neuron-request@HPLABS.HP.COM ("Neuron-Digest Moderator Peter Marvit") (05/20/89)
Neuron Digest Friday, 19 May 1989 Volume 5 : Issue 23 Today's Topics: Administrivia - PLEASE READ! Back-prop vs. linear regression Beginner's Books Looking for Neural Net\Music Applications Re: Looking for Neural Net/Music Applications Re: Looking for Neural Net\Music Applications Looking for Neural Net/Music Applications Re: Looking for Neural Net/Music Applications Re: Looking for Neural Net/Music Applications Neural Net Applications (Weather Forcasting) RE: Neuron Digest V5 #20 Position Available request - Parallel Theorem Proving SAIC's Bomb "Sniffer" speech recognition Texture Segmentation using the Boundary Contour System Send submissions, questions, address maintenance and requests for old issues to "" or "{any backbone,uunet}!hplabs!neuron-request" ARPANET users can get old issues via ftp from ( ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: Administrivia - PLEASE READ! From: "Neuron-Digest Moderator -- Peter Marvit" <> Date: Fri, 19 May 89 10:52:16 -0700 Several important topics: 1. As the academic year ends, many of your accounts may be disabled. *PLEASE* tell me ahead of time. In general, if I received too many "unable to deliver" messages, I will unceremoniously remove your address from the mailing list. Thus, if you don't get an issue for several weeks, you may have been dropped. 2. Some folks have asked if an informal get-together could be held during IJCNN in Washington this June. I've talked to the organizers and they'll provide a room for a "Bird of a Feather Session." The problem? Schedule. The conference is jam-packed. I suggest a (bring your own) lunch meeting Monday. If you are interested in attending (or organizing) a BOF for Neuron Digest subscribers or on some specialized topic. *PLEASE* send me mail ASAP. If enough (e.g., 15) answer, I'll do some legwork. IF lots (e.g., >40), then I'll need help. 3. Regarding the content of the Digest. I give priority to messages sent directly to <neuron-request> by reader for inclusion. As many of you know, all postings from the (unmoderated) USENET bulletin board are gatewayed to me; I then edit and include some of them in Digest form. There has been a lot of activity there recently and I had not caught up as I had hoped, due to a disk failure. I will try to get the backlog out, but I will continue to make messages sent directly to me the priority. Digests will also (in general) be either all discussion or all announcements. 4. Thank you, kind readers, for making this Digest so successful. We now have over 680 address, many of which are redistribution points. We have subscribers from all over the world! I look forward to getting more postings from all of you! Comments and suggestions on format always appreciated. -Peter Marvit <> ------------------------------ Subject: Back-prop vs. linear regression From: Date: Wed, 10 May 89 07:50:54 -0400 Can someone point me to sources describing how backpropagation differs from linear regression? ------------------------------ Subject: Beginner's Books From: "Bryan Koen" <C484739@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU> Date: Thu, 11 May 89 13:45:55 -0500 Are there any GOOD beginner's texts out there on Neural nets? Bryan Koen C484739@UMCVMB.BITNET [[Editor's Response: It depends on what you mean "beginner." I don't know of any which are suitable for Junior High or unsophisticated High School. However, I still regard the PDP series (Rumelhart and McClelland) as the best overview of the field. We are seeing a blossoming of books, both specialized and general, which cover many aspects of Neural Nets and related topics. I would also say that the "best" beginning book might depend on the field you're coming from. Other opinions? -PM]] ------------------------------ Subject: Looking for Neural Net\Music Applications From: cs178wbp@sdcc18.ucsd.EDU (Slash) Organization: University of California, San Diego Date: Sat, 15 Apr 89 04:03:31 +0000 I am looking for neural network applications in music and/or references to work that has been done in this area. I am about to begin work on a project that will attempt to have a network learn how to do basic jazz improvisation. More specifically, I am interested in input representation techniques and schemes for musical notation (i.e bars, notes, rests, ties, triplets, dots, etc...). Any references to prior work in this area is welcome and will be greatly appreciated. E-mail Address : ------------------------------ Subject: Re: Looking for Neural Net/Music Applications From: Richard Fozzard <fozzard@BOULDER.COLORADO.EDU> Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Date: 18 Apr 89 18:31:17 +0000 Though this reference is not for jazz, but rock music, I thought you (and the newsgroup) still might be interested :-) SEMINAR Jimi Hendrix meets the Giant Screaming Buddha: Recreating the Sixties via Back Propagation in Time Garrison W. Cottrell Department of Sixties Science Southern California Condominium College As the Sixties rapidly