neuron-request@HPLABS.HP.COM ("Neuron-Digest Moderator Peter Marvit") (03/27/89)
Neuron Digest Sunday, 26 Mar 1989 Volume 5 : Issue 15 Today's Topics: Abracts from JETAI Summer course in computational neurobiology Efficiency (was Re: Loan applications...) Help with TSP Re: Help with TSP Unsupervised Learning Algorithms, Can you send me your comments again? [I lost Neural net topology Re: Data Compression Re: Data Compression Re: Data Compression Re: Data Compression light relief Neural Network Programs Research Opportunity for Undergraduates genetic algorithms vs. backpropagation noise cancellation Send submissions, questions, address maintenance and requests for old issues to "" or "{any backbone,uunet}!hplabs!neuron-request" ARPANET users can get old issues via ftp from ( ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: Abracts from JETAI From: cfields@NMSU.Edu Date: Fri, 03 Mar 89 15:16:53 -0700 The following are abstracts of papers appearing in the inaugural issue of the Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence. JETAI 1, 1 was published 1 January, 1989. For submission information, please contact either of the editors: Eric Dietrich Chris Fields PACSS - Department of Philosophy Box 30001/3CRL SUNY Binghamton New Mexico State University Binghamton, NY 13901 Las Cruces, NM 88003-0001 JETAI is published by Taylor & Francis, Ltd., London, New York, Philadelphia _________________________________________________________________________ Minds, machines and Searle Stevan Harnad Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 20 Nassau Street, Princeton NJ 08542, USA Searle's celebrated Chinese Room Argument has shaken the foundations of Artificial Intelligence. Many refutations have been attempted, but none seem convincing. This paper is an attempt to sort out explicitly the assumptions and the logical, methodological and empirical points of disagreement. Searle is shown to have underestimated some features of computer modeling, but the heart of the issue turns out to be an empirical question about the scope and limits of the purely symbolic (computational) model of the mind. Nonsymbolic modeling turns out to be immune to the Chinese Room Argument. The issues discussed include the Total Turing Test, modularity, neural modeling, robotics, causality and the symbol-grounding problem. _________________________________________________________________________ Explanation-based learning: its role in problem solving Brent J. Krawchuck and Ian H. Witten Knowledge Sciences Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive, NW, Calgary, Alta, Canada, T2N 1N4. `Explanation-based' learning is a semantically-driven, knowledge-intensive paradigm for machine learning which contrasts sharply with syntactic or `similarity-based' approaches. This paper redevelops the foundations of EBL from the perspective of problem-solving. Viewed in this light, the technique is revealed as a simple modification to an inference engine which gives it the ability to generalize the conditions under which the solution to a particular problem holds. We show how to embed generalization invisibly within the problem solver, so that it is accomplished as inference proceeds rather than as a separate step. The approach is also extended to the more complex domain of planning to illustrate that it is applicable to a variety of logic-based problem-solvers and is by no means restricted to only simple ones. We argue against the current trend to isolate learning from other activity and study it separately, preferred instead to integrate it into the very heart of problem solving. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The recognition and classification of concepts in understanding scientific texts Fernando Gomez and Carlos Segami Department of Computer Science, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816, USA. In understanding a novel scientific text, we may distinguish the following processes. First, concepts are built from the logical form of the sentence into the final knowledge structures. This is called concept formation. While these concepts are being formed, they are also being recognized by checking whether they are already in long-term memory (LTM). Then, those concepts which are unrecognized are integrated in LTM. In this paper, algorithms for the recognition and integration of concepts in understanding scientific texts are presented. It is shown that the integration of concepts in scientific texts is essentially a classification task, which determines how and where to integrate them in LTM. In some cases, the integration of concepts results in a reclassification of some of the concepts already stored in LTM. All the algorithms described here have been implemented and are part of SNOWY, a program which reads short scientific paragraphs and answer questions. