neuron-request@HPLABS.HP.COM ("Neuron-Digest Moderator Peter Marvit") (01/11/90)
Neuron Digest Wednesday, 10 Jan 1990 Volume 6 : Issue 2 Today's Topics: What is a Symbol System? Re: What is a Symbol System? Re: What is a Symbol System? Re: What is a Symbol System? Re: What is a Symbol System? Re: What is a Symbol System? Re: What is a Symbol System? Re: What is a Symbol System? Re: What is a Symbol System? What is a symbol system? Re: What is a Symbol System? Send submissions, questions, address maintenance and requests for old issues to "" or "{any backbone,uunet}!hplabs!neuron-request" Use "ftp" to get old issues from ( ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: What is a Symbol System? From: harnad@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (S. R. Harnad) Organization: Princeton University, NJ Date: 20 Nov 89 04:39:12 +0000 What is a symbol system? From Newell (1980) Pylyshyn (1984), Fodor (1987) and the classical work of Von Neumann, Turing, Goedel, Church, etc.(see Kleene 1969) on the foundations of computation, we can reconstruct the following definition: A symbol system is: (1) a set of arbitrary PHYSICAL TOKENS (scratches on paper, holes on a tape, events in a digital computer, etc.) that are (2) manipulated on the basis of EXPLICIT RULES that are (3) likewise physical tokens and STRINGS of tokens. The rule-governed symbol-token manipulation is based (4) purely on the SHAPE of the symbol tokens (not their "meaning"), i.e., it is purely SYNTACTIC, and consists of (5) RULEFULLY COMBINING and recombining symbol tokens. There are (6) primitive ATOMIC symbol tokens and (7) COMPOSITE symbol-token strings. The entire system and all its parts -- the atomic tokens, the composite tokens, the syntactic manipulations (both actual and possible) and the rules -- are all (8) SEMANTICALLY INTERPRETABLE: The syntax can be SYSTEMATICALLY assigned a meaning (e.g., as standing for objects, as describing states of affairs). According to proponents of the symbolic model of mind such as Fodor (1980) and Pylyshyn (1980, 1984), symbol-strings of this sort capture what mental phenomena such as thoughts and beliefs are. Symbolists emphasize that the symbolic level (for them, the mental level) is a natural functional level of its own, with ruleful regularities that are independent of their specific physical realizations. For symbolists, this implementation-independence is the critical difference between cognitive phenomena and ordinary physical phenomena and their respective explanations. This concept of an autonomous symbolic level also conforms to general foundational principles in the theory of computation and applies to all the work being done in symbolic AI, the branch of science that has so far been the most successful in generating (hence explaining) intelligent behavior. All eight of the properties listed above seem to be critical to this definition of symbolic. Many phenomena have some of the properties, but that does not entail that they are symbolic in this explicit, technical sense. It is not enough, for example, for a phenomenon to be INTERPRETABLE as rule-governed, for just about anything can be interpreted as rule-governed. A thermostat may be interpreted as following the rule: Turn on the furnace if the temperature goes below 70 degrees and turn it off if it goes above 70 degrees, yet nowhere in the thermostat is that rule explicitly represented. Wittgenstein (1953) emphasized the difference between EXPLICIT and IMPLICIT rules: It is not the same thing to "follow" a rule (explicitly) and merely to behave "in accordance with" a rule (implicitly). The critical difference is in the compositeness (7) and systematicity (8) criteria. The explicitly represented symbolic rule is part of a formal system, it is decomposable (unless primitive), its application and manipulation is purely formal (syntactic, shape-dependent), and the entire system must be semantically interpretable, not just the chunk in question. An isolated ("modular") chunk cannot be symbolic; being symbolic is a combinatory, systematic property. So the mere fact that a behavior is "interpretable" as ruleful does not mean that it is really governed by a symbolic rule. Semantic interpretability must be coupled with explicit representation (2), syntactic manipulability (4), and systematicity (8) in order to be symbolic. None of these criteria is arbitrary, and, as far as I can tell, if you weaken them, you lose the grip on what looks like a natural category and you sever the links with the formal theory of computation, leaving a sense of "symbolic" that is merely unexplicated metaphor (and probably differs from speaker to speaker). Any rival definitions, counterexamples or amplifications? Excerpted from: Harnad, S. (1990) The Symbol Grounding Problem. Physica D (in press) - ----------------------------------------------------- References: Fodor, J. A. (1975) The language of thought. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Fodor, J. A. (1987) Psychosemantics. Cambridge MA: MIT/Bradford. Fodor, J. A. & Pylyshyn, Z. W. (1988) Connectionism and cognitive architecture: A critical appraisal. Cognition 28: 3 - 71. Harnad, S. (1989) Minds, Machines and Searle. Journal of Theoretical and Experimental Artificial Intelligence 1: 5-25. Kleene, S. C. (1969) Formalized recursive functionals and formalized realizability. