(Gary Cottrell) (09/11/89)
My mail is not getting through, so I'll post this: To: chambers Subject: eigenvalues I have found that a linear encoder network (e.g., 64x16x64, use a low learning rate of about .01 with back prop) will converge on a solution that spans the principal subspace, even if it doesn't line up on the principal components. See also Sanger's article in NIPS 88 (the book is 89), and Baldi's article in the same volume, as well as Linsker's for an alternative (ed Touretzy, Morgan Kaufmann). gary cottrell 619-534-6640 Secretary: 619-534-5288 Computer Science and Engineering C-014 UCSD, La Jolla, Ca. 92093 (ARPA) {ucbvax,decvax,akgua,dcdwest}!sdcsvax!gary (USENET) (BITNET)