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exploring the No-Function-In-Structure principle Anne Keuneke and Dean Allemang Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence Research, Department of Computer and Information Science, The Ohio State University, 2036 Neil Avenue Mall, Columbus, OH 43210-1277, USA. Although much of past work in AI has focused on compiled knowledge systems, recent research shows renewed interest and advanced efforts both in model-based reasoning and in the integration of this deep knowledge with compiled problem solving structures. Device-based reasoning can only be as good as the model used; if the needed knowledge, correct detail, or proper theoretical background is not accessible, performance deteriorates. Much of the work on model-based reasoning references the `no-function-in-structure' principle, which was introduced be de Kleer and Brown. Although they were all well motivated in establishing the guideline, this paper explores the applicability and workability of the concept as a universal principle for model representation. This paper first describes the principle, its intent and the concerns it addresses. It then questions the feasibility and the practicality of the principle as a universal guideline for model representation. ------------------------------ Subject: Summer course in computational neurobiology From: Jim Bower <> Date: Sun, 05 Mar 89 18:09:10 -0800 Course announcement: Methods in Computational Neuroscience The Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, Massachusetts August 6 - September 2,1989 General Description The Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole Massachusetts is a world famous marine biological laboratory that has been in existence for over 100 years. In addition to providing research facilities for a large number of biologists during the summer, the MBL also sponsors a number of outstanding courses on different topics in Biology. This summer will be the second year in which the MBL has offered a course in "Methods in Computational Neuroscience". This course is designed as a survey of the use of computer modeling techniques in studying the information processing capabilities of the nervous system and covers models at all levels from biologically realistic single cells and networks of cells to biologically relevant abstract models. The principle aim of the course is to provide participants with the tools to simulate the functional properties of those neural systems of interest to them as well as to understand the general advantages and pitfalls of this experimental approach. The Specific Structure of the Course The course itself includes both a lecture series and a computer laboratory. The lectures are given by invited faculty whose work represents the state of the art in computational neuroscience (see list below). The course lecture notes have been incorporated into a book published by MIT press (" Methods in Neuronal Modeling: From Synapses to Networks" C. Koch and I. Segev, editors. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.,1989). The computer laboratory is designed to give students hands-on experience with the simulation techniques considered in the lecture. It also provides students with the opportunity to actually begin simulations of neural systems of interest to them. The students are guided in this effort by the visiting lecturers and course directors, but also by several students from the Computational Neural Systems (CNS) graduate program at Caltech who serve as Laboratory TAs. The lab itself consists of state of the art graphics workstations running a GEneral NEtwork SImulation System (GENESIS) that Dr. Bower and his colleagues at Caltech have constructed over the last several years. Students return to their home institutions with the GENESIS system to continue their work. The Students The course is designed for advanced graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in biology, computer science, electrical engineering, physics, or psychology with an interest in computational neuroscience. Because of the heavy computer orientation of the Lab section, a good computer background is required (UNIX, C or PASCAL). In addition, students are expected to have a basic background in neurobiology. Course enrollment is limited to 20 so as to assure the highest quality educational experience. Course Directors James M. Bower and Christof Koch Computation and Neural Systems Program California Institute of Technology The Faculty Paul Adams (Stony Brook) Dan Alkon (NIH) Richard Anderson (MIT) John Hildebrand (Arizona) John Hopfield (Caltech) Rudolfo Llinas (NYU) David Rumelhart (Stanford) Idan Segev (Jerusalem) Terrence Sejnowski (Salk/UCSD) David Van Essen (Caltech) Christoph Von der Malsburg (USC) For further information and application materials contact: Admissions Coordinator Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, MA 02543 (508) 548-3705 extension 