[comp.ai.neural-nets] bpsim.c - neural-net software

morus@netmbx.UUCP (Thomas M.) (04/09/88)

This posting might be redundant because I tried to post  a week ago and
there was no feedback whether it was sent to this group or not.
This listing constitutes a backpropagation algorithm with a slight modifica-
tion to be compiled under Turbo-C. (Thanks to Pavel Rozalski!).
------------------  cut here (and the signature at the end) ----------------
 * title:	bpsim.c
 * author:	Josiah C. Hoskins
 * date:	June 1987
 * purpose:	backpropagation learning rule neural net simulator
 *		for the tabula rasa Little Red Riding Hood example
 * description: Bpsim provides an implementation of a neural network
 *		containing a single hidden layer which uses the
 *		generalized backpropagation delta rule for learning.
 *		A simple user interface is supplied for experimenting
 *		with a neural network solution to the Little Red Riding
 *		Hood example described in the text.
 *		In addition, bpsim contains some useful building blocks
 *		for further experimentation with single layer neural
 *		networks. The data structure which describes the general
 *		processing unit allows one to easily investigate different
 *		activation (output) and/or error functions. The utility
 *		function create_link can be used to create links between
 *		any two units by supplying your own create_in_out_links
 *		function. The flexibility of creating units and links
 *		to your specifications allows one to modify the code
 *		to tune the network architecture to problems of interest.
 *		There are some parameters that perhaps need some
 *		explanation. You will notice that the target values are
 *		either 0.1 or 0.9 (corresponding to the binary values
 *		0 or 1). With the sigmoidal function used in out_f the
 *		weights become very large if 0 and 1 are used as targets.
 *		The ON_TOLERANCE value is used as a criteria for an output
 *		value to be considered "on", i.e., close enough to the
 *		target of 0.9 to be considered 1. The learning_rate and
 *		momentum variables may be changed to vary the rate of
 *		learning, however, in general they each should be less
 *		than 1.0.
 *		Bpsim has been compiled using CI-C86 version 2.30 on an
 *		IBM-PC and the Sun C compiler on a Sun 3/160.
 *		Note to compile and link on U*IX machines use:
 *			cc -o bpsim bpsim.c -lm
 *		For other machines remember to link in the math library.
 * status:	This program may be freely used, modified, and distributed
 *		except for commercial purposes.
 * Copyright (c) 1987	Josiah C. Hoskins
 /* Modified to function properly under Turbo C by replacing malloc(...)
    with calloc(...,1). Thanks to Pavel Rozalski who detected the error.
    He assumed that Turbo C's "malloc" doesn't automatically set pointers
    to NULL - and he was right!
    Thomas Muhr, Berlin April, 1988

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define BUFSIZ		512

#define FALSE		0
#define TRUE		!FALSE
#define NUM_IN		6	/* number of input units */
#define NUM_HID 	3	/* number of hidden units */
#define NUM_OUT 	7	/* number of output units */
#define BIAS_UID	(TOTAL) /* threshold unit */

/* macros to provide indexes for processing units */
#define IN_UID(X)	(X)
#define HID_UID(X)	(NUM_IN + X)
#define OUT_UID(X)	(NUM_IN + NUM_HID + X)
#define TARGET_INDEX(X) (X - (NUM_IN + NUM_HID))

#define WOLF_PATTERN	0
#define PATTERNS	3	/* number of input patterns */
#define ERROR_TOLERANCE 0.01
#define ON_TOLERANCE	0.8	/* a unit's output is on if > ON_TOLERENCE */
#define NOTIFY		10	/* iterations per dot notification */
#define DEFAULT_ITER	250

struct unit {			/* general processing unit */
  int	 uid;			/* integer uniquely identifying each unit */
  char	 *label;
  double output;		/* activation level */
  double (*unit_out_f)();	/* note output fcn == activation fcn*/
  double delta; 		/* delta for unit */
  double (*unit_delta_f)();	/* ptr to function to calc delta */
  struct link *inlinks; 	/* for propagation */
  struct link *outlinks;	/* for back propagation */
} *pu[TOTAL+1]; 		/* one extra for the bias unit */

struct link {			/* link between two processing units */
  char	 *label;
  double weight;		/* connection or link weight */
  double data;			/* used to hold the change in weights */
  int	 from_unit;		/* uid of from unit */
  int	 to_unit;		/* uid of to unit */
  struct link *next_inlink;
  struct link *next_outlink;

int	iterations = DEFAULT_ITER;
double	learning_rate = 0.2;
double	momentum = 0.9;
double	pattern_err[PATTERNS];

