[comp.ai.neural-nets] NEU8801A.BIB - Neural Network Bibliography

dtinker@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu (Prof. David Tinker) (04/26/88)

In Article 122 of comp.ai.neural-nets, johnson@c10sd1.StPaul.NCR.COM 
(Wayne Johnson) posts references to recent literature on neural nets.  
For my own use, I thought I'd like to collect this material in a more 
structured format, and make it the nucleus of a bibliography.  Thus the 
following is the beginning of a refer-format bibliography on neural net 
models/computing based on the material already posted by Wayne Johnson 
plus some additional material I found around the house.  If anyone would 
care to E-mail me additional references, corrections/additions to the 
following list, etc. I'll be glad to include them with acknowledgements 
in future postings.  New material will be referenced in NEU8802A.BIB, 
etc. Corrections/addenda will be posted (as diffs) in NEU8801B.BIB, etc.

-------------------------------[ Cut Here ]-------------------------------
NEU8801A.BIB - Apr 23 1988

%A Author(s)
%T Title
%B Title of Book if not same as %T
%E Editor(s) if not same as %A
%J Journal reference
%I Publisher
%D Date
%Z ISBN number
%O Author's affiliation
%K Keywords
%X Abstract/extract

%A D.O. Hebb
%T The Organization of Behaviour
%I John Wiley and Sons, New York
%D 1949
%X This is the book that started it all.

%A M. Minsky and S. Papert
%T Perceptrons
%I MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
%D 1969
%X A neat hatchet job by the leaders of the 'Symbolic Programming' school of
   Artificial Intelligence, on the 'Network' school; probably responsible
   for the latter appearing to be brain dead for the next decade.  Contains
   extensive mathematical analysis of 1-layer networks.

%A J.J. Hopfield
%T Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational
%J Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol 79, pp 2554-2558
%D 1982
%X and this is one of the key papers that initiated the recent explosion of
   research in a field that was officially pronounced dead in 1969 (by Minsky
   and Papert, see reference).

%A James L. McClelland, David E. Rumelhart
%T PARALLEL DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING, Explorations in the Microstructure
   of Cognition. 
   Volume 1: Foundations
   Volume 2: Psychological and Biological Models
%I MIT Press
%D 1987
%Z 0-262-18120-7 (v. 1)  0-262-13218-4 (v. 2)  0-262-18123-1 (set)
%O The PDP Research Group, MIT
%X This is "the Bible" in the field. Chapters by the authors, F.H.C. Crick,
   L. Elman, G. Hinton, M. Jordan, A.H. Kawamoto,  P.W. Munro, D.A. Norman,
   D.E. Rabin, T. Sejnowski, P. Smolensky, G.Stone, R.J. Williams, D. Zipser.
   Partial contents list:
   Vol. 1 - Part I: The PDP Perspective (4 chapters), Part II: Basic Mechanisms
   Part III: Formal Analyses Vol. 2 - Part IV: Psychological processes,
   Part V: Biological Mechanisms, Part VI: Conclusion.

%A James L. McClelland, David E. Rumelhart
   of Models, Programs and Exercises.
%I MIT Press
%D 1988
%Z 0-262-63113-X
%O The PDP Research Group, MIT
%X A very good source of connectionist/neural net software is available
   from MIT Press.  The package consists of IBM binaries and source
   (UNIX/IBM compatible)to code that implements the following models:
                - interactive competition
                - constraint satisfaction
                        * schema model
                        * Boltzmann machine
                        * harmonium
                - PDP learning models
                        * Hebbian
                        * generalized delta (back-propogation)
                - other learning models
                        * auto-association
                        * competitive learning
   All the source is provided (written in C). As well a handbook is 
   provided which describes the simulations and the theory underlying 
   these. The price is US$ 27.50 - a steal!

%A T. Kohonen
%T Self Organization and Associative Memory
%I Springer-Verlag
%D 1984

%A R.P. Lippmann
%T An introduction to Computing with Neural Nets
%J IEEE ASSP Magazine
%D April 1987

%A M.A. Arbib et al
%T Neural Models of Language Processes
%I Academic Press, New York
%D 1982
%Z 0-12-059870-2

%A M.A. Arbib 
%T Brains, Machines and Mathematics - 2nd Edition
%I Springer-Verlag
%D 1987.

