depending on the price.  I guess I forgot,
but most people assumed I meant the same price.

(a)Portable:	11.11%		(b)Desktop:	88.89%

>7. What type of display do you favor? (a)CRT (b)TV (c)LCD (d)EL

For those who didn't know, here are the definitions:
LCD- liquid crystal display, EL- electroluminesence (sp?)

(a)CRT: 95.24%	(b)TV: 0%	(c)LCD: 0%	(d)EL: 4.76%

>8. What type of display do you prefer NOT to use?(same choices)

(a)CRT: 0%	(b)TV: 64.29%	(c)LCD: 25%	(d)EL: 10.71%

>9. What company, in your opinion, produces GOOD computer equipment
	and/or software  (e.g. IBM, MS)

IBM was the only one to place above 10%.

1.	IBM			12.90%

**	This completes part one of the survey responces.	**
**	Expect part 2 next week.				**


ksl@hou2e.UUCP (a hacker) (06/05/85)

Here is the second part of the survey results:

*	All percentages above 10% are included in this	*
*	posting.  Note that not all figures are		*
*	official.  If you would like figures under	*
*	10%, please mail me.  For those who asked	*
*	for the under 10% for part 1, I am about ready	*
*	to mail them to you.		--hou2e!ksl	*

>For #'s 10-15, if you use more than one of the things in capital letters,
>pick the one that you prefer.
>10. What WORD PROCESSESOR do you prefer?  (e.g. WordStar, vi)
Here are the word processors above 10%:
1.	Emacs			31.82%
2.	Vi			22.73%
3.	WordStar		18.18%

>11. What COMPUTER MAGAZINE do you read?  (e.g. Byte, PC World)	11.____________
Note that some people read more than one computer magazine:
1.	BYTE			40.91%
2.	Dr. Dobbs		13.64%

>12. What type of MODEM do you use?  (e.g. Hayes Smartmodem 1200)12.____________
This question produced just one modem above 10%:
1.	Hayes 1200 Smartmodem	38.10%

>13. What COMPUTER LANGUAGE do you prefer (e.g. C, Pascal)	13.____________
Here are the favorite computer languages:
1.	C language		47.83%
2.	Pascal			26.09%

>14. What size of DISKS do you use? (e.g. 5.25, 8)		14.____________
Here, all three sizes and there percentages are listed:
1.	5.25''			69.57%
2.	8''			17.39%
3.	3.5''			13.04%

>15. What brand of DISKS do you use? (e.g. Maxell, Datalife)	15.____________
1.	Datalife		20.83%
2.	Maxell			16.67%
(tie)	3M
(tie)	Dysan

*	Note all percentages are included for yes no questions	*
>The following questions are "yes" or "no":
>16. Do you prefer to have a HARD RESET BUTTON or not?		16.___
YES:90.48%		no: 9.52%

>17. Do you prefer having a NUMERIC KEYPAD?			17.___
YES:78.26%		no: 21.74%

>18. Do you prefer a COMPUTER GENERATED BEEP everytime you type? 18.___
yes: 18.18%		NO: 81.82%

		*	This conludes part 2	*

Part three will appear next week.