[net.micro] Cross assemblers for all microprocessors.

sean@ukma.UUCP (Sean Casey) (06/17/85)

I am looking to build a collection of assemblers. 
I currently have one for the 65XX processors only.
If anyone has something for any of the popular
micros, I would certainly appreciate help in getting
them. I would prefer sources in C so that they may 
be ported to other machines I have access to, and to 
my own (when I finally get a good one). 


Keith Hatfull 

(with help from Sean Casey)


-  Sean Casey				UUCP:	{cbosgd,anlams,hasmed}!ukma!sean
-  Department of Mathematics		ARPA:	ukma!sean@ANL-MCS.ARPA	
-  University of Kentucky

joel@peora.UUCP (Joel Upchurch) (06/18/85)

> I am looking to build a collection of assemblers. 
> I currently have one for the 65XX processors only.
> If anyone has something for any of the popular
> micros, I would certainly appreciate help in getting
> them. I would prefer sources in C so that they may 
> be ported to other machines I have access to, and to 
> my own (when I finally get a good one). 

Actually I think the assembler included with the USCD Pascal
system is machine independent (It would have to be wouldn't you
think?). As I recall you build the appropiate code generation
table for the target machine you have in mind. I also seem to
recall that someone told me that it was based on something
called the TLA (The Last Assembler) from the University of
Waterloo. I don't know how you would go about getting the
source, but TLA might be in the public domain.

brownc@utah-cs.UUCP (Eric C. Brown) (06/20/85)

In article <1094@peora.UUCP> joel@peora.UUCP (Joel Upchurch) writes:
>Actually I think the assembler included with the USCD Pascal
>system is machine independent (It would have to be wouldn't you
It is also public domain, providing you get a copy of the assembler 
before version II.0.  (Version II.0 was *supposed* to be public domain,
but SofTech weaseled out on the arrangement when they purchased UCSD Pascal
from the UCSD Regents.)

Eric C. Brown
...!{ihnp4, seismo, decvax}!utah-cs!brownc

dww@stl.UUCP (David Wright) (06/22/85)

In article <1094@peora.UUCP> joel@peora.UUCP (Joel Upchurch) writes:
>> I am looking to build a collection of assemblers. 
>Actually I think the assembler included with the USCD Pascal
>system is machine independent 
>   ...
>I recall that someone told me that it was based on something
>called the TLA (The Last Assembler) from the University of
>Waterloo. I don't know how you would go about getting the
>source, but TLA might be in the public domain.

Yes the UCSD Assem is 'universal'; it is very easy to adapt for any
micro in the 6800/8080/6502 styles, prob pretty good for 8086/68000/etc.
too, and possible (but takes longer) for more obscure structures such as
microcode or signal processing systems.    It is certainly not Public Domain -
you have to pay Softech a licence fee - included in UCSD Pascal charge if
you just want to use it yourself, but likely to get much more expensive if
you want to sell it - even if a specially apapted version.

Some time ago I tried to find out if the original Waterloo TLA was still about
and if so if IT was public-domain, but could find nothing recent about it.
But that was before the days of The Net - does anyone out there know?