[comp.ai.neural-nets] CVPR 89 submission deadline

wnm@uvacs.cs.Virginia.EDU (Worthy N. Martin) (11/07/88)

The following call for papers has appeared before,
however, it is being reissued to remind interested
parties of the first deadline, namely:

----> November 16, 1988 -- Papers submitted

This deadline will be held to firmly with the submission
date determined by postmark.
Thank you for your interest in CVPR89
   Worthy Martin


                      CALL FOR PAPERS

              IEEE Computer Society Conference

                    Sheraton Grand Hotel
                   San Diego, California
                      June 4-8, 1989.

                       General Chair

               Professor Rama Chellappa
               Department of EE-Systems
               University of Southern California
               Los Angeles, California  90089-0272

                     Program Co-Chairs

Professor Worthy Martin          Professor John Kender
Dept. of Computer Science        Dept. of Computer Science
Thornton Hall                    Columbia University
University of Virginia           New York, New York  10027
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901

                     Program Committee

Charles Brown         John Jarvis            Gerard Medioni
Larry Davis           Avi Kak                Theo Pavlidis
Arthur Hansen         Rangaswamy Kashyap     Alex Pentland
Robert Haralick       Joseph Kearney         Roger Tsai
Ellen Hildreth        Daryl Lawton           John Tsotsos
Anil Jain             Martin Levine          John Webb
Ramesh Jain           David Lowe

                    Submission of Papers

Four copies of complete  drafts,  not  exceeding  25  double
spaced  typed  pages  should be sent to Worthy Martin at the
address given above by November 16, 1988  (THIS  IS  A  HARD
DEADLINE).   All reviewers and authors will be anonymous for
the review process.  The cover page will be removed for  the
review  process.   The  cover  page  must contain the title,
authors'  names,  primary  author's  address  and  telephone
number, and index terms containing at least one of the below
topics.  The second page of the  draft  should  contain  the
title  and  an abstract of about 250 words.  Authors will be
notified of notified of acceptance by February 1,  1989  and
final  camera-ready  papers, typed on special forms, will be
required by March 8, 1989.  Submission of Video Tapes  As  a
new  feature  there  will  be  one or two sessions where the
authors can present their work using video tapes only.   For
information  regarding  the  submission  of  video tapes for
review purposes, please contact John Kender at  the  address

                 Conference Topics Include:

          -- Image Processing
          -- Pattern Recognition
          -- 3-D Representation and Recognition
          -- Motion
          -- Stereo
          -- Visual Navigation
          -- Shape from _____ (Shading, Contour, ...)
          -- Vision Systems and Architectures
          -- Applications of Computer Vision
          -- AI in Computer Vision
          -- Robust Statistical Methods in Computer Vision


      November 16, 1988 -- Papers submitted
      February 1, 1989  -- Authors informed
      March 8, 1989     -- Camera-ready manuscripts to IEEE
      June 4-8, 1989    -- Conference