[comp.ai.neural-nets] AI schools

dtroup@carroll1.UUCP (David C. Troup - Skunk Works : 2600hz) (11/11/89)

	Im interested in Graduate Studies after I graduate from Carroll College
	as an AI major. I would like to hear from you out there who feel
	confident obout the AI programs you are enrolled/teaching in. And if
	anyone has any recomendations for schools, I would be most interested
	in hearing from you. Thanks in advance!

"We got computers, we're tapping phone lines, knowin' that ain't allowed"__         _______  _______________    |David C. Troup / Surf Rat                  
    _______)(______   |         |dtroup@carroll1.cc.edu : mail             

dtroup@carroll1.UUCP (David C. Troup - Skunk Works : 2600hz) (11/17/89)

	About a week ago, I posted a message asking for info on schools from
	NetPeople who feel they're curriculum is worth suggesting to an
	undergrad AI major. The responses have been very positive, and I thank
	all of you who have sent mail to me so far. I have been suprised by the
	lack of replys from the 'Big Name' AI institutions. (or perhaps my view
	of the AI community is a little off base :-)

	Some institutions that I thought I might get some mail from would be;
	M.I.T., Carnige Mellon(sp?!), Stanford and others. I am in no way
	suggesting that I am dissapointed in the mail thus far (I am asking for
	admissions information from ALL schools that have been refered to me),
	I would just like to hear about the programs at the above mentioned

	Thank-you to all the people who have sent me mail so far and did not
	get a personal reply from me. 

"We got computers, we're tapping phone lines, knowin' that ain't allowed"__         _______  _______________    |David C. Troup / Surf Rat                  
    _______)(______   |         |dtroup@carroll1.cc.edu : mail             

schiebel@a.cs.wvu.wvnet.edu (Darrell Schiebel) (11/19/89)

In article <863@carroll1.UUCP>, dtroup@carroll1.UUCP (David C. Troup  -  Skunk Works : 2600hz) writes:
> 	About a week ago, I posted a message asking for info on schools from
> 	NetPeople who feel they're curriculum is worth suggesting to an
> 	undergrad AI major. The responses have been very positive, and I thank
> 	all of you who have sent mail to me so far. I have been suprised by the
> 	lack of replys from the 'Big Name' AI institutions. (or perhaps my view
> 	of the AI community is a little off base :-)
>     _______)(______   |         |dtroup@carroll1.cc.edu : mail             

Could you please email or post the responses/summary?  I would very much
appreciate it as I too am a student insearch of a neural net/ai/cognitive
science school.

Many Thanks,

Darrell Schiebel

fvl@a.cs.okstate.edu (Freddy Viso) (11/23/89)

In article <549@h.cs.wvu.wvnet.edu> schiebel@a.cs.wvu.wvnet.edu (Darrell Schiebel) writes:


>Could you please email or post the responses/summary?  I would very much
>appreciate it as I too am a student insearch of a neural net/ai/cognitive
>science school.


Here it goes another vote for posting the above info on this group ...

Thanks in advance,

Freddy Viso.

anoop@svax.cs.cornell.edu (Anoop Kumar Mangalick) (11/28/89)

Here is another request for the list of schools in Cognitive Science.


sofmac@porthos.rutgers.edu (Sofus Macskassy) (11/28/89)

Here is yet another request for the list of schools...