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society. Newell, A. (1980) Physical Symbol Systems. Cognitive Science 4: 135-83. Pylyshyn, Z. W. (1980) Computation and cognition: Issues in the foundations of cognitive science. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3: 111-169. Pylyshyn, Z. W. (1984) Computation and cognition. Cambridge MA: MIT/Bradford Turing, A. M. (1964) Computing machinery and intelligence. In: Minds and machines, A.R. Anderson (ed.), Engelwood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall. Stevan Harnad INTERNET: harnad@princeton.uucp CSNET: BITNET: harnad1@umass.bitnet harnad@pucc.bitnet (609)-921-7771 ------------------------------ Subject: Re: What is a Symbol System? From: fateman@renoir.Berkeley.EDU (Richard Fateman) Organization: University of California, Berkeley Date: 20 Nov 89 17:19:49 +0000 >A symbol system is: > >(1) a set of arbitrary PHYSICAL TOKENS (scratches on paper, holes on >a tape, events in a digital computer, etc.) that are ......> [manipulated based on a rule system that is] >i.e., it is purely SYNTACTIC, .... If you believe the syntactic rules (a^b)^c <--> a^(b*c) and a*b <--> b*a then - -1 = (-1)^1 = (-1)^(2* (1/2)) = ((-1)^2)^1/2) = 1^(1/2) = 1. from which anything else can be proven. So if you want to do mathematics correctly, this approach or representation is wrong. .... >All eight of the properties listed above seem to be critical to this >definition of symbolic. Many phenomena have some of the properties, but >that does not entail that they are symbolic in this explicit, technical >sense. In other words, with respect to symbolic mathematical symbol manipulation systems, Harnad is making an observation that pertains to those "syntactic" ones which (perhaps inevitably incorrectly) manipulate uninterpreted trees. His observation is merely that anything else should not be called a "symbol system". Since usage contradicts Harnad's contention, what's the point? Should we change the name of our newsgroup? :) Richard Fateman ------------------------------ Subject: Re: What is a Symbol System? From: (Greg Lee) Organization: University of Hawaii Date: 20 Nov 89 18:32:22 +0000 " ... " Wittgenstein (1953) emphasized the difference between EXPLICIT and " IMPLICIT rules: [[...]] `Explicit' is not the same thing as `explicitly represented'. I'm not sure I see how all the rules could be formalized, but in any case, they needn't be. Greg, ------------------------------ Subject: Re: What is a Symbol System? From: mcdermott-drew@CS.YALE.EDU (Drew McDermott) Organization: Yale University Computer Science Dept, New Haven CT 06520-2158 Date: 20 Nov 89 18:44:01 +0000 [[Regarding Harnad's list of symbol systems]] I have two quibbles with this list: (a) Items 2&3: I agree that the rules have to be explicit, but they are usually written in a different notation from the one they manipulate. Example: A theorem prover written in Lisp. Another example: The weights in a neural net. (b) Item 8: Why is it necessary that a symbol system have a semantics in order to be a symbol system? I mean, you can define it any way you like, but then most AI programs wouldn't be symbol systems in your sense. I and others have spent some time arguing that symbol systems *ought* to have a semantics, and it's odd to be told that I was arguing in favor of a tautology. (Or that, now that I've changed my mind, I believe a contradiction.) Perhaps you have in mind that a system couldn't really think, or couldn't really refer to the outside world without all of its symbols being part of some seamless Tarskian framework. (Of course, *you* don't think this, but you feel that charity demands you impute this belief to your opponents.) I think you have to buy several extra premises about the potency of knowledge representation to believe that formal semantics is that crucial. -- Drew McDermott ------------------------------ Subject: Re: What is a Symbol System? From: geddis@Neon.Stanford.EDU (Donald F. Geddis) Organization: Computer Science Department, Stanford University Date: 20 Nov 89 20:38:23 +0000 In previous article fateman@renoir.Berkeley.EDU (Richard Fateman) writes: >If you believe the syntactic rules (a^b)^c <--> a^(b*c) and a*b <--> b*a then >-1 = (-1)^1 = (-1)^(2* (1/2)) = ((-1)^2)^1/2) = 1^(1/2) = 1. 1^(1/2) = (-1 or 1), not just 1. Your last step was not one of the "syntactic rules" that I "believe". If you reverse the order, so you start with 1=1 and then go to 1=1^(1/2), that is false, in the strict sense. The left-hand side is equivalent to 1, while the right-hand side is equivalent to (-1 or 1). -- Don Geddis Geddis@CS.Stanford.Edu "There is no dark side of the moon, really. Matter of fact, it's all dark." ------------------------------ Subject: Re: What is a Symbol System? From: (Dan Hardt) Organization: University of Pennsylvania Date: 20 Nov 89 22:06:40 +0000 I'm not sure how you can sharply distinguish between a system that is interpretable as rule-governed and one that is explicitly rule governed. Perhaps you have in mind a connectionist network on the one hand, where what is