%A M.A. Arbib and A.R. Hanson
%T Vision, Brain and Co-operative Computation
%I Academic Press, New York
%D 1987
%Z 0-242-01094-1

%A James Anderson and Edward Rosenfeld (editors)
%T Neurocomputing - Foundations of research.
%I MIT Press
%D 1988 (in press)

%A Robert Jay Brown
%T An Artificial Neural Network Experiment
%J Dr. Dobb's Journal #126
%D April 1987
%X The program simulates an "adaptive template matching image categor-
   izer".  It "learns to recognize (visual) patterns by being trained 
   from a set of prototype patterns presented in a training file".

%A William P. Jones and Josiah Hoskins.
%T Back-Propagation - A generalized delta learning rule.
%J BYTE Magazine, October 1987, pp 155-162.
%D 1987
%X A generalized delta learning rule, demonstrated with a neural-network
   simulation written in C.  (see BPSIM.C)

%A Gary Josin
%T Neural-Network Heuristics
%J BYTE Magazine, October 1987, pp 177-192
%D 1987
%X Three heuristic algorithms that learn from experience.

%A J.J. Hopfield and D.W. Tank
%T Neural Computation of Decisions in Optimization Problems
%J Biological Cybernetics, vol. 52, pp 147-152
%D 1985

%A T. Kohonen
%T Self-Organisation and Associative Memory
%I Springer Verlag
%D 1984

%A G.M. Josin
%T Neural Systems for Uses as a Research Tool
%B Computer Simulation in Brain Science
%E E. Cotteril
%I Cambridge University Press
%D 1986

%A P.N. Johnson-Laird
%T The Computer and the Mind - an Introduction to Cognitive Science
%I Harvard University Press
%D 1988
%Z 0-674-15615-3
%O MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge, England

%T Various (see below)
%J Daedalus (Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences)
%D 1988 (Winter '88)
%X Special issue on Artificial Intelligence

%A S. Papert
%T One AI or many?
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 1-14
%D 1988

%A H.L. Dreyfus and S.E. Dreyfus
%T Making a mind vs modeling the brain: Artificial Intelligence back at a
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 15-43
%D 1988

%A R. Sokolowski
%T Natural and Artificial Intelligence
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 45-64
%D 1988

%A P. McCorduck
%T Artificial Intelligence: an apercu
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 65-84
%D 1988

%A J.D. Cowan and D.H. Sharp
%T Neural Nets and Artifician Intelligence
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 85-122
%D 1988

%A J.T. Schwarz
%T The new connectionism: developing relationships between neuroscience and
   artificial intelligence
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 123-142
%D 1988

%A G.N. Reeke Jr. and G.M. Edelman
%T Real brains and artificial intelligence
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 143-174
%D 1988

%A W.D. Hillis
%T Intelligence as an emergent behaviour: or, the songs of Eden
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 143-190
%D 1988

%A D.L. Waltz
%T The prospects for building truly intelligent machines
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 191-212
%D 1988

%A A. Hurlbert and T. Poggio
%T Making machines (and artificial intelligence) see
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 213-240
%D 1988

%A S. Turkle
%T Artificial intelligence and psychoanalysis: a new alliance
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 241-268
%D 1988

%A H. Putnam
%T Much ado about not very much
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 269-282
%D 1988

%A D.C. Dennett
%T When philosophers encounter artificial intelligence
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 283-296
%D 1988

%A J. McCarthy
%T Mathematical Logic in Artificial Intelligence
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 297-311
%D 1988

%A G.W. Hoffmann
%T A neural network model based on the analogy with the Immune System
%J Journal of Theoretical Biology Vol 122, pp 33-67
%D 1986

%A G.W. Hoffmann
%T Neurons with hysteresis?
%B Computer Simulation in Brain Science
%E E. Cotteril
%I Cambridge University Press
%D 1986

%A W.H. Calvin
%T The Brain as a Darwin Machine
%J Nature (London) Vol 330, 5 November, pp 33-34
%D 1987
%X For parallel computers to simulate our brains, we must face the fact that
   human beings have a better claim on the title 'Homo seriatim' than 'Homo
   sapiens' - we're more consistently serial than wise.

