furuta@uw-beaver (Richard Furuta) (11/14/83)
I have created a new fa. group named fa.laser-lovers. This group will receive messages sent to the Arpanet mailing list names laser-lovers@Washington. A certain amount of interest in receiving this group has been expressed through messages in net.unix-wizards. I polled the current membership of laser-lovers and the overall concensus was strongly against setting up a two way list. I think this one way redistribution is the most acceptable solution for all involved. If you want to post material to fa.laser-lovers, you may mail it to ...uw-beaver!laser-lovers To reach uw-beaver, route your message through decvax!uw-beaver, ihnp4!uw-beaver, tektronix!uw-beaver, or ucbvax!lbl-csam!uw-beaver. Laser-lovers mail tends to be somewhat sporatic so don't be worried if several weeks seems to go by between exchanges. One of the reasons I felt it would be better to make this a fa. group rather than a net. group was the sporatic nature of message traffic. If you have any comments, please send them to me directly as I don't really have the time or energy to keep up with netnews these days. --Rick ...decvax!uw-beaver!furuta (uucp) ...ucbvax!lbl-csam!uw-beaver!furuta ...ihnp4!uw-beaver!furuta or Furuta@Washington (ARPAnet)