recede from the cultural memory, one nagging problem has been the lack of a cultural milieu that could produce another guitar player like Jimi Hendrix. Recent research has shown that part of the problem has been the lack of high microgram dosages of LSD due to the war on drugs. Recent advances in neural network technology have provided legal ways to artificially recreate and combine models of Hendrix and LSD in recurrent PDP networks. The basic idea is to train a recurrent back propagation network via Williams & Zipser's (1988) algorithm to learn the map between musical scores of Hendrix music and the hand movements as recorded in various movies. The network is then given simulated doses of LSD and allowed to create new music on its own. The first component of the model, following (Jordan, 1988) is to have the network learn a forward model of the motor commands that drive robot hands which play a guitar. Usually this is done via allowing the network to "babble", i.e., having the network produce random motor outputs, allowing it to learn the map between its motor outputs and the sound produced. Once the network has learned the motor-acoustic map, it may then be exposed to environmental patterns corresponding to the desired input-output map in acoustic space. Thus for example, the plan vector for the network will be a representation of the score of the Star Spangled Banner, presented a bar at a time. Over several iterations on each bar, the teaching signal is Hendrix' corresponding rendition[1]. Thus the model learns through the Jimi Hendrix Experience. Once the model is trained, we now have a neural network model, Jimi Matrix, that can sight read. We can now see how Hendrix would have played the hits of today. One of the first songs we plan to apply this to is the smash hit, "Don't Worry, Be Happy". It has long been suspected that the ability to produce maps of this sort is due to some hidden degrees of freedom[2]. One form of an extra degree of freedom is Lysergic Diethyl Amide, better known as LSD. Current models of the effect of LSD only produce simple forms of doubly periodic patterns on visual cortex that correspond to so-called "form constants" perceived by people while hallucinating (Ermentrout & Cowan, 1979). However, most of these studies were done on subjects who only ingested .125 Haas[3]. Much more complicated, cognitive level hallucinations occur at higher doses. In order to model the Giant Screaming Buddha hallucination that occurs about 45 minutes after ingesting 1 Haas, new models are necessary. The basic idea is that 1 Haas produces oscillations in association cortex that then feed back on area 17, producing the visual sensation of the oft-reported mythic figure. Applying this to the Jimi Matrix model, it is no wonder that "six turned out to be nine" (Hendrix, 1967). By the judicious introduction of simulated LSD into the Jimi Matrix model, we will use this as a "chaotic cognitive generator". We estimate that with this technique, we can produce an album of all-new Hendrix material every eight hours on a Sun-4. ____________________ [1]"Excess degrees of freedom" does not begin to describe this map. Hence radical new techniques will be necessary. This is another area where simulated LSD comes in. [2]As with hidden units, the big question is where people hide their extra degrees of freedom. Our research suggests that Hen- drix' were actually hidden in guitar strings pre-soaked in lyser- gic acid. This accounts his habit of playing guitar with his tongue, and destroying the evidence afterward. [3]The Haas is a unit of acid dose. 1 Haas == 6 hits, or about 750 micrograms. Richard Fozzard University of Colorado "Serendipity empowers" ------------------------------ Subject: Re: Looking for Neural Net\Music Applications From: (Denis L. Baggi) Organization: Postgres Research Group, UC Berkeley Date: Sat, 29 Apr 89 04:37:07 +0000 I am doing something somewhat related and I enclose a description of the state of the project a few months ago - excuse the introductory tone, that's an abstract of a talk: [[ Editor's Note. Abstract omitted for brevity. Readers should consult Neuron-Digest Vol. 5 #4 (15 Jan 89) for the original, plus my commentary on the talk. -PM]] My network does not improvise solo lines, but generates what a jazz pianist, bassist and drummer improvise from an harmonic grid. Thus the only problems of notation I have are those related to harmony: e.g. Cm7, F#7(-5) etc. One of your problems has to do with the fact that in jazz, by definition, notated music has no meaning, it is only in the instant it's being played that it exists. One could argue that's a truism, but in classical music, in a certain sense, the notation identifies the music, while in jazz it is only the instant: i.e., the notation for jazz is the record - since 1917 -, as the canvas is the medium for painting, and NOT the score. As for previous work in the area, I know only of David Levitt's, Christopher Fry's and David Wessel's - the latter two not well published. None use connectionist