%A T. Toffoli and N. Margolus
%T Cellular Automata Machines: A New Environment for Modeling
%I MIT Press
%D 1987

%A G. North
%T A celebration of connectionism
%J Nature (London) Vol. 328, 9 July, p 107
%D 1987

%A M.A. Boden
%T Artificial Intelligence and Natural Man, 2nd Edition
%I Basis Books, New York/MIT Press, London
%D 1987

%A G.A. Carpenter and S. Grossberg (editors)
%T Neural Networks: a special issue of Applied Optics
%J Applied Optics vol. 26 no. 23
%I The Optical Society of America
%D 1987
%X Available from the Optical Society of America, Publications Department,
   1816 Jefferson Place NW, Washington, D.C. 20036 USA or call (202)223-8130
   (Jeana Macleod); credit cards accepted (price US$18 per issue).

%A G. North
%T Neural networks - implementation and analysis
%J Nature (London) Vol. 330, 10 Dec 1988, pp 522-523
%D 1987

%A D. Zipser and R.A. Andersen
%T A back-propagation programmed network that simulates response properties
   of a subset of posterior parietal neurons
%J Nature (London) Vol. 331, 25 Feb 1988, pp 679-684
%D 1988

%A Alun Anderson
%T Neural networks - learning from a computer cat
%J Nature (London) Vol. 331, 25 Feb 1988, pp 657-659
%D 1988
%X A summary of and comment on the Zipser and Andersen article

%A Doyne Farmer and Stuart Kauffman
%T Biological modelling: what's evolving in Artificial Life
%J Nature (London) Vol. 331, 4 Feb 1988 pp 390-391
%D 1988
%X Report on the 1987 Artifical Life symposium at Los Alamos Labs

-------------------------------[ Cut Here ]-------------------------------
! David O. Tinker             !     ^ ^     !      UUCP: utgpu!dtinker    !
! Department of Biochemistry  !   < O O >   !    BITNET: dtinker@utoronto !
! University of Toronto       !      ^      !       BIX: dtinker          !
! TORONTO, Ontario, Canada    !    #####    !     Voice: (416) 978-3636   !
! M5S 1A8                     !             ! And so on.                  !
!                             !    Hi ho    !                             !

schwrtze@acf8.UUCP (E. Schwartz group) (04/27/88)

/* acf8:comp.ai.neural-nets / dtinker@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu (Prof. David Tinker) /  5:05 pm  Apr 25, 1988 */

In Article 122 of comp.ai.neural-nets, johnson@c10sd1.StPaul.NCR.COM 
(Wayne Johnson) posts references to recent literature on neural nets.  
For my own use, I thought I'd like to collect this material in a more 
structured format, and make it the nucleus of a bibliography.  Thus the 
following is the beginning of a refer-format bibliography on neural net 
models/computing based on the material already posted by Wayne Johnson 
plus some additional material I found around the house.  If anyone would 
care to E-mail me additional references, corrections/additions to the 
following list, etc. I'll be glad to include them with acknowledgements 
in future postings.  New material will be referenced in NEU8802A.BIB, 
etc. Corrections/addenda will be posted (as diffs) in NEU8801B.BIB, etc.

-------------------------------[ Cut Here ]-------------------------------
NEU8801A.BIB - Apr 23 1988

%A Author(s)
%T Title
%B Title of Book if not same as %T
%E Editor(s) if not same as %A
%J Journal reference
%I Publisher
%D Date
%Z ISBN number
%O Author's affiliation
%K Keywords
%X Abstract/extract

%A D.O. Hebb
%T The Organization of Behaviour
%I John Wiley and Sons, New York
%D 1949
%X This is the book that started it all.

%A M. Minsky and S. Papert
%T Perceptrons
%I MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
%D 1969
%X A neat hatchet job by the leaders of the 'Symbolic Programming' school of
   Artificial Intelligence, on the 'Network' school; probably responsible
   for the latter appearing to be brain dead for the next decade.  Contains
   extensive mathematical analysis of 1-layer networks.

%A J.J. Hopfield
%T Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational
%J Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol 79, pp 2554-2558
%D 1982
%X and this is one of the key papers that initiated the recent explosion of
   research in a field that was officially pronounced dead in 1969 (by Minsky
   and Papert, see reference).

