[comp.ai.neural-nets] Congress on Cybernetics and Systems



         8 T H    I N T E R N A T I O N A L    C O N G R E S S

         O F    C Y B E R N E T I C S    A N D   S Y S T E M S

                            to be held
                         June 11-15, 1990
                          Hunter College
                    City University of New York
                         New York, U.S.A.

     This triennial conference is supported by many international
groups  concerned with  management, the  sciences, computers, and
technology systems.

      The 1990  Congress  is the eighth in a series, previous events
having been held in  London (1969),  Oxford (1972), Bucharest (1975),
Amsterdam (1978), Mexico City (1981), Paris (1984) and London (1987).

      The  Congress  will  provide  a forum  for the  presentation
and discussion  of current research. Several specialized  sections
will focus on computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive
science, psychocybernetics  and sociocybernetics.  Suggestions for
other relevant topics are welcome.

      Participants who wish to organize a symposium or a section,
are requested  to submit a proposal ( sponsor, subject, potencial
participants, very short abstracts ) as soon as possible, but not
later  than  September 1989.  All submissions  and correspondence
regarding this conference should be addressd to:

                    Prof. Constantin V. Negoita
                         Congress Chairman
                   Department of Computer Science
                           Hunter College
                    City University of New York
             695 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10021 U.S.A.


Hi i would like you to post this article for me in your modareted group
that you are in charge of. The title should be Congress on Cybernetics an
and Systems.          Thank you Spyros D. Antoniou
------------------------cut here-----------------------------------

         8 T H    I N T E R N A T I O N A L    C O N G R E S S

         O F    C Y B E R N E T I C S    A N D   S Y S T E M S

 JUNE 11-15, 1990 at Hunter College, City University of New York, USA

     This triennial conference is supported by many international
groups  concerned with  management, the  sciences, computers, and
technology systems.

      The 1990  Congress  is the eighth in a series, previous events
having been held in  London (1969),  Oxford (1972), Bucharest (1975),
Amsterdam (1978), Mexico City (1981), Paris (1984) and London (1987).

      The  Congress  will  provide  a forum  for the  presentation
and discussion  of current research. Several specialized  sections
will focus on computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive
science, biocybernetics, psychocybernetics  and sociocybernetics.
Suggestions for other relevant topics are welcome.

      Participants who wish to organize a symposium or a section,
are requested  to submit a proposal ( sponsor, subject, potential
participants, very short abstracts ) as soon as possible, but not
later  than  September 1989.  All submissions  and correspondence
regarding this conference should be addressd to:

                    Prof. Constantin V. Negoita
                         Congress Chairman
                   Department of Computer Science
                           Hunter College
                    City University of New York
             695 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10021 U.S.A.

|                                                                   |
|      Hunter College of the City University of New York U.S.A.     |

SPNHC@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (Spyros Antoniou) (03/01/89)


         8 T H    I N T E R N A T I O N A L    C O N G R E S S

         O F    C Y B E R N E T I C S    A N D   S Y S T E M S

 JUNE 11-15, 1990 at Hunter College, City University of New York, USA

     This triennial conference is supported by many international
groups  concerned with  management, the  sciences, computers, and
technology systems.

      The 1990  Congress  is the eighth in a series, previous events
having been held in  London (1969),  Oxford (1972), Bucharest (1975),
Amsterdam (1978), Mexico City (1981), Paris (1984) and London (1987).

      The  Congress  will  provide  a forum  for the  presentation
and discussion  of current research. Several specialized  sections
will focus on computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive
science, biocybernetics, psychocybernetics  and sociocybernetics.
Suggestions for other relevant topics are welcome.

      Participants who wish to organize a symposium or a section,
are requested  to submit a proposal ( sponsor, subject, potential
participants, very short abstracts ) as soon as possible, but not
later  than  September 1989.  All submissions  and correspondence
regarding this conference should be addressd to:

                    Prof. Constantin V. Negoita
                         Congress Chairman
                   Department of Computer Science
                           Hunter College
                    City University of New York
             695 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10021 U.S.A.

|                                                                   |
|      Hunter College of the City University of New York U.S.A.     |