216 Application Deadline May 15, 1989 Acceptance notification in early June. ------------------------------ Subject: Efficiency (was Re: Loan applications...) From: bph@buengc.BU.EDU (Blair P. Houghton) Organization: Boston Univ. Col. of Eng. Date: Sat, 11 Mar 89 19:31:24 +0000 In article <> writes: > >In article (Fellow Sufferer) writes: >> >> Hecht-Nielsen Corp of San Diego, Ca is doing just such research. >> Their real problem was explaining why an applicant was refused [...] >> That's not quite as easy as it sounds. >> > There is another potential problem, even if an explanation is found, it may > be illegal. > > For example, the ANN may be very sensitive to zipcode. This is called > redlining; in many places it is illegal. This is cured easily by doing what humans should (in effect) do: Don't allow the net to process irrelevant information. ZIP code has nil to do with whether an applicant will repay. There can be no _causal_ relationship between ZIP and credit rating. (There is a large body of evidence supporting a positive correlation, but it's got nothing to do with the number.) To use it as input for a NN is to make the job _more_ difficult and _less_ accurate, whether it results in a "better class" of clientele or not. This raises the question of efficiency metrics for Neural Networks. In our example, it is bad business to lend money to deadbeats, and it is worse business to label potentially profitable debtors as deadbeats for erroneous reasons. There are only so many of Donald Trump out there, thank Napoleon. The network used to make this decision would have to be tuned to optimize the return on the lent money. So, like, how do you tell beforehand that it's doing its job, and that it's not _missing_ some people who were just never allowed to have a loan before? How do you know if a neural net is being overselective? How do you even define the point of overselectiveness? It's easy in dollar-based problems: the net with the most at the end of the game wins. What do you use for dollars in other situations? --Blair ------------------------------ Subject: Help with TSP From: jal@wsu-cs.uucp (Jason Leigh) Organization: Computer Science Department, Wayne State University Date: Tue, 14 Mar 89 17:02:25 +0000 I have a problem with trying to understand how to correctly implement the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) using the Boltmann machine. I have read the pertinent parts of the PDP book and compared numerous papers from the IEEE Conference 87 but there still seems to be something boggling me. >From what I understand, the objective is to minimize an energy function that consists of components pertinent to forming a minimal permutation matrix. This energy function E' must be recast to a form similar to that of the Boltzmann machine E. This means that the weights must be designed to present hypotheses described by E'. What I have read seems to suggest that the rate of E' is to be used as the weights for E. But the question is when we use the Boltzmann algorithm, (flipping some state Si etc..) do the weights need to be readjusted since the Si that pertains to E should also pertain to E' and that would cause a change in E' and hence a change in the weight. Am I missing something fundamentally simple? If any one can give me some assistance on this, perhaps elaborate on how this is correctly done/interpreted, I would appreciate it. Any additional references would also be helpful. Thanks in anticipation. Jason Leigh ------------------------------ Subject: Re: Help with TSP From: marcoz@MARCOZ.BOLTZ.CS.CMU.EDU (Marco Zagha) Organization: Carnegie-Mellon University, CS/RI Date: Thu, 16 Mar 89 15:01:50 +0000 See J.J. Hopfield and D.W. Tank, "Neural Computation of Decisions in Optimization Problems," Biological Cybernetics 52(1985) p. 141-152. > [...] But the question is > when we use the Boltzmann algorithm, (flipping some state Si etc..) > do the weights need to be readjusted since the Si that pertains to E > should also pertain to E' and that would cause a change in E' and > hence a change in the weight. The weights are fixed. Only activations are adjusted. The Hopfield & Tank paper explains their TSP energy function. == Marco ( ------------------------------ Subject: Unsupervised Learning Algorithms, Can you send me your comments again? [I lost all replies] From: Francisco Camargo <> Date: Thu, 16 Mar 89 14:03:10 -0500 [Due to a mis-spelled command, I erase all replies that I had receive so far. Would all of you who had already sent me messages kindly do it again ? I appologize for the inconvenience, and appreciate the help that I'm getting.] > I'm currently doing a survey article on various aspects of > Unsupervised Learning Algorithms and would like to receive > any references related to that area. I'm already familiar > with most of the work done by Grossberg, Kohonen, Fukushima, > Linsker, Ziesper, etc. I'd