syntactically represented might be things like weights of connections, and the rules only emerge from the overall behavior of the system; on the other hand, an expert system, where the rules are all explicitly written in some logical notation. Would you characterize the connectionist network as only interpretable as being rule-governed, and the expert system as being explicitly rule governed? If it is that sort of distinction you have in mind, I'm not sure how the criteria given allow you make it. If fact, I wonder how you can rule out any turing machine. ------------------------------ Subject: Re: What is a Symbol System? From: harnad@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (S. R. Harnad) Organization: Princeton University, NJ Date: 20 Nov 89 22:07:02 +0000 mcdermott-drew@CS.YALE.EDU (Drew McDermott) of Yale University Computer Science Dept asked: > Why is it necessary that a symbol system have a semantics in order to > be a symbol system? I mean, you can define it any way you like, but > then most AI programs wouldn't be symbol systems in your sense. > > Perhaps you have in mind that a system couldn't really think, or > couldn't really refer to the outside world without all of its symbols > being part of some seamless Tarskian framework... I think you have to > buy several extra premises about the potency of knowledge > representation to believe that formal semantics is that crucial. I'd rather not define it any way I like. I'd rather pin people down on a definition that won't keep slipping away, reducing all disagrements about what symbol systems can and can't do to mere matters of interpretation. I gave semantic interpretability as a criterion, because it really seems to be one of the properties people have in mind when they single out symbol systems. However, semantic interpretability is not the same as having an intrinsic semantics, in the sense that mental processes do. But I made no reference to anything mental ("thinking," reference," "knowledge") in the definition. So the only thing at issue is whether a symbol system is required to be semantically interpretable. Are you really saying that most AI programs are not? I.e., that if asked what this or that piece of code means or does, the programmer would reply: "Beats me! It's just crunching a bunch of meaningless and uninterpretable symbols." No, I still think an obvious sine qua non of both the formal symbol systems of mathematics and the computer programs of computer science and AI is that they ARE semantically interpretable. Stevan Harnad Department of Psychology Princeton University harnad@pucc.bitnet (609)-921-7771 ------------------------------ Subject: Re: What is a Symbol System? From: harnad@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (S. R. Harnad) Organization: Princeton University, NJ Date: 21 Nov 89 01:06:33 +0000 [[ Referencing Dan Hardt's previous message ]] I'm willing to let the chips fall where they may. All I'm trying to do is settle on criteria for what does and does not count as symbol, symbol system, symbol manipulation. Here is an easy example. I think it contains all the essentials: We have two Rube Goldberg devices, both beginning with a string you pull, and both ending with a hammer that smashes a piece of china. Whenever you pull the string, the china gets smashed by the hammer in both systems. The question is: Given that they can both be described as conforming to the rule "If the string is pulled, smash the china," is this rule explicitly represented in both systems? Let's look at them more closely: One turns out to be pure causal throughput: The string is attached to the hammer, which is poised like a lever. Pull the string and the hammer goes down. Bang! In the other system the string actuates a transducer which sends a data bit to a computer program capable of controlling a variety of devices all over the country. Some of its input can come from strings at other locations, some from airline reservations, some from missile control systems. Someone has written a lot of flexible code. Among the primitives of the system are symbol tokens such as STRING, ROPE, CABLE, PULL, HAMMER, TICKET, BOMB, LOWER, LAUNCH, etc. In particular, one symbol string is "IF PULL STRING(I), LOWER HAMMER(J)," and this sends out a data bit that triggers and effector that brings the hammer down. Bang! The system also represents "If PULL STRING(J), LOWER HAMMER(J)," "IF PULL STRING(J), RELEASE MISSILE(K)," etc. etc. The elements can be recombined as you would expected, based on a gloss of their meanings, and the overall interpretation of what they stand for is systematically sustained. (Not all possible symbol combinations are enabled, necessarily, but they all make systematic sense.) The explicitness of rules and representations is based on this combinatory semantics. It is in the latter kind of symbol economy that the rule is said to be explicitly represented. The criteria I listed do allow me to make this distinction. And I'm certainly not interested in ruling out a Turing Machine -- the symbol system par excellence. The extent to which connectionist networks can and do represent rules explicitly is still unsettled. Stevan Harnad Department of Psychology Princeton University harnad@pucc.bitnet (609)-921-7771 ------------------------------ Subject: Re: What is a Symbol System? From: Mitsuharu Hadeishi <well!