models, the first two use LISP flavors and the latter C++. I am at anybody's disposal for further information. Denis Baggi International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley University of California, Berkeley ------------------------------ Subject: Looking for Neural Net/Music Applications From: (Ioannis Androulakis) Organization: Purdue University Engineering Computer Network Date: Tue, 09 May 89 05:46:08 +0000 I apologize for this posting, since it is actually a question addressed to Jerry Ricario, concerinig one of his postings long time ago. It is about the work he is doing attempting to have a NN learn how to do basic jazz "impovisation" My question is the following, how do you define "improvisation" and, once you do that, what do you mean by "learn how to imporovise" I believe that imporvisation is not the output of some neurons that learned how to do something. What I do not undertstand is what you expect the network to learn. If we will ever be able to construct a network that has the ability to imporvise, as a human, then we would have achieved much more that this imporvisation. Who knows, this way we will may be able to "construct" a new Chopin or a List, both masters of imporvisation...... Thank you, and once again I apologize, although I will be waiting for any answer since I happen to be interested in both AI and music. yannis ------------------------------ Subject: Re: Looking for Neural Net/Music Applications From: (King Chan) Organization: Purdue University Engineering Computer Network Date: Tue, 09 May 89 17:30:47 +0000 [[Regarding the question of learning and improvisation]] I am aware of AI application to musical composition. Specifically, research at MIT produced interesting model-based composition programs for jazz, rock, and rag time. This was on exhibit at chicago's museum of science and technology. There is a possibility of learning even for improvisation. Music can be considered as a collection of primitives, patterns of which make a piece of music. The learning aspect can be spoken of as the ability to pass a judgement on such a piece as being aesthetically appealing to a musician or not. It is this judgement that allows a adaptive approach to the development of music. The judgement is the part of the musician's knowledge that needs to be learned by the program if it is to make any good improvisations. QED KING CHAN (chessnut) ------------------------------ Subject: Re: Looking for Neural Net/Music Applications From: lwyse@cochlea.usa (Wyse) Organization: Boston University Center for Adaptive Systems Date: Wed, 10 May 89 18:54:13 +0000 Two exciting publications coming up this year: Computer Music Journal (MIT Press), and INTERFACE (a journal of research in music, sorry-publisher unknown) are both devoting special issues to neural networks and music. Interface will have a more "systems-theoretic" flavor. ------------------------------ Subject: Neural Net Applications (Weather Forcasting) From: cs178wbg@sdcc18.ucsd.EDU (-___^___-) Organization: University of California, San Diego Date: Mon, 17 Apr 89 04:47:42 +0000 We are currently investigating the future possibilities for incorporating a nerual network (possibly back propogation) for weather forcasting. We are still in the early stages of programming much less deciding on which simulator would be most appropriate for this project. We are interested in any previous or present work done on this particular subject. Your replys will be greatly appreciated. Please e-mail your response Thank you, Ian M. Dacanay Rodel Agpaoa ------------------------------ Subject: RE: Neuron Digest V5 #20 From: GEURDES%HLERUL55.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Date: Tue, 02 May 89 15:42:00 +0700 I (J.F. Geurdes) am interested in the biochemistry of cognition. When I was a student I wrote a doctorals thesis on the subject of 'quantum biochemistry of arginine-9-vasopressine' ,a study in which molecular parameters like net atomic charge and gross conformation where correlated with effectivity of substituents of Arg-VP (effectivity data where obtained from experiments of De Wied an authority on the subject of neuropeptides ). I regretted to quit this type of research. The main conclusion of my study was that the subject is terrible difficult but equal interesting. A preliminary conclusion could be drawn however. The electrostatic picture of the 'tail' of this peptide seems to be of some importance in the binding to 'memory intermediate receptors in the brain. I am eager to hear what your reference (Perth it was ?) has to say on the subject. Greetings J.F. Geurdes ------------------------------ Subject: Position Available From: (Kim Plunkett) Organization: DAIMI: Computer Science Department, Aarhus University, Denmark Date: Thu, 27 Apr 89 15:11:52 +0000 The Institute of Psychology, University of Aarhus, Denmark is announcing a new position at the Associate Professor level. Applicants should document research within the area of psychology or Cognitive Science which involves the relation