 * Input Patterns
 * {Big Ears, Big Eyes, Big Teeth, Kindly, Wrinkled, Handsome}
 *   unit 0    unit 1	  unit 2   unit 3   unit 4    unit 5
double	input_pat[PATTERNS+1][NUM_IN] = {
  {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0},	/* Wolf */
  {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0},	/* Grandma */
  {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0},	/* Woodcutter */
  {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0},	/* Used for Recognize Mode */

 * Target Patterns
 * {Scream, Run Away, Look for Woodcutter, Approach, Kiss on Cheek,
 *	Offer Food, Flirt with}
double	target_pat[PATTERNS][NUM_OUT] = {
  {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1},	/* response to Wolf */
  {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.1},	/* response to Grandma */
  {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9},	/* response to Woodcutter */

 * function declarations
void	print_header();
char	get_command();
double	out_f(), delta_f_out(), delta_f_hid(), random(), pattern_error();

  char	 ch;
  extern struct unit *pu[];

  for (;;) {
    ch = get_command("\nEnter Command (Learn, Recognize, Quit) => ");
    switch (ch) {
    case 'l':
    case 'L':
      printf("\n\tLEARN MODE\n\n");
    case 'r':
    case 'R':
      printf("\n\tRECOGNIZE MODE\n\n");
    case 'q':
    case 'Q':
      fprintf(stderr, "Invalid Command\n");

	 "\n\tBPSIM -- Back Propagation Learning Rule Neural Net Simulator\n",
	 "\t\t for the tabula rasa Little Red Riding Hood example.\n\n",
	 "\t\t Written by Josiah C. Hoskins\n");

 * create input, hidden, output units (and threshold or bias unit)
struct	unit *pu[];
  int	id;			/* processing unit index */
  struct unit *create_unit();

  for (id = IN_UID(0); id < IN_UID(NUM_IN); id++)
    pu[id] = create_unit(id, "input", 0.0, NULL, 0.0, NULL);
  for (id = HID_UID(0); id < HID_UID(NUM_HID); id++)
    pu[id] = create_unit(id, "hidden", 0.0, out_f, 0.0, delta_f_hid);
  for (id = OUT_UID(0); id < OUT_UID(NUM_OUT); id++)
    pu[id] = create_unit(id, "output", 0.0, out_f, 0.0, delta_f_out);
  pu[BIAS_UID] = create_unit(BIAS_UID, "bias", 1.0, NULL, 0.0, NULL);

 * create links - fully connected for each layer
 *		  note: the bias unit has one link to ea hid and out unit
struct	unit *pu[];
  int	i, j;		/* i == to and j == from unit id's */
  struct link *create_link();

  /* fully connected units */
  for (i = HID_UID(0); i < HID_UID(NUM_HID); i++) { /* links to hidden */
    pu[BIAS_UID]->outlinks =
      pu[i]->inlinks = create_link(pu[i]->inlinks, i,
				   pu[BIAS_UID]->outlinks, BIAS_UID,
				   (char *)NULL,
				   random(), 0.0);
    for (j = IN_UID(0); j < IN_UID(NUM_IN); j++) /* from input units */
      pu[j]->outlinks =
	pu[i]->inlinks = create_link(pu[i]->inlinks, i, pu[j]->outlinks, j,
				     (char *)NULL, random(), 0.0);
  for (i = OUT_UID(0); i < OUT_UID(NUM_OUT); i++) {	/* links to output */
    pu[BIAS_UID]->outlinks =
	    pu[i]->inlinks = create_link(pu[i]->inlinks, i,
					 pu[BIAS_UID]->outlinks, BIAS_UID,
					 (char *)NULL, random(), 0.0);
    for (j = HID_UID(0); j < HID_UID(NUM_HID); j++) /* from hidden units */
      pu[j]->outlinks =
	pu[i]->inlinks = create_link(pu[i]->inlinks, i, pu[j]->outlinks, j,
				     (char *)NULL, random(), 0.0);

 * return a random number bet 0.0 and 1.0
  return((rand() % 32727) / 32737.0);

 * the next two functions are general utility functions to create units
 * and create links
struct unit *
create_unit(uid, label, output, out_f, delta, delta_f)
int  uid;
char *label;
double	 output, delta;
double	 (*out_f)(), (*delta_f)();
  struct unit  *unitptr;

  if (!(unitptr = (struct unit *)malloc(sizeof(struct unit)))) { 
TURBO C doesnt automatically set pointers to NULL - so use calloc(...,1) */
  if (!(unitptr = (struct unit *)calloc(sizeof(struct unit),1))) {
    fprintf(stderr, "create_unit: not enough memory\n");
  /* initialize unit data */
  unitptr->uid = uid;
  unitptr->label = label;
  unitptr->output = output;
  unitptr->unit_out_f = out_f;	/* ptr to output fcn */
  unitptr->delta = delta;
  unitptr->unit_delta_f = delta_f;
  return (unitptr);

struct link *
create_link(start_inlist, to_uid, start_outlist, from_uid, label, wt, data)
struct	link *start_inlist, *start_outlist;
int	to_uid, from_uid;
char *	label;
double	wt, data;
  struct link  *linkptr;