like pointers to comparative work > in the area, mainly if to more traditional (non-NN) classifiers. > In any case, any pointers are greatly appreciated. > > I will summarize the replies and return it to anyone who requests it. > Please, send mail to: > > e-mail: > > US-mail: Francisco A. Camargo > 511 Computer Science Department > Columbia University, New York, NY, 10027 > > > Tnx. ------------------------------ Subject: Neural net topology From: eghbalni@spectra.COM (Hamid Eghbalnia) Organization: Spectragraphics, Corp., San Diego, CA Date: Fri, 17 Mar 89 19:51:40 +0000 This is to all of you who requested a summary if I got info. on topological study of neural nets. There are too many of you for me to reply individually (thanks for all the interest). I hate to dissapoint everyone, but amazing as it may seem, there was only one reply with a reference. Eugene M. Norris, 'Maximal rectangular relations', Lecture notes in computer science, 56, pp.475-481. ...!nosc!spectra!eghbalni ------------------------------ Subject: Re: Data Compression From: fozzard@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Richard Fozzard) Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Date: Sat, 18 Mar 89 15:56:17 +0000 In article <> (andrew) writes: with regard to: 3b) Terence D. Sanger, "An Optimality Principle for Unsupervised Learning" > (I find it mysterious that random noise training produces orientation- > selective receptive fields spontaneously; what's the connection between > eigenvectors of an input autocorrelation and straight lines? > Not only are these fields similar to those found in retinal cells of > cat and monkey, but, as one goes down the list in order of decreasing > eigenvalue, resemble somewhat eigenstates of wave-functions of atoms > from quantum mechanics - perhaps a coincidental isomorphism!). > Well, I dont have the solution to the mystery, but Lehky and Sejnowski report a similar learning of line segment receptive fields under equally unexpected circumstances - learning surface curvature from shading. This work used standard back-prop instead of the Hebb rule, though. Here's the reference: "Neural Network Model for the Cortical Representation of Surface Curvature from Images of Shaded Surfaces" Sidney R. Lehky and Terrence Sejnowski Department of Biophysics Johns Hopkins University In: Lund, J.S. (Ed.) Sensory Processing, Oxford (1988) PS: If you talked to a certain Dr. Mandelbrot, he would insist that your "coincidental isomorphism" was hardly that - remember fractals? Richard Fozzard University of Colorado ------------------------------ Subject: Re: Data Compression From: (Albert Boulanger) Date: Sat, 18 Mar 89 15:56:47 +0000 Here is another one from my collection since I am interested in this subject: "Dimensionality-Reduction Using Connectionist Networks" Eric Saud, MIT AI Memo 941 (January 1987) Also the so-called "encoder" networks using backprop where the desired output is set to be the input (dimensionality is reduced at the hidden layer and the hidden layer activity can serve as the desired "real" output) and Hinton's & McClelland's recirculating networks generalization of encoder nets (see "Learning Representations by Recirculation" Heoffrey Hinton & James McClelland, NIPS Proceedings AIP Press 1988) can reduce dimensionality. In general the class of learning algorithms called "unsupervised" learning can potentially reduce dimensionality. There is however a spectrum of characteristics among the different unsupervised learning procedures: Do the reduced dimensions span the space? Are the reduced dimensions orthogonal? Terry Sanger's algorithm does both. It would be interesting to work out what his learning rule does with sigmoid transfer functions for the neurons. Albert Boulanger BBN Systems & Technologies Corporation ------------------------------ Subject: Re: Data Compression From: kortge@Portia.Stanford.EDU (Chris Kortge) Organization: Stanford University Date: Sat, 18 Mar 89 20:04:30 +0000 In article <> (andrew) writes: > [...] >3a) Terence D. Sanger, "Optimal Unsupervised Learning in a Single-Layer > Linear Feedforward Neural Network", MIT AI Lab., NE43-743, Cambridge, > MA 02139. > >The Sanger 3a) paper is highly germane; he seems to have defined a method >whereby maximal information preservation occurs across one layer, using >only linear elements, and a purely local update structure. The learned >matrix of weights becomes (row-wise) the eigenvectors of the input >autocorrelation. [...] >Highly relevant is his comparitive data with respect to (cf. #2) self-supervised >backprop, where numerous criteria show GHA ("Generalised Hebbian Algorithm") >to be superior. These criteria include: >- training time > [and several other things] It wasn't clear to me from reading Sanger's thesis that the GHA is obviously faster than self-supervised backprop. He says that, for backprop, "training time still seems