[comp.ai.neural-nets] Neuron Digest V5 #8

neuron-request@HPLABS.HP.COM ("Neuron-Digest Moderator Peter Marvit") (02/08/89)

Neuron Digest   Tuesday,  7 Feb 1989
                Volume 5 : Issue 8

Today's Topics:
                       genetic search and neural nets
                                PDP III code
                                  ART help
                           Wanted: ART simulator
       ART 1/ ART 2 source code from the Center for Adaptive Systems
                          Back Propagation and ART
                          Weight decay ... a reply
                          Re: Neuron Digest V5 #4
                         Neural Network Evaluation
          Hidden Markov chains + Multi-layer Layer Perceptrons???
                        UCSD Cog Sci faculty opening
                  addendum to UCSD Cog Sci faculty opening

Send submissions, questions, address maintenance and requests for old issues to
"neuron-request@hplabs.hp.com" or "{any backbone,uunet}!hplabs!neuron-request"
ARPANET users can get old issues via ftp from hplpm.hpl.hp.com (


Subject: genetic search and neural nets
From:    Mike Rudnick <rudnick@cse.ogc.edu>
Date:    Sat, 14 Jan 89 15:05:27 -0800 

I am a phd candidate in computer science at Oregon Graduate Center.  My
research interest is in using genetic search to tackle artificial neural
network (ANN) scaling issues.  My particular orientation is to view
minimizing interconnections as a central issue, partly motivated by VLSI
implementation issues.

I am starting a mailing list for those interested in applying genetic search
to/with/for ANNs.  Mail a request to Neuro-evolution-request@cse.ogc.edu to
have your name added to the list.

A bibliography of work relating artificial neural networks (ANNs) and
genetic search is available.  It is organized/oriented for someone familiar
with the ANN literature but unfamiliar with the genetic search literature.
Send a request to Neuro-evolution-request@cse.ogc.edu for a copy.  If there
is sufficient interest I will post the bibliography here.

Mike Rudnick                    CSnet:  rudnick@cse.ogc.edu
Computer Science & Eng. Dept.   ARPAnet:  rudnick%cse.ogc.edu@relay.cs.net
Oregon Graduate Center          BITNET:  rudnick%cse.ogc.edu@relay.cs.net
19600 N.W. von Neumann Dr.      UUCP:   {tektronix,verdix}!ogccse!rudnick
Beaverton, OR. 97006-1999       (503) 690-1121 X7390


Subject: PDP III code
Date:    Mon, 16 Jan 89 16:17:38 +0700 

Regarding questions about the PDP III code for Macs etc.:

I've just finished the adaptation of the sources (well, most of them ;-) and
polished it a bit for the Atari ST computer.  The programs seem to work
quite well, although up to now I haven't done extensive tests. Some little
features don't work yet, some will be fixed in the near future, some
improvements (perhaps grafics and the like...) will be done in the long run
(read: IFF I find the time). Anyway, if someone wants the code, and if
nobody claims this to be illegal, let me know.

Keep on back-propagating,

Klaus Hahn                             Bitnet: HAHN_K@DMRHRZ11

Department of Psychology
Gutenbergstr. 18
University of MARBURG
D-3550 Marburg



Subject: ART help
From:    pastor@bigburd.PRC.Unisys.COM (Jon Pastor)
Date:    17 Jan 89 17:10:17 +0000 

I would like to experiment with ART-1 and ART-2, but am having some
difficulty in figuring out how to implement them (particularly the latter).
I have read all the basic references (e.g., for ART-2, the Applied Optics
article and the material in ICNN-87), and I think that I understand what's
going on -- but going from the equations given in the papers to an
implementation has been a problem.  If anyone has any suggestions, I'd
appreciate them.  I am looking for any and all of:

        - additional references that focus on the operationalization of
                the theory
        - an ART simulator, preferably written in a source language with
                which I'm familiar (C,LISP,Prolog,Pasacal) so that I can
                analyze the implementation; I have access to SUNs, VAXen,
                and Symbolics, TI, and Xerox LISPMs
        - notes, comments, and observations from someone who has successfully
                (or even unsuccessfully) implemented ART
        - any other information that you may consider useful or relevant

I would also like to hear from anyone who is in the same situation in which
I find myself; if there is sufficient interest, and sufficient response, I
will either distribute or post whatever information I receive.  If you have
information (or code) that you don't want to spread too widely (say, you
have a simulator that you wouldn't mind sharing with one person who promises
not to bug you about bugs, but do not want to distribute), I will gladly
omit it from any subsequent broadcasts -- or refer inquiries directly to you
-- if you so request.

Thanks in advance.