between information and computer technology, and psychological processes. Qualifications within the latter area - the relation to computer technology and psychology - will be given special consideration. For further details, please contact Dr. Kim Plunkett: psykimp@dkarh02.bitnet (Deadline for receipt of applications: June 2nd, 1989) ------------------------------ Subject: request - Parallel Theorem Proving From: Date: Sat, 13 May 89 13:54:19 -0000 I am interested in hearing about any work that is being done in the area of automatic theorem proving using massively parallel systems. Besides the work of Derthick at CMU and of Ballard at Rochester; are there any other novel approaches? If anyone is actively researching into this area perhaps we could exchange ideas. Thanks, Pete Rawlins. email: ------------------------------ Subject: SAIC's Bomb "Sniffer" From: (John McInerney) Date: Wed, 03 May 89 10:18:11 -0700 I just saw reported in EE Times: Neural nose to sniff out explosives at JFK airport Santa Clara, Calif.-- The Federal Aviation Administration next month will install the first neural-based bomb detector at New York's JFK International Airport. Later the article goes on to quote an FAA spokesman to say, "in line with the basic premise the FAA is trying to follow of getting the human being out of the loop." I find the above very interesting expecially in contrast to Winston's plenary talk at AAAI 87 where he said that he would not trust a neural network in a nuclear power plant. (I hope I am not misquoting him.) My feeling at the time was that a neural network is exactly the kind of system that you would want. Instead of having the system die with "IBSLOG SYSTEM ERROR SYSTAT *.* CORE DUMPED; EXPECTED '= ON INPUT LINE 17" the net would do something "more reasonable." What the net would do might not be exactly what a human operator might do, but it is certainly better than crashing because that specific input had never been tested before. Like many others I am concerned about the second statement above regarding "getting the human being out of the loop." In this case there seems to be a problem with the amount of luggage that goes through these systems and the small probabilities of ever finding something. Hopefully the machine can deal with the tedium much better than a human. I guess I feel uneasy with a fully automatic system, given the inherent unreliability of hardware and software (even nets!), in such a life-and-death situations. John McInerney [[Editor's Note: In fact, quite a bit of work is being done in England (University of Glastonberry?) on an "artificial nose." While most of the applications (and funding) has been for food and tobacco applications, the general principles appear as sound as any. The physical setup is a number of different sensors (the chemistry of which still eludes me) which provide variable electric signal when presented with "odors." By combining the output of these sensors into a Neural Network, a reasonably unique signature is obtained by way of traditional signal recognition techniques. The set up has been described as "biologically inspired" though certainly not as complex as Walter Freeman's models. If someone could provide contacts, or a specific reference, I would appreciate it. Otherwise, I'll try to dig out the name of the speaker from that University. I will leave the ethical question of implementing the system described in the message above to readers' discussion. -PM]] ------------------------------ Subject: speech recognition From: HAHN_K%DMRHRZ11.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Date: Thu, 04 May 89 13:58:50 +0700 I'm looking for references concerning connectionist speech recognition, early stages (phoneme recognition, feature extraction) as well as later processing (word recognition etc.). I'd appreciate any pointers. Thanx, Klaus. Klaus Hahn Bitnet: HAHN_K@DMRHRZ11 Department of Psychology Gutenbergstr. 18 University of MARBURG D-3550 Marburg West-Germany ------------------------------ Subject: Texture Segmentation using the Boundary Contour System From: dario@techunix.BITNET (Dario Ringach) Organization: Technion - Israel Inst. Tech., Haifa Israel Date: Wed, 12 Apr 89 05:49:36 +0000 How can the Boundary Contour System segment textures with identical second-order statistics? I mean, first-order differences are easily discovered by the "contrast sensitive" cells at the first stage of the BCS (the OC filter), while the CC-loop can account for second- order (dipole) statistics; but how can the BCS segment textures, as the ones presented by Julez [1], which have even identical third-order statistics but are easily discriminable? Is the BCS/FCS model consistent with Julez's Textons theory? If so, in which way? Thanks! Dario Ringach dario@techunix.bitnet [1] B. Julez and R. Bergen, 'Textons, the Fundamental Elements in Preattentive Vision and Perception of Structures', The Bell Technical Journal, Vol. 62, No. 6, pp. 1619, 1983. ------------------------------ End of Neurons Digest *********************