[comp.ai.neural-nets] Spelling correction

jps@cat.cmu.edu (James Salsman) (06/27/89)

I am searching for neural-net algorithms for spelling
correction.  Given a spelling, the net should indicate
whether it is a vaild word, and if not, suggest plausible
alternate spellings.

I would like to know how big a net would be required to
perform this kind of task.  Also, speed and space
comparisons to traditional programs that suggest alternate
spellings (like "ispell") would be interesting.

There exist many human neural-networks that are very good at
this task.  I am not one of them.  This is such an obvious
Neural-Net/Associative Memory task that there must be
something in the connectionist literature, somewhere.


:James P. Salsman (jps@CAT.CMU.EDU)