[comp.ai.neural-nets] Info retrieval using neural nets

jr15@umd5.umd.edu (CMSC 828R) (11/12/89)

In article <49.254f1972@ccvax.ucd.ie> cshmok@ccvax.ucd.ie writes:
>    I am doing research on Info Retrieval using Neural Nts.
>    Does anybody have any info related to this area ?  > 

Here are a few references neural nets for information retrieval:

Mozer, M. C.  Inductive Information retrieval using parallel
distributed computation.  ICS report No. 8406, Institute for cognitive
science, University of California, San Diego, 1984.

Below, R. K. Adaptive information retrieval: machine learning in
associative networks. Ph.D thesis, Univ.  Michigan, 1986.

Kwok, K. L. A neural network for probabilistic i nformation retrieval.
ACM SIGIR'89, 21-30.

I am also doing research on neural nets for information retrieval. I
would like to see more related information exchanged in this network.