[comp.ai.neural-nets] Football net: How to implement.

mathis@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Don Mathis) (11/10/89)

For those of you who wanted source code:  Believe me - you DON'T want my
source code!!  Here's how you can code it up yourself - it's really easy:

*There is one unit per team.
*The units are fully connected, and the connections are symmetric.
*The weight between unit i and unit j is equal to the number of times team i
has played team j this year.
*The connection from unit i to itself is equal to MINUS the number of games 
team i has played this year.
*The external input to unit i is equal to the total PF-PA for team i over the 
current season.  (That's points_for minus points_against - it's a constant).

The activations are updated as follows:
* Start all activations at 0.0
Loop until differences between activations converge:
    * For each unit, i,  Input(i)=SUMj(Wij*ACT(j))+ext(i).
      (This is the normal net input rule.)
    * The new ACT(i)=ACT(i)+c*Input(i).    c<1.   (I used c=.1)

That's it!