/*  if (!(linkptr = (struct link *)malloc(sizeof(struct link)))) { */
  if (!(linkptr = (struct link *)calloc(sizeof(struct link),1))) {
    fprintf(stderr, "create_link: not enough memory\n");
  /* initialize link data */
  linkptr->label = label;
  linkptr->from_unit = from_uid;
  linkptr->to_unit = to_uid;
  linkptr->weight = wt;
  linkptr->data = data;
  linkptr->next_inlink = start_inlist;
  linkptr->next_outlink = start_outlist;

char	*s;
  char	command[BUFSIZ];

  fputs(s, stdout);
  fflush(stdin); fflush(stdout);
  (void)fgets(command, BUFSIZ, stdin);
  return((command[0])); 	/* return 1st letter of command */

struct unit *pu[];
  register i, temp;
  char	 tempstr[BUFSIZ];
  extern int	iterations;
  extern double learning_rate, momentum;
  static char prompt[] = "Enter # iterations (default is 250) => ";
  static char quote1[] = "Perhaps, Little Red Riding Hood ";
  static char quote2[] = "should do more learning.\n";

  fflush(stdin); fflush(stdout);
  if (temp = atoi(tempstr))
    iterations = temp;

  printf("\nLearning ");
  for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
    if ((i % NOTIFY) == 0) {
    bp_learn(pu, (i == iterations-2 || i == iterations-1 || i == iterations));
  printf(" Done\n\n");
  printf("Error for Wolf pattern = \t%lf\n", pattern_err[0]);
  printf("Error for Grandma pattern = \t%lf\n", pattern_err[1]);
  printf("Error for Woodcutter pattern = \t%lf\n", pattern_err[2]);
  if (pattern_err[WOLF_PATTERN] > ERROR_TOLERANCE) {
    printf("\nI don't know the Wolf very well.\n%s%s", quote1, quote2);
  } else if (pattern_err[GRANDMA_PATTERN] > ERROR_TOLERANCE) {
    printf("\nI don't know Grandma very well.\n%s%s", quote1, quote2);
  } else if (pattern_err[WOODCUT_PATTERN] > ERROR_TOLERANCE) {
    printf("\nI don't know Mr. Woodcutter very well.\n%s%s", quote1, quote2);
  } else {
    printf("\nI feel pretty smart, now.\n");

 * back propagation learning
bp_learn(pu, save_error)
struct unit *pu[];
int    save_error;
  static int count = 0;
  static int pattern = 0;
  extern double pattern_err[PATTERNS];

  init_input_units(pu, pattern); /* initialize input pattern to learn */
  propagate(pu);		 /* calc outputs to check versus targets */
  if (save_error)
    pattern_err[pattern] = pattern_error(pattern, pu);
  bp_adjust_weights(pattern, pu);
  if (pattern < PATTERNS - 1)
      pattern = 0;

 * initialize the input units with a specific input pattern to learn
init_input_units(pu, pattern)
struct unit *pu[];
int    pattern;
  int	id;

  for (id = IN_UID(0); id < IN_UID(NUM_IN); id++)
    pu[id]->output = input_pat[pattern][id];

 * calculate the activation level of each unit
struct unit *pu[];
  int	id;

  for (id = HID_UID(0); id < HID_UID(NUM_HID); id++)
    (*(pu[id]->unit_out_f))(pu[id], pu);
  for (id = OUT_UID(0); id < OUT_UID(NUM_OUT); id++)
    (*(pu[id]->unit_out_f))(pu[id], pu);

 * function to calculate the activation or output of units
out_f(pu_ptr, pu)
struct unit *pu_ptr, *pu[];
  double sum = 0.0, exp();
  struct link *tmp_ptr;

  tmp_ptr = pu_ptr->inlinks;
  while (tmp_ptr) {
    /* sum up (outputs from inlinks times weights on the inlinks) */
    sum += pu[tmp_ptr->from_unit]->output * tmp_ptr->weight;
    tmp_ptr = tmp_ptr->next_inlink;
  pu_ptr->output = 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-sum));