to be an exponential function of the number of units in the network." It seems like this would be problem-dependent, though, and principal components is not that tough as typical backprop problems go. Does anyone know of an actual scaling study on this? (E.g., where n-dimensional random Gaussian vectors with m known principal components are used as inputs, and n & m are varied, keeping percent variance explainable constant, say.) Another problem with the claim is that the fuzzy term "training time" hides something important. Namely, Sanger's algorithm trains output units one-by-one during the presentation of each pattern, and to my knowledge this sequentiality is inherent. Thus it could be that the GHA is superior to backprop when measured in "pattern time", but not when measured in real time (i.e. operations of an ideal parallel device). Here again, I don't know the answer; I would be interested in whatever info people have on this. Chris Kortge ------------------------------ Subject: Re: Data Compression From: "Erik J. Fretheim" <efrethei@BLACKBIRD.AFIT.AF.MIL> Organization: Air Force Institute of Technology; WPAFB, OH Date: 19 Mar 89 00:09:49 +0000 One more to check out is a paper by Daugman (I think) in the July 88 (or was that August) issue of ASSP. In it the aouthor discussed using a nueral net to find the Gabor coefficients for an image. Using these they were able to represent an image in less than 1 bit per pixel. Gabor transforms are nice in that they have a close relationship to biological image processors. Although the information given here is somewhat sketchy, the article shouldn't be hard to find for anyone interested. ejf ------------------------------ Subject: light relief From: (andrew) Organization: National Semiconductor, Santa Clara Date: Sun, 19 Mar 89 08:47:04 +0000 "deep variables" of physical theory. By suitably training a (proprietary) net with constraints given by our particular version of spacetime, he finds that the energy minima correspond to the values of many physical constants ..pi, c, h, and so on. He calls his net "god's brain". o well. ============================================================================ DOMAIN: ARPA: nsc!logic! USENET: ...{amdahl,decwrl,hplabs,pyramid,sun}!nsc!logic!andrew Andrew Palfreyman 408-721-4788 work National Semiconductor MS D3969 408-247-0145 home 2900 Semiconductor Dr. P.O. Box 58090 there's many a slip Santa Clara, CA 95052-8090 'twixt cup and lip ------------------------------ Subject: Neural Network Programs From: David Kanecki <> Date: Tue, 21 Mar 89 17:10:55 -0600 Neural Network Programs for PC's -------------------------------------- I have developed a neural network simulator/ programmer for PC's or CP/M machines. The system has a capacity of 2700 neurons, A and B can have a 128 neuron pattern but the multiple of the A and B neuron needs to be less than 2700. It comes in two versions: KANN21 - Binary Neuron 0 or 1 2 transfer functions Uses DELTA learning rule KANN30 - Continous Neuron 0<x<1 1 transfer function Uses DELTA learning rule Accurate to 4 significant digits For information please write: David Kanecki, Bio. Sci./ACS P.O. Box 93 Kenosha, WI 53141 E-Mail: ------------------------------ Subject: Research Opportunity for Undergraduates From: masud cader <GJTAMUSC%AUVM2.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> Date: Thu, 23 Mar 89 16:46:10 -0400 ANNOUNCEMENT UNDERGRADUATE COMPUTER SCIENCE/INFORMATION SYSTEMS STUDENTS To participate in: National Science Foundation-funded "Research Experience for Undergraduates" at the American University, Washington, D.C. When: Mid-May til mid-July, 1989. Why?: To be a part of a team made up of faculty and undergraduate student researchers working in the area of Expert Systems. The team will experiment with software development tools, design and implement software, and develop expert systems applications. Students may also have the opportunity to work in other areas such as artificial neural networks and parallel processing. How will students be compensated?: Student participants will receive a stipend of $2,000, plus free room and board (students MUST live on A.U.'s campus), and be awarded three undergraduate credits. In addition, there will be opportunities to publish papers about the research carried on in this project. Who is eligible?: Undergraduates with at least Junior standing (i.e., going into Junior year or already enrolled in Junior courses) who are American citizens are qualified. Participants must be knowledgeable about Pascal - some 'C' experience would be nice, but not necessary. How to apply: Send for (Part I) of application, at address given below, or FJ4DMUSC@AUVM2.BITNET. and a personal Profile (Part II). The Profile should describe: your career goals, projects you have worked on, subjects you enjoyed and why, and whether you are interested in teaching/research as a career. The