Subject: Wanted: ART simulator
From:    csrobe@icase.edu (Charles S. [Chip] Roberson)
Date:    Thu, 19 Jan 89 11:33:46 -0500 

Does anybody know of a working simulator of Grossberg's ART model,
preferably in C or Pascal?  Sun or PC based software is acceptable.

Annette Hoag, College of William and Mary
Please reply to csrobe@icase.edu since our mailer is down.  


Subject: ART 1/ ART 2 source code from the Center for Adaptive Systems
From:    John Merrill <merrill@bucasb.bu.edu>
Date:    Fri, 20 Jan 89 11:21:51 -0500 

[[ Editor's note: I sent the previous queries on to John, so the ART folks
could reply in kind.  Here is the "official" response. -PM ]]

As a general rule, Gail Carpenter and her co-workers on ART do not
distribute their source code.  Obviously, they have no objections to its
contents being distributed; my impression is rather that the code is
somewhat less than elegant.  The version in use here is written in an
archaic form of FORTRAN that runs on an IBM 3090, and it has grown over the
years in an erratic fashion.

In the past, however, she has been willing to distribute the data she used
in published simulations so that individuals can check their implementations
against her results.  She has also been willing to answer questions like "My
routine doesn't work.  It seems to break down like this..."  (Apparently,
there are two major places where people make mistakes in implementation.
Usually, a phone call will resolve the problems.)

Dr. Carpenter can be reached at:

    Dr. Gail Carpenter
    Center for Adaptive Systems
    111 Cummington Street, Second Floor
    Boston University
    Boston, Massachusetts 02125

    (617) 353-7857

Electronic mail sent to me will also (eventually) reach her, although
I don't guarantee rapid turn-around.

John Merrill                    |       ARPA:   merrill@bucasb.bu.edu
Center for Adaptive Systems     |       
111 Cummington Street           |       
Boston, Mass. 02215             |       Phone:  (617) 353-5765


Subject: Back Propagation and ART
From:    Jon Ryshpan <jon@nsc.NSC.COM>
Date:    Wed, 01 Feb 89 13:58:38 -0800 

As a comparitive (probably) onlooker to NN theory, I receive interesting and
somewhat conflicting signals from the literature. In particular, I read in
Grossberg's "Neural Networks and Natural Intelligence" a focussed critique
on Back Propagation, whereas I sense also that BP R&D is in full bloom.

Grossberg's critiques (in case you don't have the book) are:

1. BP is unstable in complex environments and requires an omniscient teacher.
   ART has neither defect.

2. BP cannot self-scale or construct prototypes.
   ART has neither defect.

3. Weight transport in BP is physically unrealisable (in the brain).
   ART does not back-propagate bottom-up LTM traces.

4. BP matching only changes the LTM traces.
   ART deforms exemplars towards prototypes, and can achieve fast processing
   related to STM transformations.

5. Associative map learning is not self-stabilising in BP.
   ART does not have this defect.

6. BP cannot generalise to a model capable of computing temporal invariances.
   ART does not have this defect.

In view of this (to my knowledge) unchallenged and damning critique, why is
it that BP - as opposed to ART - attracts such interest?

        Andrew Palfreyman, MS D3969             PHONE:  408-721-4788 work
        National Semiconductor                          408-247-0145 home
        2900 Semiconductor Dr.                  there's many a slip
        P.O. Box 58090                          'twixt cup and lip
        Santa Clara, CA  95052-8090

        DOMAIN: andrew@logic.sc.nsc.com  
        ARPA:   nsc!logic!andrew@sun.com
        USENET: ...{amdahl,decwrl,hplabs,pyramid,sun}!nsc!logic!andrew


Subject: Weight decay ... a reply
From:    kanderso@BBN.COM
Date:    Thu, 05 Jan 89 16:30:15 -0500 

I enjoyed John's summary of weight decay, but it raised a few questions.
Just as John did, i'll be glad to summarize the responses to the group.

1.  <hinton@ai.toronto.edu> mentioned that "Weight-decay is a version of
what statisticians call "Ridge Regression"."  What do you mean by "version"
is is exactly the same, or just slightly?  I think i know what Ridge
Regression is, but i don't see an obvious strong connection.  I see a weak
one, and after i think about it more maybe i'll say something about it.

The ideas behind Ridge regression probably came from Levenberg and Marquardt
who used it in nonlinear least squares:

Levenberg K., A Method for the solution of certain nonlinear problems
  in least squares, Q. Appl. Math, Vol 2, pages 164-168, 1944.

Marquardt, D.W., An algorithm for least squares estimation of
  non-linear parameters, J. Soc. Industrial and Applied Math.,
  11:431-441, 1963.

