neuron-request%hplabs@HPLABS.HP.COM (Neuron-Request Moderator Peter Marvit) (09/04/88)
Neurons Digest Sunday, 4 Sep 1988 Volume 4 : Issue 1 Today's Topics: Administrivia U.K. Fellowship in Cognition and Neuropsychology FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL NEURAL NETWORK SOCIETY IEEE Conf. on Neural Information Processing Systems IEEE CVPR 1989 Call for Papers Neural Computation [Journal announcement] Submissions, questions, mail list maintenance to: ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: Administrivia From: Peter Marvit, Neuron-Digest Moderator <> Date: Sunday, 4 Sep 1988 But first a word from your moderator... This issue marks the first of the new mailing efforts. It starts Volume 4, corresponding to the start of the new academic year. I have receieved very few new submissions (hint, hint) so have culled some of the entries from other sources. note also that I still haven't worked through the details of the mailing list to/from USENET news gateways, so those of you who read both may see duplication. I will occasionally "borrow" from other interesting lists or groups, as befits the subject of this Digest. I will send out a Digest no less than twice per month, and certainly more often if volume warrants. If no one sends anything, I'll make something up. This Digest is yours and only your participation can make it work. If you don't see your submission be the next issue, please resubmit it to ""; the transition from the capable hands of the last Moderator, Mike Gately, is all but complete although some submissions have probably been lost in the shuffle. -Peter Marvit Neuron-Digest Moderator ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: U.K. Fellowship in Cognition and Neuropsychology From: APSPS%VAXA.STIR.AC.UK@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Date: 31 Aug 88 15:12:51 +0000 Centre for Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY University of Stirling, Scotland RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP/LECTURESHIP IN COGNITION AND NEUROPSYCHOLOGY Applications are invited for this university funded post. The person appointed will join a flourishing and well resourced group, and will contribute to both teaching and research. Interests in neurosychology, neural nets, vision, or visual cognition will be an advantage. The post is for three years in the first instance, and will be at an appropriate point on the lecturers scale. Further particulars from the University Secretary, Stirling University, Stirling FK9 4LA, UK, to whom applications should be sent by Mon 24 Oct 1988. Enquiries to Bill Phillips: Tel 025 981 358 (evenings). ------------------------------ Subject: FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL NEURAL NETWORK SOCIETY From: Michael Cohen <> Date: Mon, 01 Aug 88 12:08:42 -0400 [[Moderator's Note: This is a quite dated notice. Sorry about that. I hope participants who read this Digest will offer their comments and observations! Alas, my classes keep me on the West Coast. -PM]] - -----Meeting Update----- September 6--10, 1988 Park Plaza Hotel Boston, Massachusetts The first annual INNS meeting promises to be a historic event. Its program includes the largest selection of investigators ever assembled to present the full range of neural network research and applications. The meeting will bring together over 2000 scientists, engineers, students, government administrators, industrial commercializers, and financiers. It is rapidly seeservations, call the Park Plaza Hotel at (800) 225-2008 and reference "Neural Networks." If you call from Massachusetts, call (800) 462-2022. There will be 600 scientific presentations, including tutorials, plenary lectures, symposia, and contributed oral and poster presentations. Over 50 exhibits are already reserved for industrial firms, publishing houses, and government agencies. The full day of tutorials presented on September 6 will be given by Gail Carpenter, John Daugman, Stephen Grossberg, Morris Hirsch, Teuvo Kohonen, David Rumelhart, Demetri Psaltis, and Allen Selverston. The plenary lecturers are Stephen Grossberg, Carver Mead, Terrence l presentations, and 400 poster presentations. Fourteen professional societies are cooperating with the INNS meeting. They are: American Association of Artificial Intelligence American Mathematical Society Association for Behavior Analysis Cognitive Science Society IEEE Boston Section IEEE Computer Society IEEE Control Systems Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society Optical Society of America Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Society for Mathematical Biology Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior DO NOT MISS THE FIRST BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION OF THIS IMPORTANT NEW RESEARCH COALITION! ------------------------------ Subject: IEEE Conf. on Neural Information Processing Systems From: CLAU@A.ISI.EDU Date: 03 Aug 88 12:28:00 -0400 IEEE Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems - Natural/Synthetic This year the NIPS will be held on Nov. 28 - Dec. 1, 1988 at the Sheraton Denver Tech Center, Denver, CO. For information, please contact the conference chairman: Professor Terrence J. Sejnowski Dept. of Biophysics The Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD 21218 ------------------------------ Subject: IEEE CVPR 1989 Call for Papers From: wnm@uvacs.CS.VIRGINIA.EDU (Worthy N. Martin) Date: Wed, 31 Aug 88 23:02:18 +0000 CALL FOR PAPERS IEEE Computer Society Conference on COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION Sheraton Grand Hotel San Diego, California June 4-8, 1989. General Chair Professor Rama Chellappa Department of EE-Systems University of Southern California Los Angeles, California 90089-0272 Program Co-Chairs Professor Worthy Martin Professor John Kender Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of Computer Science Thornton Hall Columbia University University of Virginia New York, New York 10027 Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Program Committee Charles Brown John Jarvis Gerard Medioni Larry Davis Avi Kak Theo Pavlidis Arthur Hansen Rangaswamy Kashyap Alex Pentland Robert Haralick Joseph Kearney Roger Tsai Ellen Hildreth Daryl Lawton John Tsotsos Anil Jain Martin Levine John Webb Ramesh Jain David Lowe Submission of Papers Four copies of complete drafts, not exceeding 25 double spaced typed pages should be sent to Worthy Martin at the address given above by November 16, 1988 (THIS IS A HARD