Profile need not be longer than one page. Send the application and Profile to: Dr. Larry Medsker Computer Science and Information Systems Department The American University 4400 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. Washington, D.C. 20016 For additional information, contact any of the following at (202) 885-1470: Dr. Larry Medsker, Dr. Anita La Salle, Dr. Carolyn Mc CrearyThe American Univ Research Experience for Undergraduates Application - Part II Profile Guidelines: Describe: where you are currently enrolled and your major; what you think your career goals are; the kinds of computing projects you have worked on; subjects you most enjoyed and why; what you think your strengths and weaknesses are; when you expect to graduate; and, whether you are interested in teaching and/or research as a career and why. The Profile can be brief (one page or less). ------------------------------ Subject: genetic algorithms vs. backpropagation From: Date: Thu, 23 Mar 89 16:37:00 -0500 In the last edition, Arnfried Ossen wrote that "Our results indicate that genetic algorithms cannot outperform backpropagation in feedforward networks in general." This is a strong statement that is almost certainly based on misinformation about genetic algorithms. I would like to set the record straight and point out some important concepts for people to remember when trying to evaluate the performance of genetic algorithms in the future. First, all genetic algorithms are not equal. The performance of a genetic algorithm on a particular problem is influenced by many factors including the method of representing individuals on chromosomes and the genetic operators used to create new individuals. The difference between genetic algorithms is often many orders of magnitude. The generic genetic algorithm uses a binary representation and bit-based mutation and crossover operators. It is not particularly suited to any one problem. In our paper "Training Feedforward Networks Using Genetic Algorithms", I and Dave Davis describe a genetic algorithm we have developed specifically for the problem of training neural networks which has given very good preliminary results. Unless Ossen actually used our genetic algorithm (which is extremely unlikely), then his results do not reflect at all on our results. Second, when evaluating genetic algorithms with respect to backprop, it is important to do it on a sufficiently complex problem. To evaluate genetic algorithms on XOR or other toy problems is like evaluating a marathoner by clocking him at 40 meters. An intuitive explanation of why genetic algorithms should be better than standard backpropagation for complex problems but not simple ones is provided by the following analogy. Consider a video game where the player navigates through layers of landmines to reach a target. Hitting a landmine puts the player back to the beginning. The object is to minimize the time to the target. Consider two strategies: (1) to go quickly but hit a landmine in each layer with a fixed probability or (2) to go slowly but never hit a landmine. For a small number of layers of landmines, strategy 1 wins. However, the expected time of strategy 1 goes up exponentially with the number of layers while that of strategy 2 goes up linearly. Now substitute backprop for strategy 1, genetic algorithms for strategy 2, local minima for landmines, and complexity for the number of layers of landmines, and you get the picture. (Note that when backprop hits a local minima, it either restarts or pops out of the local minima in a way which loses a lot of the information which got it there.) Third, make sure that the evaluation function (i.e. training optimality criterion) of the genetic algorithm matches the criterion on which it will ultimately be judged. In particular, don't use a least-squares evaluation function if you will judge performance on number classified correctly. Instead, use number classified correctly as your evaluation function. Backprop requires differentiable optimality criteria and therefore any non-differentiable criterion must be distorted to let it work. Genetic algorithms should not be handicapped because of this deficiency of backprop. David Montana ------------------------------ Subject: noise cancellation From: andrew <amdahl!nsc!andrew@APPLE.COM> Organization: National Semiconductor, Santa Clara Date: 25 Mar 89 04:58:30 +0000 Has anybody experimented with neural nets vis a vis adaptive noise cancellation? ============================================================================ DOMAIN: ARPA: nsc!logic! USENET: ...{amdahl,decwrl,hplabs,pyramid,sun}!nsc!logic!andrew Andrew Palfreyman 408-721-4788 work National Semiconductor MS D3969 408-247-0145 home 2900 Semiconductor Dr. P.O. Box 58090 there's many a slip Santa Clara, CA 95052-8090 'twixt cup and lip ------------------------------ End of Neurons Digest *********************