%A James L. McClelland, David E. Rumelhart
%T PARALLEL DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING, Explorations in the Microstructure
   of Cognition. 
   Volume 1: Foundations
   Volume 2: Psychological and Biological Models
%I MIT Press
%D 1987
%Z 0-262-18120-7 (v. 1)  0-262-13218-4 (v. 2)  0-262-18123-1 (set)
%O The PDP Research Group, MIT
%X This is "the Bible" in the field. Chapters by the authors, F.H.C. Crick,
   L. Elman, G. Hinton, M. Jordan, A.H. Kawamoto,  P.W. Munro, D.A. Norman,
   D.E. Rabin, T. Sejnowski, P. Smolensky, G.Stone, R.J. Williams, D. Zipser.
   Partial contents list:
   Vol. 1 - Part I: The PDP Perspective (4 chapters), Part II: Basic Mechanisms
   Part III: Formal Analyses Vol. 2 - Part IV: Psychological processes,
   Part V: Biological Mechanisms, Part VI: Conclusion.

%A James L. McClelland, David E. Rumelhart
   of Models, Programs and Exercises.
%I MIT Press
%D 1988
%Z 0-262-63113-X
%O The PDP Research Group, MIT
%X A very good source of connectionist/neural net software is available
   from MIT Press.  The package consists of IBM binaries and source
   (UNIX/IBM compatible)to code that implements the following models:
                - interactive competition
                - constraint satisfaction
                        * schema model
                        * Boltzmann machine
                        * harmonium
                - PDP learning models
                        * Hebbian
                        * generalized delta (back-propogation)
                - other learning models
                        * auto-association
                        * competitive learning
   All the source is provided (written in C). As well a handbook is 
   provided which describes the simulations and the theory underlying 
   these. The price is US$ 27.50 - a steal!

%A T. Kohonen
%T Self Organization and Associative Memory
%I Springer-Verlag
%D 1984

%A R.P. Lippmann
%T An introduction to Computing with Neural Nets
%J IEEE ASSP Magazine
%D April 1987

%A M.A. Arbib et al
%T Neural Models of Language Processes
%I Academic Press, New York
%D 1982
%Z 0-12-059870-2

%A M.A. Arbib 
%T Brains, Machines and Mathematics - 2nd Edition
%I Springer-Verlag
%D 1987.

%A M.A. Arbib and A.R. Hanson
%T Vision, Brain and Co-operative Computation
%I Academic Press, New York
%D 1987
%Z 0-242-01094-1

%A James Anderson and Edward Rosenfeld (editors)
%T Neurocomputing - Foundations of research.
%I MIT Press
%D 1988 (in press)

%A Robert Jay Brown
%T An Artificial Neural Network Experiment
%J Dr. Dobb's Journal #126
%D April 1987
%X The program simulates an "adaptive template matching image categor-
   izer".  It "learns to recognize (visual) patterns by being trained 
   from a set of prototype patterns presented in a training file".

%A William P. Jones and Josiah Hoskins.
%T Back-Propagation - A generalized delta learning rule.
%J BYTE Magazine, October 1987, pp 155-162.
%D 1987
%X A generalized delta learning rule, demonstrated with a neural-network
   simulation written in C.  (see BPSIM.C)

%A Gary Josin
%T Neural-Network Heuristics
%J BYTE Magazine, October 1987, pp 177-192
%D 1987
%X Three heuristic algorithms that learn from experience.

%A J.J. Hopfield and D.W. Tank
%T Neural Computation of Decisions in Optimization Problems
%J Biological Cybernetics, vol. 52, pp 147-152
%D 1985

%A T. Kohonen
%T Self-Organisation and Associative Memory
%I Springer Verlag
%D 1984

%A G.M. Josin
%T Neural Systems for Uses as a Research Tool
%B Computer Simulation in Brain Science
%E E. Cotteril
%I Cambridge University Press
%D 1986

%A P.N. Johnson-Laird
%T The Computer and the Mind - an Introduction to Cognitive Science
%I Harvard University Press
%D 1988
%Z 0-674-15615-3
%O MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge, England

%T Various (see below)
%J Daedalus (Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences)
%D 1988 (Winter '88)
%X Special issue on Artificial Intelligence

%A S. Papert
%T One AI or many?
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 1-14
%D 1988

%A H.L. Dreyfus and S.E. Dreyfus
%T Making a mind vs modeling the brain: Artificial Intelligence back at a
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 15-43
%D 1988

