ruth@utstat.uucp (Ruth Croxford) (02/07/89)
Topic: How should one choose the loss function to estimate the covariance structure of a generalized linear model? Speaker: Martin Bilodeau, Dept of Statistics, University of Toronto Date: 4:00 p.m., Thursday, February 9, 1989 Place: room 2110, Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St George St., University of Toronto Abstract: In a generalized linear model, under certain conditions, the covariance matrices of a two-stage Aitken estimator and the Gauss-Markov estimator are related via Kariya's inequality of the form Cov(beta hat(omega)) <= Cov(beta hat(omega hat)) <= psi sub gamma [L(gamma, gamma hat)] Cov(beta hat(omega)), where the true covariance matrix omega of the response is a function of an estimable parameter gamma. This inequality is used as a basis for defining a loss function to estimate gamma. Two models ae analyzed: the seemingly unrelated regressions and the heteroscedastic model. In both cases, the loss function is univariant with respect to an appropriate group of transformations and the minimum risk equivariant estimators obtained. This approach reduces the degree of arbitrariness for choosing a loss function. ----------------- Coffee and tea will be served in the De Lury Lounge (SS6006) at 3:30 p.m.