DEADLINE). All reviewers and authors will be anonymous for the review process. The cover page will be removed for the review process. The cover page must contain the title, authors' names, primary author's address and telephone number, and index terms containing at least one of the below topics. The second page of the draft should contain the title and an abstract of about 250 words. Authors will be notified of notified of acceptance by February 1, 1989 and final camera-ready papers, typed on special forms, will be required by March 8, 1989. Submission of Video Tapes As a new feature there will be one or two sessions where the authors can present their work using video tapes only. For information regarding the submission of video tapes for review purposes, please contact John Kender at the address above. Conference Topics Include: -- Image Processing -- Pattern Recognition -- 3-D Representation and Recognition -- Motion -- Stereo -- Visual Navigation -- Shape from _____ (Shading, Contour, ...) -- Vision Systems and Architectures -- Applications of Computer Vision -- AI in Computer Vision -- Robust Statistical Methods in Computer Vision Dates November 16, 1988 -- Papers submitted February 1, 1989 -- Authors informed March 8, 1989 -- Camera-ready manuscripts to IEEE June 4-8, 1989 -- Conference ------------------------------ Subject: Neural Computation [Journal announcement] From: (Terry Sejnowski <>) Date: Thu, 11 Aug 88 17:41:04 -0400 Announcement and Call for Papers NEURAL COMPUTATION First Issue: Spring 1989 Editor-in-Chief Terrence Sejnowski The Salk Institute and The University of California at San Diego Neural Computation will provide a unique interdisciplinary forum for the dissemination of important research results and for reviews of research areas in neural computation. Neural computation is a rapidly growing field that is attracting researchers in neuroscience, psychology, physics, mathematics, electrical engineering, computer science, and artificial intelligence. Researchers within these disciplines address, from special perspectives, the twin scientific and engineering challenges of understanding the brain and building computers. The journal serves to bring together work from various application areas, highlighting common problems and techniques in modeling the brain and in the design and construction of neurally-inspired information processing systems. By publishing timely short communications and research reviews, Neural Computation will allow researchers easy access to information on important advances and will provide a valuable overview of the broad range of work contributing to neural computation. The journal will not accept long research articles. The fields covered include neuroscience, computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematics, physics, psychology, linguistics, adaptive systems, vision, speech, robotics, optical computing, and VLSI. Neural Computation is published quarterly by The MIT Press. Board of Editors Editor-in-Chief: Terrence Sejnowski, The Salk Institute and The University of California at San Diego Advisory Board: Shun-ichi Amari, University of Tokyo, Japan Michael Arbib, University of Southern California Jean-Pierre Changeux, Institut Pasteur, France Leon Cooper, Brown University Jack Cowan, University of Chicago Jerome Feldman, University of Rochester Teuovo Kohonen, University of Helsinki, Finland Carver Mead, California Institute of Technology Tomaso Poggio, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Wilfrid Rall, National Institutes of Health Werner Reichardt, Max-Planck-Institut fur Biologische Kybernetik David A. Robinson, Johns Hopkins University David Rumelhart, Stanford University Bernard Widrow, Stanford University Action Editors: Joshua Alspector, Bell Communications Research Richard Andersen, MIT James Anderson, Brown University Dana Ballard, University of Rochester Harry Barrow, University of Sussex Andrew Barto, University of Massachusetts Gail Carpenter, Northeastern University Gary Dell, University of Rochester Gerard Dreyfus, Paris, France Jeffrey Elman, University of California at San Diego Nabil Farhat, University of Pennsylvania Francois Fogelman-Soulie, Paris, France Peter Getting, University of Iowa Ellen Hildreth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Geoffrey Hinton, University of Toronto, Canada Bernardo Huberman, Xerox, Palo Alto Lawrence Jackel, AT&T Bell Laboratories Scott Kirkpatrick, IBM Yorktown Heights Christof Koch, California Institute of Technology Richard Lippmann, Lincoln Laboratories Stephen Lisberger, University of California San Francisco James McClelland, Carnegie-Mellon University Graeme Mitchison, Cambridge University, England David Mumford, Harvard University Erkki Oja, Kuopio, Finland Andras Pellionisz, New York University Demetri Psaltis, California Institute of Technology Idan Segev, The Hebrew University Gordon Shepherd, Yale University Vincent Torre, Universita di Genova, Italy David Touretzky, Carnegie-Mellon University Roger Traub, IBM Yorktown Heights Les Valiant, Harvard University Christoph von der Malsburg, University of Southern California David Willshaw, Edinburgh, Scotland John Wyatt, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Steven Zucker, McGill University, Canada Instructions to Authors The journal will consider short communications, having no more than 2000 words of text, 4 figures, and 10 citations; and area reviews which summarize significant advances in a broad area of research, with up to 5000 words of text, 8 figures, and 100 citations. The journal will accept one-page summaries for proposed reviews to be considered for solicitation. All papers should be submitted to the editor-in-chief. Authors may recommend one or more of the action editors. Accepted papers will appear with the name of the action aditor that communicated the paper. Before January 1, 1989, please address submissions to: Dr. Terrence Sejnowski Biophysics Department Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD 21218 After January 1, 1989, please address submissions to: Dr. Terrence Sejnowski The Salk Institute P.O. Box 85800 San Diego, CA 92138 Subscription Information Neural Computation Annual subscription price (four issues): $90.00 institution $45.00 individual (add $9.00 surface mail or $17.00 airmail postage outside U.S. and Canada) Available from: MIT Press Journals 55 Hayward Street Cambridge, MA 02142 USA 617-253-2889 ------------------------------ End of Neurons Digest *********************