> Date: Mon, 20 Nov 89 19:31:20 -0800 This is an interesting question. First of all, I think it is clear that since a recurrent neural network can emulate any finite-state automaton that they are Turing equivalent goes almost without saying, so it is also clear that recurrent NNs should be capable of the symbolic-level processing of which you speak. First of all, however, I'd like to address the symbolist point of view that higher-level cognition is purely symbolic, irrespective of the implementation scheme. I submit this is patently absurd. Symbolic representations of thought are simply models of how we think, and quite crude models at that. They happen to have several redeeming qualities however, among them that they are simple, well-defined, and easy to manipulate. However, in truth, though it is clear that many operations (such as syntactic analysis of language) operate within the structure, at least in part, of symbolic processing, others go outside (such as understanding a subtle poem). In addition, there are many other forms of higher-level cognition, such as that which visual artists engage themselves in, which do not easily lend themselves to symbolic decomposition. I submit that even everyday actions and thoughts do not follow any strict symbolic decomposition, though to some degree of approximation they can be modelled *as though* they were following rules of some kind. I think the comparison between rule-based and analog systems is apt; however, in my opinion it is the analog systems which have the greater flexibility, or one might say economy of expression. That is to say, inasmuch as one can emulate one with the other they are equivalent, but given limitations on complexity and size I think it is clear the complex analog dynamical systems have the edge. The fact is that as a model for the world or how we think rule-based representations are sorely lacking. It is similar to trying to paint a landscape using polygons; one can do it, but it is not particularly well-suited for the task, except in very simple situations (or situations where the landscape happens to be man-made.) We should not confuse the map with the territory. Just because we happen to have this crude model for thinking, i.e., the symbolic model, does not mean that is *how* we think. We may even describe our decisions this way, but the intractability of AI problems except for very limited-domain applications indicates or suggests the weaknesses with our model. For example, natural language systems only work with extremely limited context. The fact that they do work at all is evidence that our symbolic models are not completely inadequate, however, that they are limited in domain suggests they are nonetheless mere approximations. Connectionist models, I believe, have much greater chance at capturing the true complexity of cognitive systems. In addition, the recent introduction of fuzzy reasoning and nonmonotonic logic are extensions of the symbolic model which certainly improve the situation, but also point out the main weaknesses with symbolic models of cognition. Symbolic models address only one aspect of the thinking process, perhaps not even the most important part. For example, a master chess player typically only considers about a hundred possible moves, yet can beat a computer program that considers tens of thousands of moves. The intractability of even more difficult problems than chess also points this out. Before the symbolic engine can be put into action, a great deal of pre-processing goes on which will likely not be best described in symbolic terms. Mitsu Hadeishi Open Mind 16110 S. Western Avenue Gardena, CA 90247 (213) 532-1654 (213) 327-4994 ------------------------------ Subject: What is a symbol system? From: Date: Tue, 21 Nov 89 14:29:24 -0400 Steve Harnad has invited rival definitions of the notion of a symbol system. I formulated the following (tentative) definition as a basis for discussion in a connectionism course I taught last year. After stating the definition I'll discuss some of the ways it differs from Harnad's. PROPERTIES OF DISCRETE SYMBOL SYSTEMS A. Tokens and Types 1. TOKENS can be unerringly separated from the background. 2. Tokens can be unambiguously classified as to TYPE. 3. There are a finite number of types. B. Formulas and Schemata 1. Tokens can be put into relationships with one another. 2. A FORMULA is an assemblage of interrelated tokens. 3. Formulas comprise a finite number of tokens. 4. Every formula results from a computation (see below) starting from a given token. 5. A SCHEMA is a class of relationships among tokens that depends only on the types of those tokens. 6. It can be unerringly determined whether a formula belongs to a given schema. C. Rules 1. Rules describe ANALYSIS and SYNTHESIS. 2. Analysis determines if a formula belongs to a given schema. 3. Synthesis constructs a formula belonging to a given schema. 4. It can be unerringly determined whether a rule applies to a given formula, and what schema will result from applying that rule to that formula. 