 * half of the sum of the squares of the errors of the
 * output versus target values
pattern_error(pat_num, pu)
int	pat_num;	/* pattern number */
struct	unit *pu[];
  int		i;
  double	temp, sum = 0.0;

  for (i = OUT_UID(0); i < OUT_UID(NUM_OUT); i++) {
    temp = target_pat[pat_num][TARGET_INDEX(i)] - pu[i]->output;
    sum += temp * temp;
  return (sum/2.0);

bp_adjust_weights(pat_num, pu)
int	pat_num;	/* pattern number */
struct	unit *pu[];
  int		i;		/* processing units id */
  double	temp1, temp2, delta, error_sum;
  struct link	*inlink_ptr, *outlink_ptr;

  /* calc deltas */
  for (i = OUT_UID(0); i < OUT_UID(NUM_OUT); i++) /* for each output unit */
    (*(pu[i]->unit_delta_f))(pu, i, pat_num); /* calc delta */
  for (i = HID_UID(0); i < HID_UID(NUM_HID); i++) /* for each hidden unit */
    (*(pu[i]->unit_delta_f))(pu, i);	  /* calc delta */
  /* calculate weights */
  for (i = OUT_UID(0); i < OUT_UID(NUM_OUT); i++) {	/* for output units */
    inlink_ptr = pu[i]->inlinks;
    while (inlink_ptr) {	/* for each inlink to output unit */
      temp1 = learning_rate * pu[i]->delta *
      temp2 = momentum * inlink_ptr->data;
      inlink_ptr->data = temp1 + temp2; /* new delta weight */
      inlink_ptr->weight += inlink_ptr->data;	/* new weight */
      inlink_ptr = inlink_ptr->next_inlink;
  for (i = HID_UID(0); i < HID_UID(NUM_HID); i++) { /* for ea hid unit */
    inlink_ptr = pu[i]->inlinks;
    while (inlink_ptr) {	/* for each inlink to output unit */
      temp1 = learning_rate * pu[i]->delta *
      temp2 = momentum * inlink_ptr->data;
      inlink_ptr->data = temp1 + temp2; /* new delta weight */
      inlink_ptr->weight += inlink_ptr->data;	/* new weight */
	inlink_ptr = inlink_ptr->next_inlink;

 * calculate the delta for an output unit
delta_f_out(pu, uid, pat_num)
struct unit *pu[];
int    uid, pat_num;
  double	temp1, temp2, delta;

  /* calc deltas */
  temp1 = (target_pat[pat_num][TARGET_INDEX(uid)] - pu[uid]->output);
  temp2 = (1.0 - pu[uid]->output);
  delta = temp1 * pu[uid]->output * temp2; /* calc delta */
  pu[uid]->delta = delta; /* store delta to pass on */

 * calculate the delta for a hidden unit
delta_f_hid(pu, uid)
struct unit *pu[];
int    uid;
  double	temp1, temp2, delta, error_sum;
  struct link	*inlink_ptr, *outlink_ptr;

  outlink_ptr = pu[uid]->outlinks;
  error_sum = 0.0;
  while (outlink_ptr) {
    error_sum += pu[outlink_ptr->to_unit]->delta * outlink_ptr->weight;
    outlink_ptr = outlink_ptr->next_outlink;
  delta = pu[uid]->output * (1.0 - pu[uid]->output) * error_sum;
  pu[uid]->delta = delta;

struct unit *pu[];
  int	 i;
  char	 tempstr[BUFSIZ];
  static char *p[] = {"Big Ears?", "Big Eyes?", "Big Teeth?",
		      "Kindly?\t", "Wrinkled?", "Handsome?"};

  for (i = 0; i < NUM_IN; i++) {
    printf("%s\t(y/n) ", p[i]);
    fflush(stdin); fflush(stdout);
    fgets(tempstr, BUFSIZ, stdin);
    if (tempstr[0] == 'Y' || tempstr[0] == 'y')
      input_pat[PATTERNS][i] = 1.0;
      input_pat[PATTERNS][i] = 0.0;
  init_input_units(pu, PATTERNS);

struct unit *pu[];
  int	id, count = 0;
  static char *behaviour[] = {
    "Screams", "Runs Away", "Looks for Woodcutter", "Approaches",
    "Kisses on Cheek", "Offers Food", "Flirts with Woodcutter" };

  printf("\nLittle Red Riding Hood: \n");
  for (id = OUT_UID(0); id < OUT_UID(NUM_OUT); id++){ /* links to out units */
    if (pu[id]->output > ON_TOLERANCE)
      printf("\t%s\n", behaviour[count]);

! Thomas Muhr    Knowledge-Based Systems Dept. Technical University of Berlin !
! BITNET/EARN:	 muhrth@db0tui11.bitnet                                       !
! UUCP:          morus@netmbx.UUCP (Please don't use from outside Germany)    !
! BTX:           030874162  Tel.: (Germany 0049) (Berlin 030) 87 41 62        !