[comp.ai.neural-nets] PDP source volume 3

spl@cup.portal.com (Shawn P Legrand) (11/17/88)

Thought I'd put this out to the general public since Zongcheol's mailer has
failed twice on me now. Let me know if you got this Zongcheol.

To: Zongcheol Zhoo <ZHOO-Z@OSU-20.IRCC.OHIO-STATE.EDU>
Subject: Re: PDP program source code
Lines: 23
Date: Sat, 12-Nov-88 16:33:44 PST
Message-Id: <8811121633.1.120@cup.portal.com>
X-Origin: The Portal System (TM)
X-Possible-Reply-Path: spl@cup.portal.com
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	The volume often referred to as the "PDP 3rd volume" is entitled -
"Explorations in Parallel Distributed Processing - A Handbook of Models,
Programs, and Exercises" and is written by James L. McClelland and David E.
Rumelhart. It just came out this year and has been provided by the authors as
a companion to the original 2 volume PDP work. It contains practical 
demonstrations (C source code and MS-DOS executables provided on 2 diskettes
that normally accompany the book) of the topics contained in the original 2
volume work.
	Most good technical bookstores carry it but if you cannot find it 
contact:			The MIT Press
				Massachusetts Institute of Technology
				Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142
	Hope this helps.	

						Shawn P. Legrand, CCP

						| spl@cup.portal.com         |
						|         or                 |
						| ...sun!cup.portal.com!spl  |