5. A computational process is described by a finite set of rules. D. Computation 1. A COMPUTATION is the successive application of the rules to a given initial formula. 2. A computation comprises a finite number of rule appli- cations. COMPARISON WITH HARNAD'S DEFINITION 1. Note that my terminology is a little different from Steve's: his "atomic tokens" are my "tokens", his "composite tokens" are my "formulas". He refers to the "shape" of tokens, whereas I distinguish the "type" of an (atomic) token from the "schema" of a formula (composite token). 2. So far as I can see, Steve's definition does not include anything corresponding to my A.1, A.2, B.6 and C.4. There are all "exactness" properties -- central, although rarely stated, assumptions in the theory of formal systems. For example, A.1 and A.2 say that we (or a Turing machine) can tell when we're looking at a symbol, where it begins and ends, and what it is. It is important to state these assumptions, because they need not hold in real-life pattern identification, which is imperfect and inherently fuzzy. One reason connectionism is important is that by questioning these assumptions it makes them salient. 3. Steve's (3) and (7), which require formulas to be LINEAR arrangements of tokens, are too restrictive. There is noth- ing about syntactic arrangement that requires it to be linear (think of the schemata used in long division). Indeed, the relationship between the constituent symbols need not even be spatial (e.g., they could be "arranged" in the frequency domain, e.g., a chord is a formula comprising note tokens). This is the reason my B.5 specified only "relationships" (perhaps I should have said "physical rela- tionships"). 4. Steve nowhere requires his systems to be finite (although it could be argued that this is a consequence of their being PHYSICAL systems). I think finiteness is essential. The theory of computation grew out of Hilbert's finitary approach to the foundations of mathematics, and you don't get the standard theory of computation if infinite formulas, rules, sets of rules, etc. are allowed. Hence my A.3, B.3, C.5, D.2. 5. Steve requires symbol systems to be semantically interpret- able (8), but I think this is an empty requirement. Every symbol system is interpretable -- if only as itself (essen- tially the Herbrand interpretation). Also, mathematicians routinely manipulate formulas (e.g., involving differen- tials) that have no interpretation (in standard mathematics, and ignoring "trivial" Herbrand-like interpretations). 6. Steve's (1) specifies a SET of formulas (physical tokens), but places no restrictions on that set. I'm concerned that this may permit uncountable or highly irregular sets of for- mulas (e.g., all the uncomputable real numbers). I tried to avoid this problem by requiring the formulas to be generat- able by a finite computational process. This seems to hold for all the symbol systems discussed in the literature; in fact the formation rules are usually just a context-free grammar. My B.4 says, in effect, that there is a generative grammar (not necessarily context free) for the formulas, in fact, that the set of formulas is recursively enumerable. 7. My definition does not directly require a rule itself to be expressible as a formula (nearly Steve's 3), but I believe I can derive this from my C.1, C.2, C.3, although I wouldn't want to swear to it. (Here's the idea: C.2 and C.3 imply that analysis and synthesis can be unambiguously described by formulas that are exemplars of those schemata. Hence, by C.1, every rule can be described by two examplars, which are formulas.) Let me stress that the above definition is not final. Please punch holes in it! Bruce MacLennan Department of Computer Science 107 Ayres Hall The University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37996-1301 (615)974-0994/5067 ------------------------------ Subject: Re: What is a Symbol System? From: jiii@visdc.UUCP (John E Van Deusen III) Organization: VI Software Development, Boise, Idaho Date: 21 Nov 89 20:38:57 +0000 > Here is an easy example. I think it contains all the essentials: [[ text omitted ]] I believe that artificial intelligence is only concerned with the problem of if and when to pull one of the strings. Once the string is pulled or not, the result is deterministic. The china may break or it may not, but the result requires no intelligence. It seems kind of clear that if we want to consider artificial intelligence distinct from the chaotic determinism in which it is embedded, we have to resort to some sort of contrived formalism. Like others, I think of intelligence as a recognizer of a language taken over an alphabet of symbols. Not only is this mathematical contraption capable of doing anything, in the sense of "knowing" precisely when to to pull the string, but it is brutishly mechanistic and free from subjective magic, (although seldom possible to build). In such a model it is fruitless to quibble about what is to be included in the set of symbols, since the set of possible languages taken over an alphabet even as simple as {a, b} is infinite. John E Van Deusen III, PO Box 9283, Boise, ID 83707, (208) 343-1865 uunet!visdc!jiii ------------------------------ End of Neurons Digest *********************