2.  John quoted Dave Rumelhart as saying that standard weight decay
distributes weights more evenly over the given connections, thereby
increasing robustness.  Why does smearing out large weights increase
robustness?  What does robustness mean here, the ability to generalize?



Subject: Re: Neuron Digest V5 #4
From:    artzi@cpsvax.cps.msu.edu (Ytshak Artzi - CPS)
Organization: Michigan State University, Computer Science Department
Date:    Fri, 20 Jan 89 10:31:26 -0500 

something striking (psychologically...):

    Is it possible that the research on the brain can itself cause an
excitation of the brain's neurons ? During the last to weeks a read a lot of
papers and tried to derive some algorithms; suddenly I noticed that I start
to remember various events from the past, apparently without any reason.
This made me think that maybe the process of research about our brain,
causes the brain to... dig in itself.

 I am very curious to know whether some other people have/had the same
experience, or maybe they'll start notice it now.

 If I am right then maybe the more we think... the smarter we get...

I am looking forward for your comments !!

  (Artzi Ytshak, Comp. Sci., MSU

[[ Editor's Note: I actually collected a series of speculations on this
subject and was saving them for a special issue.  However, traffic and my
schedule has been heavy enough to forstall that issue.  Despite the aging of
the original articles, I'll still try... -PM ]] 


Subject: Neural Network Evaluation
From:    rabin@caen.engin.umich.edu (Rabin Andrew Sugumar)
Date:    Fri, 20 Jan 89 15:36:48 -0500 

    I am working on the evaluation of neural networks, trying to answer
questions like how they compare to conventional computers on measures like
time and space utilisation. Most of the papers I have seen on Neural
Networks are on small scale implementations applied to problems which
conventional computers can handle easily though they will have to be
programmed specifically for doing so.  Can somone give references to work
done using big neural networks (I mean networks with neurons in thousands or
millions) applied to problems which are difficult to do with computers. I
feel problems like character recognition on a 4x4 grid are not in this

    Any ideas or suggestions are welcome.

    E.mail : rabin@caen.engin.umich.edu
      Mail :  Rabin Sugumar
              1841, Shirley lane #7A2
              Ann Arbor, MI 48105
              Ph : (313)-769-5230

 Rabin Sugumar


Subject: Hidden Markov chains + Multi-layer Layer Perceptrons???
From:    Thanasis Kehagias <ST401843%BROWNVM.BITNET@VMA.CC.CMU.EDU>
Date:    Sat, 21 Jan 89 00:06:08 -0500 

I was reading through the abstracts of the Boston 1988 INNS conference and
noticed H. Bourlard and C. Welleken's paper on the relations between Hidden
Markov Models and Multi Layer Perceptron. Does anybody have any pointers to
papers on the subject by the same (preferrably) or other authors? or the
e-mail address of these two authors?

Thanasis Kehagias


Subject: UCSD Cog Sci faculty opening
From:    elman@amos.ling.ucsd.edu (Jeff Elman)
Date:    Fri, 27 Jan 89 22:24:24 -0800 

                       ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
                        COGNITIVE SCIENCE

The Department of Cognitive Science at UCSD  expects  to  receive
permission  to hire one person for a tenure-track position at the
Assistant Professor level. The Department takes a  broadly  based
approach  to  the  study of cognition, including its neurological
basis,  in   individuals   and   social   groups,   and   machine
intelligence.    We  seek  someone  whose  interests  cut  across
conventional disciplines.   Interests  in  theory,  computational
modeling (especially PDP), or applications are encouraged.

Candidates  should  send  a  vita,  reprints,  a   short   letter
describing   their   background  and  interests,  and  names  and
addresses of at least three references to:

Search Committee
Cognitive Science, C-015-E
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093

Applications must be received prior to March  15,  1989.   Salary
will be commensurate with experience and qualifications, and will
be based upon UC pay schedules.

Women and minorities are especially  encouraged  to  apply.   The
University   of   California,   San   Diego   is  an  Affirmative
Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.


Subject: addendum to UCSD Cog Sci faculty opening
From:    norman%cogsci@ucsd.edu (Donald A Norman-UCSD Cog Sci Dept)
Date:    Sun, 29 Jan 89 10:36:36 -0800 

Jef Ellman's posting of the job at UCSD in the Cognitive Science Department
was legally and technically accurate, but he should have added one important

Get the application -- or at least, a letter of interest -- to us

We are very late in getting the word out, and decisions will have to be made
quickly.  The sooner we know of the pool of applicants, the better.
(Actually, I now discover one inaccuracy -- the ad says we "expect to
receive permission to hire ..."  In fact, we now do have that permission.

If you have future interests -- say you are interested not now, but in a
year or two or three -- that too is important for us to know, so tell us.

don norman


End of Neurons Digest