%A R. Sokolowski
%T Natural and Artificial Intelligence
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 45-64
%D 1988

%A P. McCorduck
%T Artificial Intelligence: an apercu
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 65-84
%D 1988

%A J.D. Cowan and D.H. Sharp
%T Neural Nets and Artifician Intelligence
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 85-122
%D 1988

%A J.T. Schwarz
%T The new connectionism: developing relationships between neuroscience and
   artificial intelligence
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 123-142
%D 1988

%A G.N. Reeke Jr. and G.M. Edelman
%T Real brains and artificial intelligence
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 143-174
%D 1988

%A W.D. Hillis
%T Intelligence as an emergent behaviour: or, the songs of Eden
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 143-190
%D 1988

%A D.L. Waltz
%T The prospects for building truly intelligent machines
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 191-212
%D 1988

%A A. Hurlbert and T. Poggio
%T Making machines (and artificial intelligence) see
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 213-240
%D 1988

%A S. Turkle
%T Artificial intelligence and psychoanalysis: a new alliance
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 241-268
%D 1988

%A H. Putnam
%T Much ado about not very much
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 269-282
%D 1988

%A D.C. Dennett
%T When philosophers encounter artificial intelligence
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 283-296
%D 1988

%A J. McCarthy
%T Mathematical Logic in Artificial Intelligence
%J Daedalus Vol. 117, No. 1 pp 297-311
%D 1988

%A G.W. Hoffmann
%T A neural network model based on the analogy with the Immune System
%J Journal of Theoretical Biology Vol 122, pp 33-67
%D 1986

%A G.W. Hoffmann
%T Neurons with hysteresis?
%B Computer Simulation in Brain Science
%E E. Cotteril
%I Cambridge University Press
%D 1986

%A W.H. Calvin
%T The Brain as a Darwin Machine
%J Nature (London) Vol 330, 5 November, pp 33-34
%D 1987
%X For parallel computers to simulate our brains, we must face the fact that
   human beings have a better claim on the title 'Homo seriatim' than 'Homo
   sapiens' - we're more consistently serial than wise.

%A T. Toffoli and N. Margolus
%T Cellular Automata Machines: A New Environment for Modeling
%I MIT Press
%D 1987

%A G. North
%T A celebration of connectionism
%J Nature (London) Vol. 328, 9 July, p 107
%D 1987

%A M.A. Boden
%T Artificial Intelligence and Natural Man, 2nd Edition
%I Basis Books, New York/MIT Press, London
%D 1987

%A G.A. Carpenter and S. Grossberg (editors)
%T Neural Networks: a special issue of Applied Optics
%J Applied Optics vol. 26 no. 23
%I The Optical Society of America
%D 1987
%X Available from the Optical Society of America, Publications Department,
   1816 Jefferson Place NW, Washington, D.C. 20036 USA or call (202)223-8130
   (Jeana Macleod); credit cards accepted (price US$18 per issue).

%A G. North
%T Neural networks - implementation and analysis
%J Nature (London) Vol. 330, 10 Dec 1988, pp 522-523
%D 1987

%A D. Zipser and R.A. Andersen
%T A back-propagation programmed network that simulates response properties
   of a subset of posterior parietal neurons
%J Nature (London) Vol. 331, 25 Feb 1988, pp 679-684
%D 1988

%A Alun Anderson
%T Neural networks - learning from a computer cat
%J Nature (London) Vol. 331, 25 Feb 1988, pp 657-659
%D 1988
%X A summary of and comment on the Zipser and Andersen article

%A Doyne Farmer and Stuart Kauffman
%T Biological modelling: what's evolving in Artificial Life
%J Nature (London) Vol. 331, 4 Feb 1988 pp 390-391
%D 1988
%X Report on the 1987 Artifical Life symposium at Los Alamos Labs

-------------------------------[ Cut Here ]-------------------------------
! David O. Tinker             !     ^ ^     !      UUCP: utgpu!dtinker    !
! Department of Biochemistry  !   < O O >   !    BITNET: dtinker@utoronto !
! University of Toronto       !      ^      !       BIX: dtinker          !
! TORONTO, Ontario, Canada    !    #####    !     Voice: (416) 978-3636   !
! M5S 1A8                     !             ! And so on.                  !
!                             !    Hi ho    !                             !
/* ---------- */